1200字范文 > 中文名字翻译成英文 音译英文名

中文名字翻译成英文 音译英文名

时间:2022-09-27 08:44:15


中文名字翻译成英文 音译英文名

1、Chinese people’s names are usually composed of two characters, representing first name and last name respectively. When writing in English, it should be in the order of last name followed by first name.

2、Generally, Chinese names usually do not have “sound-alike” equivalents in English, so it can be difficult to pronounce the names in English version. For example, 何(hé) cannot be pronounced as “ho” in English but “huh”.

3、The best way to translate a Chinese name into English is to come up with an English name, or “translation of the meaning” given by the Chinese characters. For example, the Chinese name 何海龙(Hé hǎilóng) can be translated as “Jack Hailing”, where “Jack” is an English name, and “Hailing” denotes “sea dragon” in Chinese.

4、Alternatively, names can be translated into an English version of the phonetics of the characters. For example, 王力(Wáng lì) can be translated as “William Wang”, where “William” is an English version of “Wang” and “Wang” is a phonetic for character 王(wáng).

5、Furthermore, if an individual does not have a distinctive Chinese name, an anglicised version of their name can be used. For example, instead of 邓云芳(Dèng yúnfāng), we can use “Yunfang Deng”. Here, “Yunfang” is an anglicised version of Chinese characters 云芳(yúnfāng).

6、Some names have a special meaning that can be used to further simplify the translation. For example, 李小龙(Lǐ xiǎolóng) can be translated as “Bruce Lee”, where “Bruce” is an English version of “小龙(xiǎolóng)”, which means “Little Dragon” in Chinese.

7、In certain cases, the translation of a Chinese name may rely on the context. For example, 毛子豪(Máo zǐháo), if translated into English, can be “Mao Zihao”, “Jack Mao” or “Peter Mao” depending on the context.

1. 英文名称翻译法:即将汉语中的拼音或汉字翻译成英文,此种方式最常用、也最容易理解。例如:李四的英文名就可以翻译成Li Si。

2. 直翻法:即将汉语中的拼音或汉字翻译成汉语拼音的首字母缩写和英文音译的结合体,相比英文翻译法,此种方式更形象、更趋于实用。例如:张三的英文名就可以翻译成Zhang San。

3. 英文名称修饰法:即将汉语中的拼音或汉字翻译成英文,但在翻译的基础上,再做一定的修饰,使其更加生动有趣。例如:王五的英文名就可以翻译成Vinny Wang。

4. 姓名变形法:即将汉语中的拼音或汉字改变形式后翻译成英文,可以使姓名更加顺口、更能表达出其内涵,以此来增加姓名的艺术性和美感。例如:刘六的英文名就可以翻译成Leo Liu。

5. 英文缩写法:即将汉语中的拼音或汉字翻译成英文后做英文缩写,此种方式简单便捷,适用于日记中使用或一些名片中使用。例如:陈七的英文名就可以翻译成C. Qi Chen。

6. 其它方式:除以上几种常见的方式外,还有一些不常见的方式,例如可以将汉字中的拼音或汉字拆分成不同的词,例如:许八的英文名就可以翻译成Norman Xubo。此种方式比较少见,不一定每个人都能理解,因此在使用的时候需要认真考虑好质量与实用性的平衡。
