1200字范文 > 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》名句


时间:2023-02-20 23:22:11



1.A mans opinion of himself determines his own destiny, or his final destination.


2.Real entertainment comes only after real work. The real wisdom is not to do things without hope.


3.It is not too late to correct our prejudice whenever and whenever.


4.To solve life problems, we should not only bury ourselves in theory, but also learn more from practice.


5.What you pay for is pain. At such times the pain itself is the reward of Labour.


6.If you want someone else to buy your basket, you have to make it feel like your basket is worth buying or something else that makes others feel valuable.

如果要别人来买你的篮子,你必须要让人觉得你的篮子是值得买的,或者做些让别人觉 得有价值的其他东西也可以。

7.We should not care too much about ourselves, so that we can give these care to others sincerely.


8.People need not to deal with what they need, but to do something.


9.Why do we always think about how to get more of this stuff, and not to reduce the need for something like this in due course?

我们为什么总是考虑怎样去得到更多的这类东西,而不能适当、适时地减少一些对这类 东西的渴求呢?

10.What makes the house unique is not their appearance, but the lives of the residents in the house.


11.They should not only adopt a game or research attitude to their life, but should experience the life from beginning to end.


12.What one gets is another persons loss.


13.Do not be a prophet of the poor. It is to be diligent and strive to be a valuable person in the world.


14."Must think more, be braver, more generous, and carefully study every word and every word.


15.Take some time to learn an ancient language when you e young -- even if its just a few words... It is also valuable, since these words are distilled from the tedious of the streets, and they have become the eternal inspiration and the power to lift people up.

年轻时用一些时间去学习一门古代语言——即使是只掌握一些词汇……也是有价值 的,因为 这些词汇是从大街小巷的烦琐中提炼出来的,它们已经变成永恒的启示和使人振作的力量。


rather than love,than money,than fame,give me truth.


instead of singing like the birds,i silently smiled at my incessant good fortune.


the value of a man is not in his skin,that we should touch him.


i love to be alone.i never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.


there is no odor so bad as that which arises from goodness tainted.

21. 我其实并不应该过多地谈论自己,前提是,如果我了解别人如同了解自己一样透彻。

in fact, I should not talk about myself too much if Iknow others as well as myself.

22. 因为在这个世界上,人只需要闭上眼睛,转个向,就会迷路。

because in this world, people only need to close their eyes and turn around and lose their way.

23. 穿着自己辛勤劳动得来的衣服,哪里还有贫穷可言。

where clothes are worn by hard work, where there is poverty.

24. 其实没有人穿了有补钉的衣服而在我的眼里降低了身份;但我很明白,一般人心里,为了衣服忧思真多,衣服要穿得入时,至少也要清洁,而且不能有补钉,至于他们有无健全的良心,从不在乎。

there is no one in my eyes, but I know, ingeneral, in the mind, to be worried about clothes, when clothes should be worn,at least to clean, and not to have a nail, and if they have a sound conscience,they never care.

25. 智慧和纯洁来自努力,无知和纵欲来自懒惰。wisdom and purity come from effort, ignorance and indulgencecome from laziness.

26. 我爱给我的生命留有更多余地。

I love to leave more room for my life.

27. 我希望在一些没有束缚的地方说话;像一个清醒的人跟另一些清醒的人那样地说话;我觉得,要给真正的表达奠立一个基础。

I want to speak in some unrestrained places; like a sober person to speak to other sober people; I think it lays a foundation for real expression.

28. 我看到那些岁月如何奔驰,挨过了冬季,便迎来了春天。

I see how those years mercedes Benz, after winter, itushered in the spring.

29、 一个湖是风景中最美、最有表情的姿容。它是大地的眼睛;望着它的人可以测出他自己的天性的深浅。

a lake is the most beautiful and expressive face in the scenery. It is the eye of the earth; the man who looks at it can see the depth of his nature.


Everyone is an architect of a temple. His body is his sanctuary, in which he reveres his God in his own way, and he has his own templeand God, even if he chisel on the marble.


every morning is a pleasant invitation to make my life as simple as nature itself. Perhaps I can say that it is equally pure and pure.


if a person lives honestly, he must live in a distantcountry.

33、 人类在过着静静的绝望的生活。你从绝望的城市走到绝望的村庄,以水貂和麝鼠的勇敢来安慰自己。……可是不做绝望的事,才是智慧的一种表征。human beings are living in a quiet and desperate life.From the hopeless city to the desperate village, you comfort yourself with the courage of mink and musk mouse. But not doing desperate things is a sign of wisdom.


most of the time, I feel lonely is good for health. With a companion, even the best companion will soon be tired of doing poorly. I loveloneliness. I haven met a better companion than loneliness.


the so-called resignation is a kind of proven despair.

36、 我们说,只能这样的生活呵,可是从圆心可以画出多少条半径来,而生活方式有这样的多。一切变革都是值得思考的奇迹,每一刹那发生的事都可以是奇迹。

we say that this is the only way to live, but how many radii can be drawn from the center of the circle, and there are so many ways of life. All change is a miracle worth pondering. Every moment can be a miracle.


in the impression of a wise man, everything in the universeis generally ignorant. Poison is not necessarily toxic, but it is not necessarilyfatal. Compassion is a very unreliable basis. Its a little fleeting. Its way ofresorting to sympathy can be the same.

38、 黎明啊,一天之中最值得纪念的时节,是觉醒的时辰。那时候,我们的昏沉欲睡的感觉是最少的了;至少可有一小时之久,整日夜昏昏沉沉的官能大都要清醒起来。至少一个月中有一两天好好看一看这样觉醒的黎明。

dawn, the most memorable time of day is the time of awakening.At that time, our lethargy was the least. At least for an hour, we had to wake up all night. At least one or two days in a month will be nice to see this awakening dawn.


love no medicine can be medical, only love deeper40、我在我内心发现,而且还继续发现,我有一种追求更高的生活,或者说探索精神生活的本能,对此许多人也都有过同感,但我另外还有追求原始的行列和野性生活的本能,这两者我都很尊敬。我之爱野性,不下于我之爱善良。

I found in my heart, and continued to find that I have an instinct to pursue a higher life, or to explore a spiritual life, and many people have the same feeling, but I also have the same pursuit of the primitive ranksand the instincts of wild life, both of whom I respect. My love of the wild, noless than my love and kindness.


my lifestyle is at least that good, better than thosewho have to go out to find entertainment, into the community, or to the theater,because my life itself is entertainment, and its always new.


as long as we know the direction of the river and its surroundings, we can know his depth and the hidden Olympic Games. If he is surrounded by a mountainous environment, the shore is dangerous, the mountain peaks are high and reflected in the chest, he must be a man of the same depth.

43、 你们要尽可能长久地生活得自由,生活得并不执著才好。执迷于一座田园和关在县政府的监狱中,简直没有分别。

you have to live as long as possible and live freely.Obsessed with an idyllic garden and a prison in a county government, there is no difference.
