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考研英语作文预测 考研英语作文预测看谁的

时间:2018-07-18 01:02:53


考研英语作文预测 考研英语作文预测看谁的



一. 个人经历




1. 留心身边的事情:努力记录自己身边的事情,积累一些可供使用的素材。

2. 多看社会新闻:平时多关注社会大事和热点事件,也可以通过阅读专业书籍和杂志来积累素材和思路。

3. 增强文字表达能力:英语作文本身就要求考生有一定的英语文字表达能力,需要多看一些优秀的英语文章,扩大自己的词汇量和表达能力。

二. 社会热点



1. 多看报纸杂志:多受关注有关国内外的时事热点和文化交流领域的新闻。

2. 积累素材:主动搜集有关各类热点事件的背景资料,理论知识等等,方便自己运用到写作中。

3. 注重思辨分析:对于热点问题,考生需要多问为什么,多思考其中的关键点,尝试向思考者看待问题。

三. 经济发展



1. 关注实际问题:考生需要通过正规渠道了解当下经济领域的趋势和问题,恰当地利用相关知识探讨。

2. 善于比较、运用数字:在表达看法时,要全面深入地分析和比较,评估相对性。同时,对各种经济数据要有所了解,运用恰当的数字来具体阐述观点。

3. 提高阅读与写作能力:要深刻理解题目,有针对性地提高阅读与写作能力,拓展词汇量,提高语法和句式的表达能力,为日后更好地应对考研英语作文奠定基础。

Title: 借助考研英语作文预测看谁的底牌更强

As the annual postgraduate entrance examination approaches, competition among candidates becomes increasingly fierce. In particular, the English writing section has always been the Achilles heel for many students. To deal with this challenge, a lot of students will choose to consult exam prediction, which helps them have a better grasp of the test trends and content, and consider adjusting the strategy accordingly.

Here are several factors to consider while examining the importance of exam predicting.

Firstly, exam prediction can offer guidance for study planning. Based on previous test papers and expert analysis, the predicted hot topics can be regarded as the focus of preparation for students. For example, in , \"science and technology innovation\" was a prediction question of the English writing section. Candidates who proactively explored this topic were more likely to get a higher score. In addition, early knowledge of possible topics can help them organize their time and choose the appropriate materials from extensive materials.

Secondly, exam prediction can help to relieve anxiety by cultivating confidence. For some candidates, their English writing ability is limited, and they are often worried about not being able to achieve satisfactory results. Predictions about test content can help reduce the risk of being caught off guard, and this knowledge can enhance students confidence in English writing, allowing them to face the exam with more positivity.

Thirdly, exam prediction helps to identify mistakes in writing style before the exam. The college entrance examination evaluates not only the content of the article but also the language style and writing norms. Therefore, after reading the prediction, students can preview the writing rules and exercise techniques and avoid making the same mistakes later.

Of course, a complete victory in the exam cannot solely depend on the exam prediction. In addition to grasping the test trends, candidates need to lay a strong foundation of language knowledge, maintain a positive attitude and continuously improve their writing level.

