1200字范文 > 人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 7必考知识点梳理+单元练习

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 7必考知识点梳理+单元练习

时间:2020-06-22 10:04:12


人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 7必考知识点梳理+单元练习

Help yourself to the fish. 请随便吃鱼

6. the same as… 和……一样...... 反义短语:be different from

7. It takes/took/will take sb. some time to do sth. 某人花了……时间做某事(时态根据具体情况决定)

It takes me an hour to get to my office.

spend time/money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)

sb. spend time/money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。

I spent two hours on this math problem. 这道数学题花了我个小时。

They spent two years building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。

8. hundreds of + 名词复数 许多/大量......

数词+hundred + 名词复数 几百......

类似的数词还有thousand(千) ,million(万)

There are four hundred students in our grade.

There are hundreds of tourists in Beijing every year.

9. during 在…期间

during the vacation/the daytime/the weekend

10. the meaning of …...的意思

Can you tell me the meaning of the words?



21.—Joe,whats your prediction ________ the weather?

—I think its going to rain.

A.in B.from C.about D.at

22.—What did you do________your summer holidays,Kelly?

—I enjoyed myself in Hawaii.

A.of B.during C.inside D.about

23.I want to be an________like Yang Liwei when I grow up.

A.doctor B.engineer

C.pianist D.astronaut

24.Its________for me to get there before 8:00 p.m.The rain is too heavy,and the plane won take off.

A.impossible B.already

C.necessary D.unlucky

25.The doctor asked my father to eat________pears and drink________coffee.

A.fewer,less B.fewer,fewer

C.less,few D.less,less

26.You shouldn ________everything you read.You should read and think.

A.believe B.decide

C.hope D.discuss

27.Look,Mary!There are________sheep on the farm.

A.three hundreds B.hundred of

C.three hundred of D.hundreds of

28.—What are you doing,Susan?

—Oh,Im________my watch.I can remember where I put it.

A.hoping for B.asking for

C.looking for D.waiting for

29.Everyone should play a part________the earth.

A.to save B.saved

C.for saving D.in saving

30.Could you please pass me two ________?

A.pieces paper B.piece paper

C.pieces of paper D.pieces of papers

31.You will________take a holiday after the exams.

A.can B.could

C.be able to D.are able to

32.—Mike,you________play the piano well if you don work hard.

—I know,Mom.

A.don B.won

C.doesn D.didn

33.Im sure that there________more trees in our country in the future.

A.have B.are

C.will have D.will be

34.—________will your father come back,Tony?

—In three days.

A.How long B.How soon

C.How often D.How many

35.—Will there be more tall buildings in 50 years?


A.No,there isn B.No,they aren

C.No,there won D.No,they won


During the break(课间),Ken was playing games on his mobile phone(手机).Some__36__were standing around him and talking.“It __37__ that people now can live without mobile phones.What will the mobile phone be like in the future?” One of them suddenly(突然)__38__.“I think it will be as __39__as paper.And we can charge(充电) it by putting it in the sun,”Andy said first.Kelly __40__with Andy.She said,“Yes,it is really possible.In the future,people may leave the Earth and live on other __41__.Itll be very far,__42__we can still talk on the mobile phone.__43__do you think,Millie?”“Well,I don know.Maybe it will be able to do __44__everything,”Millie answered.“No matter what it will be like,it will become __45__.”

36.A.scientists B.classmates

C.teachers D.parents

37.A.seems B.touches

C.promises D.expects

38.A.cared B.laughed

C.asked D.shouted

39.A.white B.thin

C.big D.high

40.A.helped B.talked

C.played D.agreed

41.A.planets B.stations

C.countries D.schools

42.A.so B.if

C.but D.though

43.A.What B.Why

C.Where D.When

44.A.ever B.hardly

C.already D.almost

5.A.good and good B.well and well

C.better and better D.best and best



What will man be like in the future?Of course,he will be different from what he is today,and life in the future will be different from life today.

There are more computers in our life,and people will work fewer hours.They will have more free time to do sports,watch TV and travel.Robots will do dangerous and hard work.Because of these,many people will have no jobs to do.Because of the modern machines,we begin to use arms and legs less.People become weaker.Because we use computers,our fingers(手指) will become more sensitive(敏感的).I think modern machines are good for people.At the same time they are bad for us,too.


46.In the future,man will be the same as today.

47.There are more computers in our life,so people will work fewer hours.

48.Because of robots,people will have more jobs to do.

49.In the future,we will use arms and legs less and less.

50.Modern machines are good for people in all ways.


People began to make robots about several hundred years ago.In the past,some of the early ones looked like animals or humans.However,they couldn talk and were pretty dumb.They worked like clocks and did the same things over and over again.

Now modern robots don always look like people.Some are like big machines,others are nothing but long arms attached to boxy(箱子般四四方方的) bodies.However,modern robots are smart.Some can solve problems on their own.Their brains are computers and their eyes are sensors(传感器).Motors(发动机) help them move.

In the future,robots will learn from their mistakes more than they do now.They will be smarter.Its possible that we will have robot judges,robot household workers,and robot factory workers.Robots will help people to do more things.

51.How long is the history of robots?

A.Hundreds of years.

B.Several hundred years.

C.Seven hundred years.

D.A hundred year.

52.Whats the possible meaning of dumb?

A.Talking like people. B.Clever.

C.Unintelligent(迟钝). D.Cute.

53.Most robots look like people________.

A.in the past B.clever

C.in the future D.all the time

54.Which of the following is NOT true about modern robots?

A.Some robots can solve problems on their own.

B.Some robots are like big machines.

C.Modern robots are smart.

D.Some robots brains are sensors.

55.What can robots do in the future according to the passage?

A.They can help people do housework.

B.They can work as judges.

C.They can work in the factory.

D.They can have brains as people.

