1200字范文 > 经典说说情感短语 总有一句触动你的心弦

经典说说情感短语 总有一句触动你的心弦

时间:2021-04-13 18:22:20


经典说说情感短语 总有一句触动你的心弦

一、当我们遇到坎坷、挫折时,不悲观失望,不长吁短叹,塞翁失马,焉知非福?碰到挫折,不要畏惧、厌恶,从某方面说,挫折对我们来说那就是一件历练意志的好事。惟有挫折与困境,才能使一个人变得坚强,变得失敌。When we encounter frustrations and setbacks, we should not be pessimistic or disappointed. We should not sigh long or short. How can we know that it is not a good thing for a Cypriot to lose his horse?

Don be afraid or disgusted when you encounter setbacks. In a way, setbacks are a good thing for us to experience our will. Only setbacks and difficulties can make a person strong and lose the enemy.

二、曾经我认为:孤独就是自己与自己的对话。现在我认为:孤独就是自己都忘记了与自己对话。曾经我认为:孤独是世界上只剩自己一个人。现在我认为:孤独是自己居然就能成一个世界。Once I thought: loneliness is the dialogue between oneself and oneself. Now I think: loneliness is that you forget to talk to yourself. I used to think that loneliness is the only person left in the world. Now I think: loneliness is that you can become a world.

三、今天的我不知道能说些什么了,现在的我只知道我心已冷,我不再是昨天以前那个对爱充满着烂漫情怀的人了,对爱,我已心灰意冷了。人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。Today I don know what to say. Now I only know that my heart is cold. I am no longer the person who was full of loving feelings before yesterday. I am discouraged about loving. All ones life, there are some unspeakable secrets, irreversible regrets, unreachable dreams, and unforgettable love.

四、我们并不拥抱,保留你的骄傲,遗憾然后微笑。一生之中一定会遇到某个人,他打破你的原则,成为你的例外,成就你全世界的幸福。人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。We don hug, keep your pride, regret and smile. In your life, you will meet someone who breaks your principles and becomes your exception, and achieves the happiness of your whole world. People don fail because they don have faith, but because they can turn faith into action and stick to it.

五、人生中的一切选择,无论是冒进还是保守,利弊权衡下来其实相差无几。选择冒险就要敢于承担后果,选择保守就莫要不甘心。人终其一生最大的幸运也不过是:选择了自己想要的生活,尽管历经沧桑与挫折,却从未后悔。All choices in life, whether bold or conservative, are virtually identical in terms of their pros and cons. If you choose to take risks, you must dare to bear the consequences. If you choose to be conservative, you must be willing. The greatest luck in ones life is to choose the life one wants and never regret it despite the vicissitudes and setbacks.

六、没有人能打倒你,除非你自己。只要你心中有颗信念的太阳,无论走到哪里,那里都会有灿烂的阳光。积极乐观、自由奔放,生活就应该明明朗朗。No one can knock you down unless you are yourself. As long as you have a belief in the sun, wherever you go, there will be brilliant sunshine. Positive and optimistic, free and unrestrained, life should be clear and clear.

七、梦,总不够漫长可我们需要梦想。情;总让人受伤可我们还念念不忘。雨,下得再漂亮可我们还喜欢阳光。你,虽不在我身旁可我从未将你遗忘。Dreams are not long enough, but we need dreams. Love; always hurt, but we still remember. Rain, its raining beautifully, but we also like sunshine. You are not beside me, but I have never forgotten you.

八、在你孤独无依的时候,有人能借个肩膀给你依靠;在你焦头烂额的时候,有人能伸出一双手给你帮忙;在你伤心绝望的时候,有人能给你一个港湾让你停留。When you e lonely, someone can lend you a shoulder to rely on; when you e burned out, someone can lend you a hand to help; when you e sad and desperate, someone can give you a harbor to stay.

九、相信在天边,念然在眼前,念与练,就是我们的缘!晨读有经卷,富有洗尘粘,欲减在天天,欣赏到缠绵,与君会有意,下池捞灵泉,咏梅诗一首,我入最缠绵。在剥离的时候,我们又遮掩了时间,让光明深入夜间,遥远惑发现了近切,星月对望,我听你退回的问,我进一步的笑,我们如鱼,在溪水里契约着应答。Believe in the horizon, read in front of the eyes, read and practice, is our fate! Morning reading has volumes, rich in dust and sticky, want to reduce in the day, enjoy the entanglement of sleep, and you will intend to go to the pool to salvage Lingquan, chant plum poems, I into the most entangled.

At the time of stripping, we hide the time, let the light penetrate into the night, the distant confusion found close, the stars and the moon look at each other, I listen to your return question, I further laugh, we are like fish, contracted to respond in the stream.


Life always gives you another chance, which is called tomorrow. Life has no past, no past, no matter what, as long as past, will slowly forget. The softest part of everyones heart is a person who has never been in the past but has never been there.

十一、 也许我们应该学习那些在草坪上无所事事晒太阳的老外,享受你的时光,享受你目前拥有的一切,享受简单的生活,享受生活是不需要资格的,任何人都可以,一个人不要忘记享受生活。Maybe we should learn from those foreigners who do nothing on the lawn to bask in the sun, enjoy your time, enjoy everything you have at present, enjoy a simple life, enjoy life is not qualified, anyone can, a person should not forget to enjoy life.

十二、 想做一条鱼,不洗澡也不会脏,每七秒就有一个新世界,胖到肚子挺出来也很可爱,最重要的是夏天也不会热。人的感情就像牙齿,掉了就没了,再装也是假的,掉了的东西就不要捡了,接受突如其来的失去,珍惜不期而遇的惊喜。If you want to be a fish, you won get dirty without bathing. Every seven seconds, you will have a new world. Its very cute to be fat enough to stand out. Most importantly, it won be hot in summer. Peoples feelings are like teeth. If they lose their teeth, they will disappear. If they pretend to be false, they will not pick up what they have lost. They will accept the unexpected loss and cherish the unexpected surprise.

十三、爱情就是毒药,可是尽管如此,我也愿意喝下这毒药感受一番毒发身亡的体验!或者等待那个愿意来解救我的有缘人!如果爱情会让人变愚蠢,快乐常伴也比思虑过渡要活得自在!我不勇敢这一次,也许永远孤独!走不出内心的那道心墙!飞蛾扑火,是什么感受?我愿意来体验一番!向死而生,是我生存的理念!活着就要好好精彩,待命运来收取我的光阴时!我可以无憾的离开!Love is poison, but even so, I would like to drink this poison to experience a poisonous death! Or wait for someone who is willing to rescue me! If love makes people foolish, happy companions are more comfortable than the transition of thinking. I am not brave this time, maybe lonely forever! Can get out of the inner wall!

Whats the feeling of moths fighting fire? I would like to experience it! To live to death is my philosophy of survival! Live well wonderful, waiting for fate to collect my time! I can leave without regret!

十四、我们说好一起老去看细水长流,却将成为别人的某某,在分岔的路口,你在左,我在右,我们都倔强的不曾回头。喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记。生活本应如此简单。We said that we would always go to see the water flowing, but it would become somebody elses. At the forked road, you are on the left, I am on the right, we are stubborn and never look back. If you like it, fight for it, treasure it when you get it, and forget it when you miss it. Life should have been so simple.

十五、人都会有心情不好的时候,说不上的失落,道不明白的难过,理不清的情绪。人世情感多为无常。身边太多人的离开都让我猝不及防,每每还没来得及好好告别,就从此再也不见。总算明白,无情的不是时间,而是人心的善变。People will be in a bad mood, can not say the loss, the road does not understand the sadness, the mood can not be sorted out. Most of the worlds emotions are fickle. Too many people around me left me in a hurry. I never saw them again until I had time to say goodbye. At last, I understand that it is not time that is ruthless, but the changeability of peoples hearts.

十六、坚强,并不是你能排除干扰,而是能够正视纷争;并不是你熨平坎坷,而是能够涉险通过;并不是你能搞定一切,而是能够包容一切。坚强,不是要让一切都如你所愿,而是包容或忽略那些伤害!Being strong is not that you can get rid of interference, but that you can face up to disputes; it is not that you can smooth out bumps, but that you can get through dangers; it is not that you can get everything done, but that you can tolerate everything. Strong, not to let everything as you wish, but to tolerate or ignore those injuries!

十七、有些东西,那是我们所不想要的,但它却是如影随形。痛苦,畸形,离去,等待,病痛,丑陋,煎熬,杀戮,灰暗这些东西,我们都不想要。但这些东西,我们或多或少都拥有过。即使一样也不曾拥有,但我们都为之困扰过。There are things that we don want, but they go hand in hand. Pain, deformity, leaving, waiting, sickness, ugliness, suffering, killing, gloom We don want these things. But these things, we have more or less. Even if we never own one, we have all been troubled by it.

十八、说人生没有如果那是假的。如果始终在诱惑着我们,不过首先要活在当下。这样才能拥有更多的关于未来的如果。抱怨身处黑暗,不如提灯前行。愿你在自己存在的地方,成为一束光,照亮世界的一角。Say that life is not if it is false. If we are always tempted, we must first live in the present. Only in this way can we have more about the future if. Its better to carry a lamp than complain about being in the dark. May you be a light in your own place and a corner of the world.

十九、如果没有期待过永恒,那一夜又何必辗转反侧?夜风冷冷吹来,站在陌生的城市里,想着相遇的片段,一个人徜徉在回忆的天空,这座伤心的城,安静的与寂寞的影子相拥。谢谢你曾给过我最美的爱情,让我在最好的年华为爱感动。If there is no expectation of eternity, why toss and turn that night? The night wind blew cold, standing in a strange city, thinking of the fragments of encounter, wandering in the memory of the sky, this sad city, quiet and lonely shadow embraced. Thank you for giving me the most beautiful love, let me in the best years for love.

二十、难事必做于易,大事必作于细,不轻易许诺,不畏惧困难。踏踏实实的把一件件细小的工作去落实,持之以恒,终会实现心目中的理想目标。Difficulties must be done easily, great things must be done carefully, not easily promised, not afraid of difficulties. Steadfastly carry out a small piece of work, and persevere, will eventually achieve the ideal goal in mind.
