1200字范文 > bcp 不能调用where 子句_三 p18-28条件查询 分组聚合 排序where/group by/having/order by...

bcp 不能调用where 子句_三 p18-28条件查询 分组聚合 排序where/group by/having/order by...

时间:2023-03-05 11:42:05


bcp 不能调用where 子句_三 p18-28条件查询 分组聚合 排序where/group by/having/order by...

本部分内容主要包括:MySQL中常用的条件查询语句(where)、模糊查询语句(like)、分组语句(group by)、聚合函数(having)、排序语句(order by)。

P18 简单查询语句


select 列名1,列名2,… From 表名;

注:select * from table student;不对,select不跟table关键字


SELECT * from student WHERE id = 1001;SELECT * from student WHERE id =1001 AND stu_age = 3;

P19 灵活运用上述判断字符:

• select * from student where stu_gender = '男' and stu_age = 20;• select * from student where stu_gender = 1001 or stu_name = 'zs';• select * from student where id =1001 or id=1002 or id=1003;或者 select * from student where id between 1001 and 1003;【包括头尾】或者 select * from student where id in(1001,1002,1003);• select * from student where stu_age is NULL;数值型缺省时是null,字符型缺省时是空字符串' '和null不一样;• select * from student where stu_age >=18 and stu_age<=20;或者select * from student where stu_age between 18 and 20;• select * from student where gender != '男';• select * from student where stu_name is not null;查询空字符串的记录:select * from student where stu_name = ' ';s

P20 模糊查询(给一个通配符可以代替一些字符)


select * from student where stu_name like '_____';

• 查询姓名由5个字符构成且第五个字符为e的学生记录select * from student where stu_name like '____e';• 查询姓名以“m”开头的学生记录select * from student where stu_name like 'm%';• 查询姓名中第二个字母为u的学生记录select * from student where stu_name like '_u%';• 查询姓名中包含“s”字母的学生记录select * from student where stu_name like "%s%";

P21 字段控制查询

去重查询:select distinct stu_name from student;把年龄和分数相加:

select stu_age,stu_score,stu_age+stu_score from student;


select stu_age,stu_score,ifnull(stu_age,1)+ifnull(stu_score,0) FROM student;


select stu_age,stu_score,ifnull(stu_age,1)+ifnull(stu_score,0) as res FROM student;

P22 排序语句

让选出来的数据从小到大的升序排列:SELECT * from employee ORDER BY salary;让选出来的数据从大到小的降序排列:select * from employee order by salary desc;两层排序:查询所有雇员,按月薪降序排序,如果月薪相同时,按编号升序排序

select * from employee order by salary desc, id asc;

P23 聚合函数(对查询的结果进行统计)-进行统计时注意使用ifnull:

查询employee表中记录数(返回一个数字):select count(*) from employee;查询employee表中绩效manage不为空的记录数:

select count(manage) from employee where manage is not null;


SELECT COUNT(*) from employee WHERE salary > 2500;


select count(*) from employee WHERE salary+ifnull(performance,0)>2500;

最后一个:select count(manage), count(performance) from employee;

• select sum(salary) from employee;• select sum(salary),sum(performance) from employee;• select sum(ifnull(salary,0)+ifmull(performance,0)) from employee;• select avg(ifnull(salary,0)+ifnull(performance,0)) as avga from employee;最大工资和最小工资:select max(salary),min(salary) from employee;

P25 分组操作(将查询结果按一个或多个字段分组,字段值相同分为一组)


• 希望把记录按照男女去分组:select * from employee group by gender;单独使用只会出现第一条记录;• 按照性别分组之后,这些人的名字分别叫什么:select group_concat(name) from employee group by gender;

P26 分组与聚合函数【重点关注】


也可以写成:select department, group_concat(name), count(*) from employee group by department;


select department,group_concat(salary) from employee where salary>1500 group by department;

P27 group by 加上having【对分组后的结果再进行筛选,having不能离开group by】;where在group by之前

select department,group_concat(salary),sum(salary) from employee where salary>1500 group by department;


select department,group_concat(salary),sum(salary) from employee where salary>1500 group by department having sum(salary)>9000;

P28 having和where的区别

注意点!!!:where后面不能用聚合函数【where sum(salary)>900错】,having后可以;


select department, sum(salary) from employee where salary>2000 group by department having sum(salary)>6000;

还可以在后面加上order by;

select department, sum(salary) from employee where salary>2000 group by department having sum(salary)>6000 ORDER BY SUM(salary) DESC;
