1200字范文 > 巧克力熔岩蛋糕英文 巧克力熔岩蛋糕 英语

巧克力熔岩蛋糕英文 巧克力熔岩蛋糕 英语

时间:2021-10-26 04:42:37


巧克力熔岩蛋糕英文 巧克力熔岩蛋糕 英语



Definition: existing outside of or not in accordance with nature

Sentence: Theyencourageanimageoftheregionasanotherworldlysortofplace. 他们想将这个地区打造成世外桃源。

✔️ outlandish

Definition: strange or extremely unusual

Sentence: outlandish costumes/ideas 奇装异服;古怪的想法


Definition: very hot liquid rock found below the earth's surface

Sentence: The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air. 火山又向空中喷出了岩浆和火山灰。


Definition: a large hole in the top of a volcano; a large hole in the ground caused by the explosion of a bomb or by sth large hitting it

Sentence: a meteorite crater 陨石坑


Definition: very busy; full of activity

Sentence: to lead a hectic life 生活十分忙碌


Definition: an opportunity to sell a particular product to a particular group of people

Sentence: They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition. 他们看到市场上一个竞争不激烈的商机。

a niche market 有利可图的市场


Definition: to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc.

Sentence: I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers. 我可不敢不听老师的话。

✔️ plunge

Definition: to decrease suddenly and quickly

Sentence: Stock markets plunged at the news of the event. 消息一传来,股票市场便暴跌。


Definition: to have an equal but opposite effect to sth else

Sentence: Hetooktwodayofftocounterbalancetheovertimetheweekbefore 他休了两天假以抵消前星期加的班


Definition: the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science; the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck

Sentence: According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck. 按照迷信的说法,摔碎镜子会带来噩运。

#思维系英语# #英语# #单词#



