1200字范文 > sql语句用变量替换表名_使用内存优化表替换SQL临时表和表变量


时间:2018-11-07 07:40:21




TempDB usage can be considered as a performance bottleneck for workloads that use SQL temp tables and table variables intensively resulted in heavy IO usage. A valuable alternatives for the SQL temp table and table variable are SCHEMA_ONLY Memory-Optimized tables and the Memory-optimized Table Variable, where the data will be completely stored in the memory without the need to touch the TempDB database, providing the best data access performance. SCHEMA_ONLY Memory-Optimized table and the Memory-optimized Table Variable are stored only in the memory with no related component in the disk. It involves no IO activity or TempDB utilization. It can also participate in the transactions without the need to log the transactions.

对于使用SQL临时表和大量使用表变量导致IO大量使用的工作负载,可以将TempDB使用视为性能瓶颈。 SCHEMA_ONLY内存优化表和内存优化表变量是SQL临时表和表变量的宝贵替代品,其中数据将完全存储在内存中,而无需触摸TempDB数据库,从而提供最佳的数据访问性能。 SCHEMA_ONLY内存优化表和内存优化表变量仅存储在内存中,而磁盘中没有相关组件。 它不涉及IO活动或TempDB利用率。 它也可以参与交易,而无需记录交易。

In this article, we will prove practically that the SCHEMA_ONLY Memory-Optimized Table and the Memory- Optimized Variable Tables are the best replacements for the SQL temp tables and variable tables with better CPU, IO and execution time performance.


SQL Server In-Memory OLTP, also known as ‘Hekaton’, is a new in-memory processing technology that was introduced in SQL Server , integrated into the SQL Server Database Engine and optimized for an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) workload.

SQL Server内存中OLTP,也称为“ Hekaton”,是SQL Server 中引入的一种新的内存中处理技术,已集成到SQL Server数据库引擎中,并针对联机事务处理(OLTP)工作负载进行了优化。

In-Memory OLTP introduces three new data structures;


Memory-Optimized Tablesthat store its data into memory in multiple versions without causing any locks or latches on the data, as it reads from the underlying disk only during the database recovery, achieving the best performance and the most efficient data access.内存优化表,可以将其数据以多种版本存储到内存中,而不会导致数据上的任何锁或闩锁,因为它仅在数据库恢复期间从基础磁盘读取数据,从而实现了最佳性能和最有效的数据访问。 The second data structure isNatively-Compiled Stored Proceduresthat are compiled to native code (DLL) when they is created and interact only with Memory-Optimized Tables, where any call to that Natively-Compiled Stored Procedure is a call to its related DLL, providing the most efficient query processing and business logic execution. 第二种数据结构是本机编译的存储过程,该过程在创建时会编译为本机代码(DLL),并且仅与内存优化表进行交互,其中对该本地编译的存储过程的任何调用都是对其相关DLL的调用,提供最有效的查询处理和业务逻辑执行。Memory-Optimized Table Variablethat is created using the Memory Optimized Table Type. SQL Server generates a DLL for each created Memory-Optimized Table Type that includes the functions required for accessing the indexes and retrieving data from the related Memory-Optimized Table Variable. When that table variable is created using that table type, an instance of the table type components will be created on that table.变量。 SQL Server为每个创建的内存优化表类型生成一个DLL,其中包括访问索引和从相关的内存优化表变量中检索数据所需的功能。 当使用该表类型创建该表变量时,将在该表上创建表类型组件的实例。

组态 (Configuration)

Memory-Optimized tables can be configured asDurableto recover data in the case of any failure from the transaction logs, which is the default setting, or configured asNon-Durablewhere the data will not be recovered in the case of failure as the memory buffers will be flushed. The durable setting is used for tables with many updates on daily basis, where any change is required. And the Non-Durable setting is useful in the case of the staging tables that are used for temporary calculations and truncated on daily basis. Setting the Durability option toSCHEMA_ONLYvalue will recover the table schema only in the case of any failure, where theSCHEMA_AND_DATADurability value will recover both the schema and the data in the case of any failure.

内存优化表可以配置为“持久”以在事务日志出现任何故障的情况下恢复数据(这是默认设置),也可以配置为“非持久”,其中在发生故障的情况下无法恢复数据作为内存缓冲区将被刷新。 持久设置用于每天需要多次更新的表,需要进行任何更改。 对于用于临时计算并每天被截断的登台表,“非持久”设置很有用。 将Durability选项设置为SCHEMA_ONLY值将仅在发生任何故障的情况下恢复表模式,而SCHEMA_AND_DATADurability值将在发生任何故障的情况下恢复模式和数据。

Another option that should be set when defining non-clustered indexes, while creating the Memory-Optimized Tables, taking into consideration that the clustered index is not supported in the Memory-Optimized Tabled, is theBUCKET_COUNT. The Microsoft recommended value for that option is between 1.5 to 2 times the estimated number of unique values for the column involved in the non-clustered index.

考虑到内存优化表中不支持聚集索引,在创建非内存索引时创建内存优化表时应设置的另一个选项是BUCKET_COUNT。 Microsoft对于该选项的建议值是非聚集索引中涉及的列的唯一值的估计数量的1.5到2倍。

局限性 (Limitations)

There are some Memory-Optimized OLTP features limitations in SQL Server that are resolved in SQL Server , such as the supported collation for the string columns involved in the non-clustered index, where the only supported collation was the *_BIN2 collation. Now SQL Server supports all collation types for that kind of columns.

SQL Server 中有一些内存优化的OLTP功能限制,SQL Server 中已解决这些限制,例如,非聚集索引所涉及的字符串列的受支持的排序规则,其中唯一受支持的归类是* _BIN2排序规则。 现在,SQL Server 支持此类列的所有排序规则类型。

Another limitation in SQL Server is that you can’t ALTER any Memory-Optimized Table after creating it, but it is allowed now in SQL Server .

SQL Server 中的另一个限制是创建表后不能更改任何内存优化表,但是SQL Server 现在允许使用它。

Also, many other features are supported now in SQL Server such as

此外,SQL Server 现在还支持许多其他功能,例如

ALTER the Natively-Compiled Stored procedures, 更改本机编译的存储过程, Transparent Data Encryption, 透明数据加密 DML triggers in the Memory-Optimized Tables, 内存优化表中的DML触发器, Natively-compiled scalar user-defined functions, 本机编译的标量用户定义函数, Indexes on null-able columns, 可空列的索引, Parallel plan execution for the operations that access the Memory Optimized tables, 访问内存优化表的操作的并行计划执行, the use of LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOIN, UNION and UNION ALL, SELECT DISTINCT, 使用LEFT和RIGHT OUTER JOIN,UNION和UNION ALL,SELECT DISTINCT, OR and NOT statements, OR和NOT语句, Nested SELECT statements and stored procedures calling and Large Objects (LOB) usage such as VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX) or VARBINARY(MAX). 嵌套的SELECT语句和存储过程调用以及大对象(LOB)用法,例如VARCHAR(MAX),NVARCHAR(MAX)或VARBINARY(MAX)。

The Memory-Optimized OLTP feature is available in SQL Server Enterprise Edition only, but in SQL Server SP1, it is available now in the Standard, Web and Express Editions too.

内存优化的OLTP功能仅在SQL Server Enterprise Edition中可用,但在SQL Server SP1中,现在在Standard Edition,Web Edition和Express Edition中也可用。

In this article’s demo we will compare the performance of using five tables types; the SCHEMA_ONLY Memory-Optimized Table, the normal SQL temp table, the physical table, the normal variable table and the Memory- Optimized Variable Table.

在本文的演示中,我们将比较使用五种表类型的性能。 SCHEMA_ONLY内存优化表,常规SQL临时表,物理表,常规变量表和内存优化变量表。

We will start our demo by preparing the SQLShackDemo test database to host Memory-Optimized tables. This can be achieved by adding a new filegroup that will contain the Memory_Optimized_Data and create a data file under that filegroup. Once the filegroup and database data file created, we will enable the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT option that is used to lessen the need to have table hints on the Memory-Optimized Tables:

我们将通过准备SQLShackDemo测试数据库来托管内存优化表来开始演示。 这可以通过添加一个新文件组来实现,该文件组将包含Memory_Optimized_Data并在该文件组下创建一个数据文件。 创建文件组和数据库数据文件后,我们将启用MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT选项,该选项用于减少在内存优化表上具有表提示的需求:


You can verify that the Memory-Optimized filegroup is added or add it from the Filegroups page of the Database Properties window as follows:


After that, we will create the Memory-Optimized Table by turning on the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED option on that table and set the Durability to SCHEMA_ONLY as mentioned previously to simulate the case of SQL temp table, where the table schema will be recovered only in the case of restart or crash:



We will create also a normal physical table that will be used to store the data temporarily:


USE SQLShackDemo GOCREATE TABLE [PhysicalTempTable]([ID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL ,[First_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL,[Last_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_PhysicalTempTable]PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (ID ASC))GO

In order to create the Memory-Optimized Variable Table, we should create a Memory-Optimized Table Type using the CREATE TYPE statement as below:

为了创建内存优化的变量表,我们应该使用CREATE TYPE语句创建一个内存优化的表类型,如下所示:

USE SQLShackDemo GOCREATE TYPE MemoryOptTabVar as TABLE ([ID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL ,[First_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL,[Last_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL,INDEX IX_MemoryOptTabVar_ID NONCLUSTERED (ID)) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON)GO

And to complete the full scenario, we will create five stored procedures, with simple INSERT statements to fill the five tables types mentioned previously. In the case of the normal SQL temp table, variable table and Memory-Optimized Variable Table, the table definition will be included within the stored procedure itself as in the below script:

为了完成整个场景,我们将创建五个存储过程,并使用简单的INSERT语句填充前面提到的五种表类型。 对于普通SQL临时表,变量表和内存优化的变量表,表定义将包含在存储过程本身中,如以下脚本所示:

USE SQLShackDemo GOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TempDB_TempTableTest --- Normal SQL temp tableASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;CREATE TABLE #NorTempTable (ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED, [First_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL, [Last_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL)INSERT INTO #NorTempTable (First_Name,Last_Name) VALUES ('Sanya','J')DROP TABLE #NorTempTableENDGOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MemoryOptTableTest --- Memory Optimized SQL temp tableASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;INSERT INTO MemoryOptTempTable (First_Name,Last_Name) VALUES ('Sanya','J')ENDGOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.PhysicalTableTest --- Physical SQL temp tableASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;INSERT INTO [PhysicalTempTable] (First_Name,Last_Name) VALUES ('Sanya','J')ENDGOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.VariableTable --- normal variable TableASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @variableTab TABLE (ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, [First_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL, [Last_Name] nvarchar(10) NULL) ;INSERT@variableTab (First_Name,Last_Name) VALUES ('Sanya','J')ENDGOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MemoryOptVarTable --- Memory Optimized variable TableASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @MemOptVarTab MemoryOptTabVar ;INSERT @MemOptVarTab (First_Name,Last_Name) VALUES ('Sanya','J')ENDGO

To perform our testing, we will execute the five stored procedures and use it to insert 20000 records each time, leaving 5 seconds delay between each execution to make it easy for us to get the performance difference between it. We will use the PerfMon performance counters monitoring tool to check the performance of these tables, where we will monitor theProcessorandLog Bytes Flushed/Seccounters to get the CPU and I/O of each execution as follows:

为了执行测试,我们将执行五个存储过程,并使用它每次插入20000条记录,每次执行之间留有5秒的延迟,以使我们能够轻松地获得它们之间的性能差异。 我们将使用PerfMon性能计数器监视工具来检查这些表的性能,在这里我们将监视处理器日志字节刷新/秒计数器,以获取每次执行的CPU和I / O,如下所示:

USE SQLShackDemoGOEXEC dbo.TempDB_TempTableTestGO 20000WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'GO EXEC dbo.MemoryOptTableTestGO 20000WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'GO EXEC dbo.PhysicalTableTest GO 20000WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'GO EXEC dbo.MemoryOptVarTableGO 20000

It is clear from the following PerfMon window that the normal SQL temp table consumes the CPU and I/O resources and took long time to finish compared to the other tables types. You can also derive from the same image that the Memory-Optimized SQL temp table and the Memory-Optimized Variable Table consumed the minimum I/O and CPU resources compared with the rest types of tables:

从下面的PerfMon窗口中可以清楚地看到,与其他表类型相比,普通SQL临时表占用了CPU和I / O资源,并且花了很长时间完成。 您还可以从同一张图得出,与其余表类型相比,内存优化SQL临时表和内存优化的变量表消耗的I / O和CPU资源最少。

The previous script can be modified to show the duration of each stored procedure’s execution as below:


USE SQLShackDemoGOCREATE TABLE #StartEndTime(TableType nvarchar(100),StartTime datetime, EndTime Datetime)INSERT INTO #StartEndTime VALUES('TempTable', GETDATE(),NULL)GOEXEC dbo.TempDB_TempTableTestGO 20000UPDATE #StartEndTime SET EndTime =GETDATE() WHERE TableType ='TempTable'WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'GO INSERT INTO #StartEndTime VALUES('MemoryOptTable', GETDATE(),NULL)GOEXEC dbo.MemoryOptTableTestGO 20000UPDATE #StartEndTime SET EndTime =GETDATE() WHERE TableType ='MemoryOptTable'WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'GO INSERT INTO #StartEndTime VALUES('PhysicalTable', GETDATE(),NULL)GOEXEC dbo.PhysicalTableTest GO 20000UPDATE #StartEndTime SET EndTime =GETDATE() WHERE TableType ='PhysicalTable'WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'GO INSERT INTO #StartEndTime VALUES('VariableTable', GETDATE(),NULL)GOEXEC dbo.MemoryOptVarTableGO 20000UPDATE #StartEndTime SET EndTime =GETDATE() WHERE TableType ='VariableTable'WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'GOINSERT INTO #StartEndTime VALUES('Memory Opt VariableTable', GETDATE(),NULL)GOEXEC dbo.MemoryOptVarTableGO 20000UPDATE #StartEndTime SET EndTime =GETDATE() WHERE TableType ='Memory Opt VariableTable'SELECT TableType , DATEDIFF (SS ,StartTime,EndTime) AS Duration FROM #StartEndTime

The result of the previous script will show us that the SP that used the normal SQL temp table is taking the longest execution time compared to the ones using other tables types, and the ones that use the Memory-Optimized SQL temp table and the Memory-Optimized required small period of time to insert 20000 records. Although the SP that uses the Variable table required the minimum time, it consumes the I\O and CPU resources:

上一个脚本的结果将向我们显示,与使用其他表类型的SP,使用内存优化SQL临时表和Memory-Optim的SP相比,使用普通SQL临时表的SP执行时间最长。优化所需的短时间来插入20000条记录。 尽管使用变量表的SP需要最少的时间,但它会消耗I \ O和CPU资源:

结论: (Conclusion:)

In-Memory OLTP is a new feature, introduced in SQL Server and enhanced in SQL Server by addressing most of the limitations, that stores the data directly to the memory, eliminating the locks and latches occurred during the reading process and providing the best data access performance. From the testing scenario we performed, it is clear that using the SCHEMA_ONLY Memory-Optimized Table and the Memory-Optimized Variable Table excelled on the rest of tables types in having the best performance that can be seen by the minimum CPU and I/O resources consumption and the minimum execution time required to fill these two tables types compared with the other tables, making it the best alternatives to normal SQL temp tables and variable tables.

内存中OLTP是一项新功能,在SQL Server 中引入并在SQL Server 中得到了增强,通过解决大多数限制,该功能将数据直接存储到内存中,消除了读取过程中发生的锁和闩锁,并提供了最佳功能数据访问性能。 从我们执行的测试方案来看,很明显,使用SCHEMA_ONLY内存优化表和内存优化变量表在其余表类型上表现出色,这是由最少的CPU和I / O资源所能看到的最佳性能与其他表相比,填充这两个表类型所需的资源消耗和最短执行时间使其成为普通SQL临时表和变量表的最佳替代方案。

翻译自: /using-memory-optimized-tables-to-replace-sql-server-temp-tables-and-table-variables/

