1200字范文 > 网易云热评“林深时见鹿老树陪古屋 我遇见你 却没能把你留住”

网易云热评“林深时见鹿老树陪古屋 我遇见你 却没能把你留住”

时间:2020-04-15 03:03:56


网易云热评“林深时见鹿老树陪古屋 我遇见你 却没能把你留住”

“林深时见鹿,老树陪古屋,我遇见你,却没能把你留住”“Deep woods see deer, old trees accompany the ancient house, I met you, but failed to keep you”

"葡萄很酸 烟火一般 但你应该把人间看遍再离开 先好好活着 再好生活.”

"Grapes are sour and fireworks, but you should look at the world before you leave. Live well and live well."

“可太阳太烈 人间太黑 我独自上路 躲不开这世上的悲伤”

“But the sun is too strong and the world is too dark. I can avoid the sadness in this world on my way alone”


“Although my hand is still very warm, but she will never feel the temperature”

“大火烧了我的房子,我看着一堆废墟嚎啕大哭 可我知道回不去了”

“I didn know. I cried when I saw the fire”


"In fact, I found out earlier than you that we were not suitable, just reluctant to part."

“我都计划好和你的以后 你怎么就把我丢下了呢”

“Ive made plans with you. Why did you leave me behind”

“螃蟹在剥我的壳 笔记本在写我 漫天的我落在枫叶上雪花上 而你在想我”

“Crab is peeling my shell, notebook is writing me all over the sky, I fall on the maple leaf, and you are thinking of me”


“Every night I go to bed late, not for the sake of games, not for life, or because you like to stay up late”


“I really envy fish, no temperature, no heartbeat, only seven seconds of memory, no feelings, no worries, even tears are covered by the sea”
