1200字范文 > 超级nice的温柔爱情文案 句句暖心 赶紧收藏!

超级nice的温柔爱情文案 句句暖心 赶紧收藏!

时间:2019-12-03 02:10:48


超级nice的温柔爱情文案 句句暖心 赶紧收藏!

一,我要做一个会撒糖糖的小孩子 走一路糖撇一路让和我一起走在路上的你甜到心里。

I want to be a child who can sprinkle sugar and sugar, and walk all the way to make you sweet when you walk with me on the road

二,如果可以我想和你同住一间屋子晨起煮粥 过午饮茶日暮时接吻 若傍晚我从分面回来就给你实一束花。

If I can, I want to share a room with you. I cook porridge in the morning. I kiss at sunset after lunch. If I come back from noodles in the evening, I will give you a bunch of flowers.


The boy who used to wait for me at the door after school is now waiting for him at home.

四,我爱你 春天爱你 夏天穿短袖爱你 秋天爱你 冬天穿外套爱你下雨淋雨爱你 下雷淋雪爱你 日出日落都爱你。

I love you in spring, wear short sleeves in summer, wear a coat in winter, rain, rain, thunder and snow, sunrise and sunset


Because I have felt your love, I know you deserve everything


We can quarrel, we can delete friends, but you can help but understand my heart, my little temper, ignore me, be fierce, and make up with me

七,对别人温柔是礼貌 对你温柔是真心的。

It is polite to be gentle with others and sincere to be gentle with you


It is my most pious love for you to put my right hand in my heart.

九,我赌我不会离开他。I bet I won leave him


The best thing I can do to you is to let you know that although the world is bad, you are loved.


Simplicity is not less, but no redundancy, enough is not more, but just you are there.


The world is really too big. I looked at it with my probe and finally retracted it into your heart


Finally, the heart is finally moved. If you hold it, it will be warm if you accompany it


Give me all your gentleness and irritability to cherish.


I want to wear the most beautiful wedding dress and marry the one I love the most one day.
