1200字范文 > 阅卷人:考研英语小作文写作技巧


时间:2021-03-22 04:23:38



笔者作为阅卷教师,从1999年开始参加研究生入学考试英语试卷批卷工作,历时数载,并结合其他英语考试,如PETS小作文,四、六级写作等,对英语作文的写作技巧与注意事项总结如下: 1.小作文要覆盖所有信息点。一般阅卷教师在批改小作文时,都会找点,如果提纲中的几点有遗漏,一定会扣分。以小作文为例,提纲中要求信中涵盖3点:写信理由(求助理由)、对孩子(帮助对象)的具体要求、如何帮助,这三点在作文中都要提到。因此,小作文写作前一定要认真审题,把要点划出,以免遗漏。 2.小作文要注意格式。应用文写作都有一定格式。 如果是信件,应该有称呼(Dear…)、主体段、结尾(Sincerely…)。根据试题要求,一般不用写日期与地址。称呼一般放在左上角,而结尾放在右下角。信函称呼一般以Dear开头,如果收信人的具体姓名和性别不详,后面可以加Sir or Madam,例如、书信开头称呼都可以为:Dear Sir or Madam;如果收信人身份较高或年龄较长,则可以在Dear后面加上Mr./Ms./Director和姓即可,如书信称呼可以为:Dear Mr. Wang;如果作者与收信人为朋友关系或比较熟悉,称呼可以直接为Dear加上名字,例如Dear Bob。 备忘录(memo)属于公文的一种,包括heading和正文两大部分。其中heading的格式一般包括四个部分,其顺序可以随意调整: To: (写给谁) From: (谁写的) Date: (日期) Subject: (主要内容) 备忘录的语言特点同信函相似,要求简明扼要,结构清晰。可参考下面范例: TO: Ed, Jen, Jimmy DATE: Dec. 7, RE/SUBJECT: date change for meeting FROM: Ray Lewis I have to leave town for a deal with the Arnold Industries. The guys there want to renegotiate our contract. I have to go there and knock some sense into their blockheads. So the cabinet meeting has to be postponed to a later date. Is the 15th OK? Thanks for your understanding! 便条是一种简单的书信方式,格式与书信其本相同,也要有称呼和结尾。其语言要求尽量简单,通俗。可参考下面范例: June 16 Dear Jane, I am sorry to hear about your poor luck in the final exam. You really don have to feel too sad about it. You know, this is just the kind of thing that often happens to us students. It doesn mean we are failures. Trust yourself. I am sure you will succeed next time. Look forward to hearing your good news. Good Luck! Yours, Nancy 注意在阅卷中,格式如果不正确,一般会扣掉一分。 3.小作文语言要简洁,开门见山。不同于其他文体,应用文一般是为某一特定目的而写,有具体的目标读者,写作时把内容表达清楚即可,不用太多展开或修饰。此外,要注意语言的恰当性,尊重语言的交际规则,尤其是礼貌(courtesy)原则。 4.开头句一定要漂亮、正确。无论是应用文还是论说文,开头第一句都要写好,给阅卷老师以很好的印象。阅卷老师通常的阅卷方法是:读开头句,对考生语言水平有大概了解;然后找要点,最后读末尾句。可见,开头句的好坏直接影响到考生的成绩。应用文写作其实开头和结尾都有一定的套路,如开头经常可以用的句型为:I am writing this letter to ask you /tell you that….;结尾句型常为:I sincerely hope that you could….或If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. 或I am sorry for the inconveniences that I have brought to you. 5.书写要工整。漂亮、工整的字体通常会给阅卷老师很好的印象,有助于提高分数。如果书写潦草、杂乱,让阅卷老师有时很难辨认,分数一定会降低。因此考生一定要注意,作文书写要工整,尽量避免多处涂改。 综上所述,小作文写作过程可以总结为:审题认真,文体统一,文字连贯,表达方式多样化,考点覆盖全,语言流畅,首尾呼应,检查到位。 附:应用文写作常用句型 1.投诉信常用句型 I am writing to you to complain about… I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with …I am writing to call your attention to the awful fact that … I am totally disappointed to find that …I can hardly bear/tolerate it any longer. There are some serious problems that deserve your close attention. For one thing, … For another… Even worse… I request you to be kind enough to solve the problem as soon as possible. 2.感谢信常用句型 I am extremely grateful to you for your kind help. I am much obliged to you for your kind assistance. I really appreciate your timely assistance. I am writing to express my gratitude for the many kind deeds you have done for me. It is very considerate and generous of you to make such a good arrangement. Words fail me when I try to express the degree of my gratitude to you. 3.道歉信常用句型 I must apologize to you for my terrible mistake. I am awfully sorry that…I am sorry for the inconveniences that I have brought to you. I am to blame for this unpleasant situation. I sincerely hope that you will accept my apologies. I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. I hope that the settlement of the matter will meet your demand. 4.邀请函常用句型I am writing to invite you to attend a party on…I feel it would be a great honor if you could participate in …I should be very pleased if you could come to our party on…We look forward to seeing you as our honorable guest. 5.咨询信常用句型 I am writing to inquire about the details on…I would like to obtain some information about … I would be very grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me some essential information about…Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through. 相关阅读: | | | 考研资讯及备考辅导 新东方考研辅导课程 (责任编辑:陈永雷)
