1200字范文 > 市场竞争越来越激烈 英语

市场竞争越来越激烈 英语

时间:2022-01-12 16:22:01


市场竞争越来越激烈 英语

With the pace of economic growth is picking up speed,market competition has become increasingly fierce.In a highly competitive market environment,competitiveness or competitive advantage is a key factor in deciding the success or failure.Therefore,how to foster competitive advantage,build the core competitiveness in order to operate in the current complex and changing environment,competition is becoming more diverse market,stand firm to win a place,it becomes all the companies are very concerned about the topic.To do this,I synthesis of the predecessors of some of the advanced thinking,try the concept of core competence from the start,through the core competitiveness of the composition and characteristics of understanding,

Analysis of the current core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises on a number of issues and make recommendations of measures

在运动场上,总是可以看到运动员挥洒著汗水,努力锻炼的身影。运动员的英文叫 。其实,运动员不只是一种职业或身分,更是一种对生活的态度!

Let’s talk的英文老师介绍了10个有关运动员的字汇,运用简单的语句,就能够贴切地表达他们的特质。

1. Drive 驱使


Example : The drive for perfection makes an athlete work hard on his game .

2. Focus 专心


Example : For a sport *** an , it is important to always focus on his goal .

3. Discipline 纪律


Example : Nothing great can be achieved without discipline ; especially in the field of sports.

4. Dedication 付出


Example : An athlete who shows plete dedication towards his sport will surely reap great rewards over a period of time.

5. Determination 决心


Example : The best athletes are the ones who have the steely determination to win.

6. Emotional maturity


Example : Apart from talent , a sportsperson needs to master the art of emotional maturity in the face of defeat and pressure .

7. Presence of mind


Example: Every game can throw a new challenge in an athlete’s path , hence the presence of mind to face these challenges is required .

8. Competitiveness 竞争力


Example : On the field , the athletes show extreme petitiveness ; such behaviour is often what makes the audience enjoy the game .

9. Aggression 侵略性


Example : Aggression on the field is sometimes a good tactic to intimidate the other side ; but too much of it can get the player in trouble .

10. Attitude 态度


Example : Hard work , talent and the right attitude are the best qualities an athlete can have in order to succeed .



学英文, 打球 英文, 英文, 英文单字, 英文字汇, 运动 英文, 运动员 英文
