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考研英语作文预测 考研英语题目

时间:2020-08-13 03:35:25


考研英语作文预测 考研英语题目

【考研资料】23考研小作文预测8篇(英语1、 2)


#考研# 考研英语小作文预测。




#商工微课堂# 考研英语作文预测,总得看一眼吧!(来源:考虫考研酱)


Required PE scores to be raised


China will gradually increase required scores on the physical exercise test to the same level as those of Chinese, math and English on high school entrance exams to improve physical education in schools, a senior education official said on Friday. Wang Dengfeng, head of the Department of Physical, Health and Arts Education at the Ministry of Education, said Southwest China’s Yunnan province is the only provincial region in China to give PE classes the same weight as academic subjects on high school entrance exams, and other regions should gradually increase the weight of PE classes to match those of academic subjects.


The country also should immediately start research on including PE classes in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, Wang said at a news conference. 王登峰还表示,应立即启动体育在高考中计分的研究。

考研英语(二)大作文预测@安地乒旅英语 子女教育的选择!

今天通过“漫画图”,孩子在“语数外”的跑道上奋力奔跑,目标都一样“满分”!英语作文要求对漫画内容情况进行简要说明,并且发表一下自己的观点或者看法!考研英语(一)大作文预测 :子女教育!


Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain it's intended meaning,and

3) give your comments.


This is a simple but satirical cartoon,in which there is a youngster, running on the track of“major subjects”with great pains on his face. Although the boy is exceedingly tired,he has to try his utmost to dash to the final line of"Full Mark", with his parents and grandma standing around and encouraging him.

Such a scene can be associated with a host of parents in real life, and their expectation for kids is characterized by"blind and unrealistic"! Admittedly,a host of kids, now,live in a variety of assignments,especially subjects like Enelish,Chinese,math and so on.

This phenomenon is particularly worth concerning for the reason that parents pay excessive attention to kids acquisition of knowledge,ignoring the significance of cultivating children's mental health and virtues.It is parents’blind expectation that causes kids not to enjoy happiness, pleasure or relaxation.As a matter of fact, some parents over-expectation has constituted an obstacle that hinders children's growth and progress.

Accordingly,the society as a whole should foster a positive atmosphere to accept,appreciatc and advocate quality-oriented cducation,rather than test-oriented tcaching. This will bring youngsters joy, arouse their passion for learning and help them be competitive in the future





#商工微课堂# 考研英语作文预测,下午的英语要加油啊!(来源:考虫考研酱)

