1200字范文 > 求职面试英语情景对话必会:面试结束后的对话


时间:2022-04-10 09:00:25



Bob: Thats all the general information of our company. I think you already have good knowledge about our company 鲍勃:这就是我们公司的总体情况,我想你已经很了解了吧。 Mary: Yes, I have an overall understanding. 玛丽:是的,我已经有了总体的认识。 Bob: When we have the final results,we will call you. 鲍勃:如果有结果了,我们会电话通知你的。 Mary: Then when will I get a reply at the latest? 玛丽:那么我最晚什么时候能得到答复? Bob: If you pass the interview, the personnel department will inform you within two weeks. 鲍勃:如果你通过面试,人事部会在两周之内通知你。 Mary: But if I don pass, will you call me? 玛丽:但是如果我没有通过的话,还会电话通知吗? Bob: Im sorry we won . You can wait for two weeks. If you don get a telephone call, it means that you weren successful. 鲍勃:抱歉,不会了。你可以等两周,如果你没接到电话,就表明你没通过。 Mary: Then do I have the chance to get this job? 玛丽:那么我有机会获得这份工作吗? Bob: Im sorry but I can make the final decision myself, and I have to discuss it with other interviewers. 鲍勃:很抱歉,我自己不能做最后决定,我得跟其他面试官商量一下。 Mary: I know. No matter what the result will be, I have learned a lot from our conversation. 玛丽:我知道了。不管结果如何,从我们的谈话中我已经学到了很多东西。 Bob: Your mentality is very good and thats great. 鲍勃:你的心态很好,这样很不错。 Mary: Thanks for giving me the opportunity of this interview. 玛丽:谢谢你给我这次面试的机会。 Bob: My pleasure. 鲍勃:不客气。 核心英语词汇总 at the latest 最晚,最迟 final decision 最终决定 keep in touch 保持联系 get in touch with 取得联系 as soon as possible 尽快 更多精彩内容 全国新东方英语课程搜索

