1200字范文 > 小学英语作文my school 小学英语作文my school五句

小学英语作文my school 小学英语作文my school五句

时间:2024-03-18 15:06:31


小学英语作文my school 小学英语作文my school五句

My experience of learning english


Chapter l

The english teacher of junior high school 初中英语老师

ln the course of my english studies, I used to have eleven teaches.在我学习英语的过程中我曾经有过11个老师。

The time span has exceeded 48 years.时间跨度超过了48年。

The teacher of junior high school is my first.第一个是我的初中英语老师。

l was in the junior high school in 1974,我上初中时是1974年,

At that time l was 12 years old.那时我12岁。l can say that it was my closest approach to english。可以说那是我最近距离接近英语了。That time school buildings were all bungalows and wooden desks with benches in classroom.那时的校舍是平房並且木桌和长凳摆在教室里。

lt is common for two people to sit at

a table,一张桌子坐两个人是普遍的,there is even the phenomenon

of boys and girls to be sharing a desk.甚至男女同桌的现象也有。

(to be continued 未完待续)


How do I and my classmate get to school?

I'm Mike and I want to tell you how my classmates and I get to school.

I live in a small town. It's only about 1 kilometer from my home to school. So I walk to school every day. I like walking and I think it's good exercise. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school. As for my deskmate,Tony,he comes to school on his bike. It's about 3 kilometers from his home to the school and he says riding brings him a lot of fun. And the bike ride needs about twenty minutes. However,he sometimes takes the bus when it is rainy. For Nancy,it's not easy for her to get to school becauseshe lives far away from our school. So her mother drives her to school every morning. It usually takes them half an hour to get to school. I think it's really tiring.

When I was in the first grade of primary school, my uncle said to me, "The door of Tsinghua University is not open for others."


At that time, I thought it was very reasonable. Until junior high school I began to think that the door of Tsinghua University was not open for me. I had a poor ability to accept new knowledge, and I couldn't use it flexibly. I usually had a good grasp of the basic questions, but I couldn't do in-depth questions. I have been struggling in middle school.


A few days ago, I looked for relevant videos about Tsinghua University in order to show them to my relatives' children. He was very excited about it, and said: "I want to go to this school." I smiled and told him: "Remember what you say now!"




My name is Liuhui.I go to park after school .I see many green trees .I see some ducks on the lake .They are yellow. And I see some white clouds.Oh!I see Lingling. She is in the park ,too.


初中英语(七上)外研版 Module 5 My school day





a. 小时+分钟;

b. 时间在30分钟之内,分钟+past+小时;时间在30分钟之后,相差的分钟数+to+下一个小时;

c. 正好15分钟,用a quarter; 正好30分钟,用half.

#每日学习# #我们一起学英语# #微头条日签#

Today is the first day of my son’s second year in primary school.

We ran to school this morning because one of the tires of my electric bicycle was flat.

I was surprised to find that it took almost the same amount of time as taking him to school by electric bicycle.

I suggested we run to school every day henceforth and my son agreed.

There’s no doubt that running is good for health, but I’m not so sure if we can stick to it.






#开学季##坚持每日读史# #头条创作挑战赛#

At my primary school, I was one of the smartest kids there. I never studied, but always got perfect scores.

I thought I was born clever. At least I believed so. I was also a prodigy in music according to myself. I could sing better than almost anyone else in my school. I was pretty sure that once I got to sixth grade, everyone would be surprised by me. But actually, they weren't.

When I arrived at my new class, I couldn't wait to show everyone what I could do. However, there was always someone else who could do better. My grades began to suffer. More talented girls often sang solo. I believed I wasn't smart. I believed I wasn't talented. l believed I was a failure.

Over the next two years, I had to work very hard. Every prize for the singing competition was given to me for hard work and efforts. Grades were still very low but improving little by little. I worked really hard. However, I was never the best at everything.

I haven't realized until recently that I really don't have to be the best at everything. I was too hard on myself. In fact, when I did badly in a test, my classmates never laughed at me.

No one is perfect. There will probably always be someone better than me at something. Anyway, there are about seven billion people in this world. I will never be the number one at everything, and that is really okay.







#分享新生活# #今日头条# #我要上微头条# #微头条打卡#

ma I don know what you think about it is not a good time with my family is a great day of school and I don know what you think about it is not a good time with you and I am not




#小镇做题家可以有多努力# #数字英语# #英语拔尖交流# #英语园地#

A True Small Town Examinee


In my two senior school years from August 1979, there was no television but Liu Lanfang, a well-known Pingshu performance artist, was popular all the country. Over 100 radio stations were broadcasting her long storytelling, such as A Biograph of Yue Fei, the General of the Yang Family twice a day . Listening to Pingshu on the radio was a great hit and fashion , atracting millions of people , some of whom even stopped working for enjoyment.

Two months before the great challenge all the teachers and students were engaged in busy tense revision, but I slept well and such psychological probloms like stress, depression, sleeplessness didn't exist in my mind.In class I could understand and grasp what was taught completely, and finished the assignments independently after class. There were no daily tests, weekly tests, unit tests, or monthly tests, but only mid-term and final-term examinations.

We had no money to read any reference books , which were rare for sale and unaccessable to the students from the country. My only reference book was a politics book given by my deskmate, who came from a rich family of social status and got some copies from Lanzhou University , only because I ofen helped him finish his assignments in maths and physics in order to avoid punishment and criticism from the head teacher. In conclusion I received quality education instead of exam-oriented education .

I have a life long habit of listening to the radio , formed as early as I could remember. After lunch every day, some of my classmates slipped out of the school to listen to Pingshu . Several times we were caught and called back by the head teacher. My uncle took me to the town where I experienced the significent and decisive Gaokao, making me a teacher of English. I was admitted into the English Department of Gansu Longxi Normal School.

#数字英语# #本硕博大学生交流# #英语拔尖交流#


Unit 3 Where did you go?


e to school(来)上学

2.fall off掉落

3.see my photos看我的照片

4.go to Turpan去吐鲁番

5.lots of/a lot of许多

6.at home在家

7.stay at home待在家(里)

8.ride a horse骑马

9.look like看起来像

10.go camping去野营

11.hurt my foot伤到我的脚

12.go fishing去钓鱼

13.go to a forest park去森林公园

14.talk about谈论

15.buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物

16.the Labour Day holiday劳动节假期

17.the winter holiday寒假

18.far from远离

19.BY plane乘飞机

20.take lots of photos拍照

21.go swimming去游泳

22.sound good听起来不错

23.eat fresh food吃新鲜的食物

24.buy gifts买礼物

25.for sale待售

26.on the front of 在前面的

27.feel well感到舒服

28.in the hotel在旅馆

29.want to do sth.想要做某事

30.make her happy使/让)她高兴

31.dress up打扮

32.play the part of a dog扮演狗的角色

33.jump on him跳到他身上

34.lick him添他

35.on the moon在月球上

36.It’s time to do sth.到做某事的时间了。



where哪里 what什么 when问时间 Which哪一个 who谁 whose谁的 how怎么样

what color问颜色 what time问时间 how big多大how tall多高 how heavy多重how old问年龄 how many问可数名词数量 how much问不可数名词数量或价格




He played football yesterday.

对yesterday提问 When did he play football?


do--did wash--washed go--wentclean--cleaned visit--visited play--played watch--watched happen--happened ride--rode hurt--hurt see--saw

eat--ate fall--fell take--took buy--bought sit--sat feel--felt

dress--dressed make--made like--liked jump--jumped lick--licked

laugh--laughed think--thought drink--drank run--ran come--came can--could
