1200字范文 > 考研英语(二)大作文热点话题:经济民生类三—中国教育


时间:2021-03-24 20:11:26



6. 市场稳定: stable market

7. 物美价廉: get the most “happiness bang for your buck”

8. 产品性能: product performance

9. 持久、耐用: durable

10. 政府政策倾斜: government preferential policy

11. 服务态度:service attitude


1. 随着社会、经济的发展,人们的购买力大大提升。

With the rapid development of our economy and society, the purchasing power has been improved greatly.

2. 随着社会、经济的发展, 人们的收入水平大大提高。

With the prosperity of our economy and society, there is a rapid rise in national income.

3. 随着社会、经济的发展,人们的生活水平得以改善。

With the progress of our economy and society, the living standard of people has been greatly improved.

4. 政府颁布倾斜政策支持该行为。

The government released preferential policy to support this action.

5. 有关部门采取措施推动该行为。

Departments concerned take effective measures to promote this action.

6. 产品的质量有了很大改善。

The quality of the product has been greatly improved.

7. 该产品物美价廉。

The product helps consumers get the most “happiness bang for their buck.”

8. 该趋势是好的,因此是可接受的。

The established trend is positive and therefore acceptable.

9. 预计,在未来的几年里,该趋势会继续。

It is expected that this established trend will continue in the years to come.

10. 该趋势是不好的,因此是不可接受的。

The established trend is negative and therefore unacceptable.

11. 如果处理得当,该趋势会朝好的方向发展。

If properly handled, it will turn to a virtuous direction.



Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

The chart given above demonstrates clearly the number of sales on Double 11 Online Shopping Festival from to . To be specific, the number rose steadily from to from 50 million to more than 200 billion. Particularly, the number of sales in accounts for more than 200 billion.

Its no difficulty for us to come up with some possible factors to account for this trend. First of all, with the rapid development of our economy and society, the purchasing power has been improved greatly, contributing to the popularity of online shopping. In addition, we must admit that the online shops have released various preferential measures like coupons, free shipping, installment to lure consumers. Last but not the least, the fact cannot be ignored that online shops gradually improve the quality, and that good quality has been recognized and praised by customers.

Taking into account what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive and therefore acceptable. And it is certain that this trend will continue in the years to come.
