1200字范文 > 国家公务员专业目录 公务员考试专业分类目录

国家公务员专业目录 公务员考试专业分类目录

时间:2022-03-14 08:20:21


国家公务员专业目录 公务员考试专业分类目录














1. 政治:政治 consists of four elements: 行政管理、法律法规、政治理论和国际政治。行政管理内容涵盖了行政机构、行政领导与决策、行政组织运作、行政管理法规、行政管理、行政审查等方面。法律法规内容主要包括政治制度、宪法法律、国际法、司法法规、公共管理法规等。政治理论内容涵盖了马克思主义理论、中国特色社会主义理论、社会主义政治经济学、中国共产党历史和现实等学科理论。国际政治包括国际关系的基本原理、国际政治理论、国际经济政治史等内容。

2. 经济学:经济学 comprises the principles of economics, economics theory and finance. Principles of economics mainly include the theories of supply and demand, the determination of prices, the factors of production, the explanation of the invisible hand and the factors influencing the distribution of national income. Economics theory focuses on the investigation of the mechanism of economic activities, the optimization of economic systems and the economic direction of the government. It mainly includes development economics, industrial economics, macroeconomics and microeconomics. Finance mainly consists of the theories of money and banking, the analysis of capital markets, the theories of income and cash flow, the economics of uncertainty and public finance.

3. 法律:法律 includes the fields of civil law, criminal law and administrative law. Civil law is mainly discussed the rights and obligations of citizens and legal persons in the process of non-litigation, such as the conclusion and execution of contracts, the protection of property rights, the establishment of pledges, the transfer of intellectual property rights, the recognition of the legal status of a business and the legal aspects of marriage and family. Criminal law studies the nature, mission, purpose and principles of criminal law, criminal law system, criminal responsibility system and criminal proceedings system. Administrative law focuses on the analysis of administrative bodies, administrative ways, administrative rules and administrative power.

4. 文史哲:文史哲 is an interdisciplinary science of humanities and social sciences, which involves the study of Chinese culture, world civilization and historical cultures. It mainly covers the history of philosophy, ancient and modern Chinese literature, foreign literature, history and philosophy, art and culture, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, foreign language, Chinese traditional culture, communication and media and so on.
