1200字范文 > 第一场雪...【英文版】_1200字_英语作文


时间:2022-06-14 11:16:17



Winter grandpa with his gift - the north wind and countless elves came.

One evening, the weather suddenly turned cold. The sky clouded over, for a while, the big snow falling down from the sky. The wind blows snow is flying in the sky, floating to the land, trees, fields... The world... Put on a white dress, beautiful beyond metaphor. On the second day morning, the snow was still falling, and I came to school with thick snow. Looking at the campus a white, snow fell on the fence on the roof, like a round of cream ice cream.

I saw many children were playing in the snow, they wrapped in knots snowball snowman, snowball fights...... Have a good time! Look at these, I think of my own childhood: a snow, I will be extremely happy, and friends frolicking together, it is always as cheerful as a lark, parents is very anxious, shouted: "be careful not to fall......" But we ignore them, still have to play with. Sometimes, we will fall, but we will not cry, just stand up and clap on the snow, and then toward his mother, "ha ha" laugh a few times, so that mothers do not worry, and then continue to join the ranks of friends. How happy I was then!

Winter is cold, but the campus is full of life, I love the winter, but I love the winter campus.
