1200字范文 > 心累到撑不下去的语录 句句心酸 总有一句刺痛你的心

心累到撑不下去的语录 句句心酸 总有一句刺痛你的心

时间:2019-12-29 13:12:13


心累到撑不下去的语录 句句心酸 总有一句刺痛你的心

1. 有时候就想大哭一场,因为心里憋屈;有时候就想疯癫一场,因为情绪低落。

Sometimes I just want to cry, because my heart is wronged; sometimes I just want to be crazy, because I am depressed.

2. 我很累却不知道哪里累,我想说却不知道对谁说,生活给了我太多的无奈和心酸。

I am very tired, but do not know where tired, I want to say, but do not know who to say that life has given me too much helplessness and sadness.

3. 如果可以,我想对这个世界说,我想请个假,暂时的离开一下。

If I can, I want to say to the world, I want to take a leave of absence, temporarily leave .

4. 每个人都是幸福的,只是,你的幸福往往在别人眼里。

Everyone is happy, but your happiness is often in the eyes of others.

5. 有时候你生气,愤怒,伤心,其实只是因为你所得到的结果和你以为的差得太远,你总是和你自己在较劲。

Sometimes you are angry, angry, sad, in fact, just because you get the results and you think the difference is too far, you are always and your own in the fight,

6. 走过了悲伤,走过了荒凉,却走不到你和我的天长。

Through the sadness, through the desolation, but can not go to you and my Tianchang.

7. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于我,你是我整个世界。

To time you may be one person, but to me you may be the world.

8. 感情就是这样,我失望到顶点后,就再不会回头了。不是不勇敢,也不是怕受伤,只是觉得自己不该为了一个错的你,再继续做错的决定。毕竟,你有你的执着,我有我的洒脱。

Feelings are like this. After I am disappointed to the top, I will never look back. Not not brave, not afraid of injury, just feel that you are not still for a wrong you, continue to make the wrong decision. After all, you have your persistence, I have my free and easy

9. 说出来太矫情,不说太委屈,哭太没有,不哭太苦。

Say it too much, don say it, too wronged, cry, he didn cry, too bitter.

10. 有些事,现在看来不过如此,但是当时,真的就是一秒一秒熬过来的。

Some things seem to be the case now, but it was really a second and a second.
