1200字范文 > 手机充电的误区及正确方法 这些充电习惯都会影响电池寿命

手机充电的误区及正确方法 这些充电习惯都会影响电池寿命

时间:2024-01-09 19:28:00


手机充电的误区及正确方法 这些充电习惯都会影响电池寿命


The best way to charge your phone is a little at a time, whenever you have a chance.最好的充电方法是一有机会就给手机充一点电。

Just plug it in whenever you can, even if it's for a few minutes, and you'll be fine.可以充电的时候就把电源插上,即使是几分钟也行。

"Partial charges cause no harm," according to Battery University.据电池大学网站称:“部分充电不会对电池造成损害。”

Don't fully discharge your phone before plugging it in.不要在耗光手机电量后再充电。

Battery University says that so-called deep discharges – which happen when you use your phone until only a small portion of its battery life is left — wear down batteries.电池大学网站称,所谓的深度放电,即将手机电量消耗到仅剩一小部分,会损耗电池。

Try to keep your battery's charge level between 65% and 75%.尽量使电池的电量维持在65%到75%之间。

According to Battery University, the lithium-ion batteries inside your smartphones will have the longest lifespan if they're kept between 65% and 75% charged at all times.据电池大学网站称,你的智能手机锂电池的电量始终维持在65%至75%之间时,寿命是最长的。

It's clearly impractical to always keep your phone charge between those levels, but at least you know what's ideal!要想让手机电量始终保持在这个水平显然是不切实际的,但至少你知道什么是理想水平!

If you can't do that, shoot for keeping its charge level between 45% and 75%.如果你不能做到这一点,那就争取将电量保持在45%至75%之间。

The second best charge range for batteries inside smartphones is between 45% and 75%. That's probably a lot more realistic for most people on a day-to-day basis.智能手机电池第二理想的电量范围在45%至75%之间。对于大多数人来说,这在日常生活中可能更为现实。

But you do have some wiggle room. If you typically keep your phone's charge level between 25% and 75%, you likely won't cause too much long-term damage.但你的确还有回旋余地。如果你通常将手机电量保持在25%至75%之间,那么也可能不会造成太多长期损耗。

Never fully charge your battery — and particularly not from a low charge level.不要完全充电,特别是在电量很低时。

Charging your phone's battery from a low 25% charge to 100% will reduce its capacity and shorten its lifespan.将电量低于25%的手机电池完全充满会降低电池容量,缩短其使用寿命。

In fact, charging from pretty much any amount to 100% is a bad idea. According to Battery University, lithium-ion batteries do "not need to be fully charged, nor is it desirable to do so. In fact, it is better not to fully charge, because a high voltage stresses the battery" and wears it out in the long run.事实上,无论手机剩余电量是多少,将电量充满都是不明智的。据电池大学表示,锂电池“不需要完全充电,也不应该完全充电。事实上,最好不要完全充电,因为高压会给电池施加压力”,从长远来看会对其造成损耗。

You likely shouldn't charge your phone overnight.或许你不应该整晚都给手机充着电。

I've seen a lot of debate about the effects of charging your smartphone overnight. But if charging to 100% causes the most damage to a phone battery's lifespan, you should probably cut it out.关于整晚给手机充电的影响存在很多争议。但是如果将电量充满对手机电池的寿命伤害最大,那么你或许应该适可而止。

And unplug your phone once it reaches 100%.电量达到100%时立即拔下电源。

