1200字范文 > 雅思口语自我介绍必备!


时间:2020-04-24 03:57:18




例如:Are you good at cooking? Are you good at sports?

又或者是Can you play any musical instrument?或是Are you a good dancer?

遇到这类的题目常常听到考生回答的千篇一律: I can play the guitar. I can’t dance at all. I am not good at cooking…. Etc.



1. I was born with __n. (能力或天份)__. 天生就会…

e.g. I was born with sports talent. 我出生就会运动。

2. I am an expert at ____n. / ving____. …的专家

e.g. I am an expert at dancing.我是跳舞专家。

3. I can ___v. (原型动词)_____ in my sleep. 闭着眼睛都能…

e.g. I can cook in my sleep. 我闭着眼睛都能煮饭。

4. I have the knack of ____ n. / ving _____. 有…的本事

e.g. She has the knack of making people feel positive. 她有让人感到正面的本事。

5. I am a bit of a know-it-all when it comes to _____n./ving______. 当提到…时,我就什么都知道。

e.g. I am a bit of a know-it-all when it comes to sports. 说到运动,我就什么都知道。

6. ____n./ving_____ is one of my fortes. …是我的强项的其中之一。

e.g. Giving pep talk is one of my fortes. 给予激起士气的谈话是我的强项之一。


7. My friends/ family usually make fun of my ___n./ving____. 我朋友/家人总是嘲笑我的…(能力)

e.g. My friends usually make fun of my English. 我朋友们常常嘲笑我的英文能力。

8. I am no expert when it comes to _____n./ving_______. 我不是….的专家

e.g. I am no expert when it comes to math. 我不是数学的专家。

9. I can’t ___v.____ for nuts. 我对…一窍不通

e.g. I can’t dance for nuts.我对跳舞一窍不通

10. I don’t know the first thing about ____n./ving_____. 我完全不会…

e.g. I don’t know the first thing about sports. 我完全不懂运动。

11. I’m not much of a ___n. (职业)_____. 我不是做...(职业)的(表示不会)

e.g. I’m not much of a dancer. 我不是舞蹈家。

12. ____n./ving__ isn’t my strong suit. 我不擅长…

e.g. English isn’t my strong suit. 我不擅长英文

以上内容除了可以用在上述询问能力的题目,亦可用于延伸答案(expanding answers) for example: Do you like cooking? 可以回答:No, I am not into cooking. To be honest, I can’t cook for nuts!
