1200字范文 > 英语阅读学习: 余生何其漫长 愿与岁月深爱

英语阅读学习: 余生何其漫长 愿与岁月深爱

时间:2019-07-07 20:17:14


英语阅读学习: 余生何其漫长 愿与岁月深爱


Life is a complex script, years are a deep river. No matter what kind of dust through, never change the heart of the simple.Step on the journey of thousands of mountains and rivers, through the vicissitudes of life, only for the pursuit of inner settlement. Sitting in a corner of the years, holding books idle reading, letter pen life, quiet to see the noise incomparable red dust, that noise can not disturb the clean dustless heart.

The distant stars fade away, the past of life is far away, always feel that life is long, but turn back has been more than half.It is not important to run a few life, it is important in your experience in the ups and downs of growing up in their own, in the depths of the years under your wisdom and calm.In the red tape and vulgar wash lead Hua, true love of the years will never run things, forget each other. It teaches us to appreciate the world with a unique vision, reflecting to us a different kind of thinking, not at random and buried in the life of the splendor, do not follow their own body and mind.

Open in the sunshine of the years closed heart for a long time, bright face and love life state is never old youth. Only the love of life, love sports people, will let the body from the inside out to send out the radiant vitality.Years are a mirror, let you see the present self, see the past self, see what you want to be.In this practice of life, do not regret to die, enjoy the life of every present, old is only the age of life, not old is elegant charming temperament.There is always the past can not look back, there is always fate quietly slip away. Only the years of the river, not slow to flow their own calm rhythm.One by one wonderful story, wonderful life one by one moment. Even if the past drifted away, there is also a place of Acacia floating not far away fragrance.

God gives us a simple heart that we inadvertently make complex. To restore complexity to simplicity, to return complexity to simplicity, is our way back to nature.Life should know how to load, but also know how to reduce the burden. Only know how to put down, know how to let go, will be in the entanglement of trouble to unload the burden, win happiness.How many people in the world alone, in order to live in a hurry, cold and warm self-knowledge, the night off camouflage, find some warm words alone comfort. Life is just a few decades, how willing to use this precious time to spend? To say goodbye? To repent?Fate arrived, the right person came. Thank God let us meet in life, know each other cherish, support each other, with tacit understanding of the heart accompanied.Do not expect forever, as long as sincerely treat, as long as once had, the warm past will be in the years of notes to retain a profound stroke.Years are used to manage, to cherish, to meet those good people. Although in this world, two people meet the probability of only one in ten million, but this chance of chance, to life lonely walk bring how beautiful moved.

All said that the years ruthless, only the people who have feelings, will understand the years of deep feelings such as water, can appreciate its gentle low eyebrow.Years give life the best gift, is a simple quiet, not to disturb things, not to their own sad heart.For diesel oil and salt running for a long time, a high heart inevitably fell into vulgarity, inevitably walk blankly, forgot to look up to the clear stars. Time flies, everything goes too fast, with the pure heart to clear the obstacles, leaving a piece of white to life thinking and reverie.People to middle age, see through the world"s miscellaneous, see the world"s sad, know why life, where to go. With a tolerant heart understanding of the world is not easy, with a compassionate heart to treat all around.Life is a chance to go to the appointment, years, because those unexpected chance, encounter and beautiful. With such a beautiful encounter, watching the sunrise and sunset, listening to the sound of insects clear wind mood, more than a plain warm and romantic poetry.Treat each other with sincerity in the years of each day, to be the years of plain people, the spirit of the rich people, calm people.

Can accept the noise when all things come, can bear the loneliness of the end of the song, ill-fated when not self-pity, life is not ecstatic, a person experienced how big waves, how deep the practice of life.Heart in the quiet and happy walk, will interpret more life secret language, in this noisy world is not disturbed, will own clean heart window switch freely.A person"s appearance before the age of 35 is determined by his parents, and his face after the age of 35 is determined by himself.People"s appearance is the projection of inner practice, it is the soul of the heart after the experience of joys and sorrows, it is the years after the growth and experience, it is a day to read something shed tears, it is sealed a period of unforgettable memory after the pet.How fragrant the years, how true!

Read the years of this heavy book, life across the narrow life and death, broke through the cage of self.Time will naturally deepen everything in life, naturally fade, only sincere to the heart of the past, will be in the reading of the past moving, tear-jerking, will release the innermost entanglement, pain, misfortune, to achieve the ultimate meaning of life, deep, thorough interpretation...
