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时间:2019-02-16 08:22:06





1. the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

2. compete in …compete with other countries for world market 与其它国家竞争国际市场

compete in a race 参加赛跑

compete with [against] sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物

Our Greek cities used to compete against each other just for the honour of winning.我们希腊各个城市之间曾经为了荣誉而彼此之间相互竞争。

3. take part in 参加

We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted.

我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外.

4. What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? 奥运旗帜上的五环代表什么?

stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护;容忍;允许

What does

I won't stand for his insults any longer. 我再不能容忍他的污辱了。

5. (a) volunteer for (……志愿者)志愿做……。

6. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and used to write about the Olympics a long time ago

We used to keep in touch with each other by writing letters.我们过去常写信联系对方。

I am used to reading stories to my daughter every night and she enjoys it.我习惯了每天给女儿讲故事,她也非常喜欢这样做。

Wood can be used to make furniture. 木头能用来做家具。

There used to be a temple at the place where our school stands now.在我们学校所在之处过去有一座庙。

7.on a regular basis 定期地He comes to visit us on a regular basis.他定期来看望我们。

I. be going to 的用法

be going to结构表示按计划、打算去做某事,表示人的主管意图,有时还可表示预测有迹象要发生某事。如:

. How long is your aunt going to stay in China for a visit?


. Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain.


. George is putting on weight. He is going to be quite fat.


II. be going to与will的区别

. will表示说话人认为、相信要发生的事, 不含具体时间, 可以指遥远的将来; be going to 表示按计划、打算即将发生的事。

. 二者都可以表示“意图” 。但是表示事先考虑的事情用be going to, 否则用will。如: I am not going to / won’t tell him about it.

--This is a very heavy box.

--I’ll help you to carry it.

. be going to 可以用在条件句中表示 将来, will则不行。 如:

If you are going to attend the party, you’d better leave now.



He broke into the house to steal something.

Many drug addicts are now in treatment centers to stop taking drugs.

He’s saving up to buy a new car.

He uses a computer to send emails.

2)有时候在不定式前面加上in order to或 so as to, 否定式为 in order not to 和so as not to:

Let’s hurry so as to go to school in time.

Let’s hurry so as not to be late for school.

She studied very hard in order to catch up with others.

She studied very hard in order not to lag behind.

3) 不定式表示目的时,通常它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,但如果不是的话,就要用for? 结构表示逻辑主语,如:

Mom opened the door for Jane and Betty to come in.




被动语态的概念:它是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的执行或被执行关系。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,例如:They saw the little boy crying by the river. 被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,例如:The little boy was seen crying by the river.



1. 一般现在时 am/is/are + 过去分词

例如:Rice is planted in the south of China.

2. 一般过去时 was/were + 过去分词

例如:These trees were planted the year before last.

3. 一般将来时 will/shall + be + 过去分词

例如:A sports meeting will be held next week in our school.

4. 现在进行时 am/is/are + being + 过去分词

例如:Your radio is being repaired now.

5. 过去进行时 was/were + being + 过去分词

When he got there, the problem was being discussed.

6. 现在完成时 have/has + been + 过去分词

His work has been finished.

Has his work been finished? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.

7. 过去完成时 had + been + 过去分词


1.除了be之外的其它系动词如get, stay等也可以和过去分词构成被动语态。例如:Their questions haven’t got answered.

2. 含有情态动词的谓语变成被动语态使用“情态动词+ be + 过去分词”结构。例如:

More attention should be paid to the old in this country.

This work can’t be done until Mr. Black comes.

3. 含有“be going to”, “be to”等结构的谓语,其被动语态分别用“be going to + be + 过去分词”和“be to + be + 过去分词”。例如:

The problem is going to be discussed at the next meeting.

All these books are to be taken to the library.

4. 被动语态与系表结构的区别:“连系动词+用作表语的过去分词”构成的系表结构,与被动语态的形式完全一样,所以应注意它们的区别。被动语态中的过去分词是动词,多强调动作;系表结构中的过去分词相当于形容词,多强调状态。前者通常可用by 引出动作的执行者,而后者则不可以。例如:

The map was changed by someone.(被动结构)

That custom remained unchanged for many centuries.(系表结构)



He was very excited.(系表结构)

He was much excited by her words.(被动结构)

5. 主动形式表被动意义。有些动词的主动形式有被动意味,如 open, read, sell, shut, wash, wear, write等。此时句子的主语一般是物。例如:

These books sell well. 这些书很畅销。

The door won’t shut. 这门关不上。

The clothes wash well. 这些衣服很好洗。



add up合计

upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的


calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的


have got to不得不;必须

concern(使)担心;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系

be concerned about关心;挂念

walk the dog溜狗

loose adj松的;松开的


go through经历;经受





Nazi纳粹党人 adj.纳粹党的

set down记下;放下;登记


a series of一连串的;一系列;一套



on purpose故意

in order to为了


at dusk在黄昏时刻

thunder vi打雷雷鸣;n.雷,雷声

entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的

entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地


face to face 面对面地

curtain 窗帘;门帘;幕布

dusty adj积满灰尘的

no longer /not … any longer不再


settle安家;定居;停留vt 使定居;安排;解决

suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历

suffer from遭受;患病




get/be tired of对…厌烦

pack捆扎;包装打行李 n小包;包裹

pack( sth )up 将(东西)装箱打包




get along with与…相处。进展


fall in love相爱;爱上





join in参加;加入

tip提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 vt.倾斜;翻倒






1. be good to 对……友好 be good for 对……有益;be bad to…/be bad for…

2. add up 加起来 增加

add up to 合计,总计

add… to 把……加到……

3. not…until/till 意思是“直到…才”

4. get sth/sb done 使……完成/使某人被……

5. calm down平静下来

6. be concerned about 关心 关注

7. 当while, when, before, after 等引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致时,可将从句中的主语和be动词省去。

While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose.

8. cheat in the exam

9. go through 经历;度过;获准,通过

10. hide away 躲藏;隐藏

11. set down 写下,记下

12. I wonder if….. 我不知道是不是….

12. on purpose 故意

13. sth happen to sb 某人发生某事

sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事

it so happened that ……正巧 碰巧

14. It is the first (second…) that… (从句谓语动词用现在完成时)

15. in one’s power 处于……的控制之中

16. It’s no pleasure doing…. 做…..没有乐趣

It’s no good/ use doing sth. 做某事是没好处/没用的

17. She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place. it做形式宾语

18. suffer from 患…病;遭受

19. so…that… /such…thay…

20. get tired of…. 对…感到劳累 疲惫

21. have some trouble with sb/sth. 在……上遇到了麻烦

22. get along with sb/sth. 与某人相处

23. ask(sb)for advice. (向某人)征求建议

24. make 后接复合宾语,宾语补足语须用不带to 的不定式、形容词、过去分词、名词等。常见的有以下几种形式:

make sb. do sth.让 (使)某人做某事

make sb. /sth. +adj. 使某人/物…

make sb./ oneself +v-ed 让某人/自己被…

When you speak, you should make yourself understood.

make sb.+n. 使某人成为…

25. alone /lonely. 单独的/孤独的

26. I would be grateful if… 委婉客气提出请求

27. Why not do….. = why don’t you do…


1. The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low. 他没能上电影学院是因为他的分数太低了。


1. 句中that引导的表语从句说明主语reason的具体内容,往往被看作是固定句型:The reason is / was that clause. 当主语是reason / cause时,一般不能用because或why引导表语从句,以免造成语意重复。当主语是This / That时,可以由because / why引导表语从句。例如:One reason is that people traveled to America from all European countries.

【考例】(NMET 1999)

-- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

-- Is that ____ you had a few days off?

A. why B. when C. what D. where

[考查目标] 表语从句。

[答案与解析]A 句子的意思是“那就是你请了几天假的原因吗?”因此可知答案为why。

2. why在句中是关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词reason,同时它在定语从句中作状语,此时why = for which,但要注意:关系词在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,要用关系代词that或which。

【考例】(2002上海春招)Is this the reason ____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

A. he explained B. what he explained

C. how he explained D. why he explained


[答案与解析]A what,how不能引导定语从句,排除B、C两项;the reason在定语从句中作explained的宾语,可填that / which,或者也可以省略。

2. Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark. 好多看过这个片子的人一想起片中鲨鱼食人的场面.就不敢下海游泳了。

该句是一个复杂长句,从when到句子末尾是状语从句,在从句中包含一个由which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词scenes; 在前面的主句里面。包含一个由who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词people。例如:Those who want to go camping next Sunday sign your name here before class is over.

定语从句关系词的选择,要遵循“瞻前顾后”的原则,所谓“瞻前”即看前面的先行词指人还是指物;“顾后”即后面的定语从句,看关系词在定语从句中作什么成分。例如:This is the factory where he works. (状语) / This is the factory (that / which) he visited. (宾语)

【考例】(NMET 1992)In the dark street,there wasn't a single person ____ she could turn for help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom


[答案与解析]D “turn to sb for help”为固定短语,意思是“向某人求助”,所以选to whom。

3. When asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. 当有人问起他成功的秘诀时。史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格说起他的成功和幸福主要来自于妻子和孩子。

该句中的 "when" 是时间状语从句的省略形式。在状语从句中,如果从句主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是it,而且从句谓语动词是be或包含be时,常常将从句主语与be省略。例如:Although born in Chicago, the author is famous for his stories about New York.

【考例】 (上海春招) Unless ___to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.

A. invited B. inviting

C. being invited D. having invited


[答案与解析]A unless为连词,后面省略了you are,所以选invited。

