1200字范文 > 吴恩达机器学习作业Python实现(七):K-means和PCA主成分分析


时间:2024-03-05 15:04:09




1 K-means Clustering


1.1 Implementing K-means

1.1.1 Finding closest centroids

在K-means算法的分配簇的阶段,算法将每一个训练样本 xix_ixi​ 分配给最接近的簇中心。

c(i)c^{(i)}c(i) 表示离样本xix_ixi​ 最近的簇中心点。uju_juj​ 是第j 个簇中心点的位置(值),

%matplotlib inlineimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom scipy.io import loadmat

def findClosestCentroids(X, centroids):"""output a one-dimensional array idx that holds the index of the closest centroid to every training example."""idx = []max_dist = 1000000 # 限制一下最大距离for i in range(len(X)):minus = X[i] - centroids # here use numpy's broadcastingdist = minus[:,0]**2 + minus[:,1]**2if dist.min() < max_dist:ci = np.argmin(dist)idx.append(ci)return np.array(idx)

接下来使用作业提供的例子,自定义一个centroids,[3, 3], [6, 2], [8, 5],算出结果idx[0:3]应该是 [0, 2, 1]

mat = loadmat('data/ex7data2.mat')# print(mat.keys())X = mat['X']init_centroids = np.array([[3, 3], [6, 2], [8, 5]])idx = findClosestCentroids(X, init_centroids)print(idx[0:3])

[0 2 1]

1.1.2 Computing centroid means


CkC_kCk​ 是我们分配好给簇中心点的样本集。

def computeCentroids(X, idx):centroids = []for i in range(len(np.unique(idx))): # np.unique() means Ku_k = X[idx==i].mean(axis=0) # 求每列的平均值centroids.append(u_k)return np.array(centroids)

computeCentroids(X, idx)

array([[2.42830111, 3.15792418],[5.81350331, 2.63365645],[7.11938687, 3.6166844 ]])

1.2 K-means on example dataset

def plotData(X, centroids, idx=None):"""可视化数据,并自动分开着色。idx: 最后一次迭代生成的idx向量,存储每个样本分配的簇中心点的值centroids: 包含每次中心点历史记录"""colors = ['b','g','gold','darkorange','salmon','olivedrab', 'maroon', 'navy', 'sienna', 'tomato', 'lightgray', 'gainsboro''coral', 'aliceblue', 'dimgray', 'mintcream', 'mintcream']assert len(centroids[0]) <= len(colors), 'colors not enough 'subX = [] # 分号类的样本点if idx is not None:for i in range(centroids[0].shape[0]):x_i = X[idx == i]subX.append(x_i)else:subX = [X] # 将X转化为一个元素的列表,每个元素为每个簇的样本集,方便下方绘图# 分别画出每个簇的点,并着不同的颜色plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) for i in range(len(subX)):xx = subX[i]plt.scatter(xx[:,0], xx[:,1], c=colors[i], label='Cluster %d'%i)plt.legend()plt.grid(True)plt.xlabel('x1',fontsize=14)plt.ylabel('x2',fontsize=14)plt.title('Plot of X Points',fontsize=16)# 画出簇中心点的移动轨迹xx, yy = [], []for centroid in centroids:xx.append(centroid[:,0])yy.append(centroid[:,1])plt.plot(xx, yy, 'rx--', markersize=8)plotData(X, [init_centroids])

def runKmeans(X, centroids, max_iters):K = len(centroids)centroids_all = []centroids_all.append(centroids)centroid_i = centroidsfor i in range(max_iters):idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroid_i)centroid_i = computeCentroids(X, idx)centroids_all.append(centroid_i)return idx, centroids_allidx, centroids_all = runKmeans(X, init_centroids, 20)plotData(X, centroids_all, idx)

1.3 Random initialization


def initCentroids(X, K):"""随机初始化"""m, n = X.shapeidx = np.random.choice(m, K)centroids = X[idx]return centroids


for i in range(3):centroids = initCentroids(X, 3)idx, centroids_all = runKmeans(X, centroids, 10)plotData(X, centroids_all, idx)


1.4 Image compression with K-means


这可以有效地压缩照片。具体地说,您只需要存储16个选中颜色的RGB值,而对于图中的每个像素,现在只需要将该颜色的索引存储在该位置(只需要4 bits就能表示16种可能性)。


1.4.1 K-means on pixels

from skimage import ioA = io.imread('data/bird_small.png')print(A.shape)plt.imshow(A);A = A/255. # Divide by 255 so that all values are in the range 0 - 1

(128, 128, 3)

# Reshape the image into an (N,3) matrix where N = number of pixels.# Each row will contain the Red, Green and Blue pixel values# This gives us our dataset matrix X that we will use K-Means on.X = A.reshape(-1, 3)K = 16centroids = initCentroids(X, K)idx, centroids_all = runKmeans(X, centroids, 10)

img = np.zeros(X.shape)centroids = centroids_all[-1]for i in range(len(centroids)):img[idx == i] = centroids[i]img = img.reshape((128, 128, 3))fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,6))axes[0].imshow(A)axes[1].imshow(img)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x2bd54e4ed68>

2 Principal Component Analysis


2.1 Example Dataset



mat = loadmat('data/ex7data1.mat')X = mat['X']print(X.shape)plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], facecolors='none', edgecolors='b')

(50, 2)

2.2 Implementing PCA


计算数据的方差矩阵用SVD计算特征向量(U1,U2,...,Un)(U_1, U_2, ..., U_n)(U1​,U2​,...,Un​)





def featureNormalize(X):means = X.mean(axis=0)stds = X.std(axis=0, ddof=1)X_norm = (X - means) / stdsreturn X_norm, means, stds

由于我们的协方差矩阵为X.T@X, X中每行为一条数据,我们是想要对列(特征)做压缩。

这里由于是对协方差矩阵做SVD(), 所以得到的入口基其实为 V‘,出口基为V,可以打印出各自的shape来判断。

故我们这里是对 数据集的列 做压缩。


def pca(X):sigma = (X.T @ X) / len(X)U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(sigma)return U, S, V

X_norm, means, stds = featureNormalize(X)U, S, V = pca(X_norm)print(U[:,0]) plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], facecolors='none', edgecolors='b')plt.plot([means[0], means[0] + 1.5*S[0]*U[0,0]], [means[1], means[1] + 1.5*S[0]*U[0,1]],c='r', linewidth=3, label='First Principal Component')plt.plot([means[0], means[0] + 1.5*S[1]*U[1,0]], [means[1], means[1] + 1.5*S[1]*U[1,1]],c='g', linewidth=3, label='Second Principal Component')plt.grid()# changes limits of x or y axis so that equal increments of x and y have the same length# 不然看着不垂直,不舒服。:)plt.axis("equal") plt.legend()

[-0.70710678 -0.70710678]

2.3 Dimensionality Reduction with PCA

2.3.1 Projecting the data onto the principal components

def projectData(X, U, K):Z = X @ U[:,:K]return Z

# project the first example onto the first dimension # and you should see a value of about 1.481Z = projectData(X_norm, U, 1)Z[0]


2.3.2 Reconstructing an approximation of the data


def recoverData(Z, U, K):X_rec = Z @ U[:,:K].Treturn X_rec

# you will recover an approximation of the first example and you should see a value of# about [-1.047 -1.047].X_rec = recoverData(Z, U, 1)X_rec[0]

array([-1.04741883, -1.04741883])

2.3.3 Visualizing the projections

plt.figure(figsize=(7,5))plt.axis("equal") plot = plt.scatter(X_norm[:,0], X_norm[:,1], s=30, facecolors='none', edgecolors='b',label='Original Data Points')plot = plt.scatter(X_rec[:,0], X_rec[:,1], s=30, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r',label='PCA Reduced Data Points')plt.title("Example Dataset: Reduced Dimension Points Shown",fontsize=14)plt.xlabel('x1 [Feature Normalized]',fontsize=14)plt.ylabel('x2 [Feature Normalized]',fontsize=14)plt.grid(True)for x in range(X_norm.shape[0]):plt.plot([X_norm[x,0],X_rec[x,0]],[X_norm[x,1],X_rec[x,1]],'k--')# 输入第一项全是X坐标,第二项都是Y坐标plt.legend()

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2bd54da7b70>

2.4 Face Image Dataset


mat = loadmat('data/ex7faces.mat')X = mat['X']print(X.shape)

(5000, 1024)

def displayData(X, row, col):fig, axs = plt.subplots(row, col, figsize=(8,8))for r in range(row):for c in range(col):axs[r][c].imshow(X[r*col + c].reshape(32,32).T, cmap = 'Greys_r')axs[r][c].set_xticks([])axs[r][c].set_yticks([])displayData(X, 10, 10)

2.4.1 PCA on Faces

X_norm, means, stds = featureNormalize(X)U, S, V = pca(X_norm)

U.shape, S.shape

((1024, 1024), (1024,))

displayData(U[:,:36].T, 6, 6)

2.4.2 Dimensionality Reduction

z = projectData(X_norm, U, K=36)

X_rec = recoverData(z, U, K=36)

displayData(X_rec, 10, 10)
