1200字范文 > 托福写作看了高分经验还是没进步


时间:2022-04-09 22:32:18













1. Leisure activities: outdoors or indoors?

Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people preferto spend their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would youprefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons andexamples to explain your choice.



When one lives in a seasonal environment it is difficult to deny that bothoutdoor and indoor activities have their place. As the seasons change, so doesone's mood. Certain activities become more or less appealing, depending on theweather and the length of the day.

Spring is a time of the year when the world starts to awaken from itswinter slumber. The trees and flowers bloom, birds return from their migrationsand there is a general sense of gaiety in the air. During this season, I enjoygoing on long walks through parks and watching the world come alive. Manyconsider summer to be the apex of the year. The city comes into full swing asthe weather becomes warmer and warmer. During the summer, I prefer to spend thedaytime anywhere that is air-conditioned. This can include the library, ashopping center or a movie theater. I often enjoy spending the warm eveningssitting on the wide balcony of my house and having drinks with my friends.

Fall, with the turning of the leaves and the intense heat of the summerdissipating, is another excellent time to go on long walks during the day. Ilove to be outside during fall and see the life of the city returning to itshibernation. Another reason to go outside during autumn is to savor the lastdays of warmth until the next year. Winter brings the shortening of days andcooler weather. Outdoor activities tend to become less attractive and curling upon the couch with a good book becomes my favorite activity. It is not enjoyableto spend time outside if it is too cold. The only exception to this is the raretime I go skiing. So, my decision to spend time indoors or outdoors is vastlydependent on the season. Different seasons call for different activities andtherefore it is impossible to choose whether I would spend all of my leisuretime indoors or outdoors.

2. The best way the school spends a gift of money Your school has receiveda gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your school to spend thismoney? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


[11]题中,已经讨论过把钱花在图书馆上的重要性,所以,这道题要写: 盖一个图书馆,给现有的图书馆买更多的书。[167]本质上也是一样的题目


It is a very fortunate occurrence when a school receives a sizable grant.School officials must make the difficult decision of where to allocate thefunds, and I want to propose that spending the money on computers would be themost utilitarian decision.

Computers are rapidly growing in popularity, to such an extent that theyaffect all aspects of modern life. It is rare that one finds stimulatingemployment that does not require at least basic computer skills. If children areto become successful in today's society, they must have understanding in thisfield. As computers are the future, it is important for students to become adeptusers early in life. Not all children have equal opportunities to learn theimportant skills of using a computer. Many low-income families cannot afford topurchase such an expensive item, thus continuing a cycle of socialimmobility.

Purchasing computers for public schools gives children from low-incomefamilies the opportunity to break out of this cycle.

Finally computers allow students to access a wealth of information thatcould not possibly be stored in a library, or efficiently be kept up to date.One of the most common activities on a computer is "surfing" the Internet.

The Internet is updated by literally billions of people every day, andtherefore offers up any information that one could dream of. The Internet isalso an excellent source of inspiration, as so many people that update it haveincredible ideas.

In conclusion, I think that spending the grant money to buy new computerswould be most beneficial for the entire school. With the addition of newcomputers, students will be able to get an edge on their peers at differentschools, and be ready for university and the workforce. This is especially truefor low-income students.

Computers allow students to expand their minds and think in a new, excitingway.

3. Does playing games teach us about life?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing gamesteaches us about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support youranswer.



Across the world many cultures have their own favored games. While most ofthese cultures created the games themselves, many of these games have similarattributes. One reason for this is that people everywhere find gamesentertaining. More importantly, however, games teach us about life,socialization, and about how to work as a team, and how to win and losegracefully.

One of the most important developments one can make in his personality isthe ability to socialize well with others. Having a charismatic personality willtake a person far in any field. Almost all games have socialization aspectdeeply ingrained in them. Football and basketball both encourage a person totreat others with respect. This is known as having good sportsmanship. Of courserespecting others is a social skill that we all must learn if we are to succeedin life.

Many popular sports involve a group of people, ranging from two people totwenty people working together as a team. In these situations it is always ofutmost importance to be a team player. Of course in the business world being a"team player" has become a buzzword in most offices. Being a team player meansthat one should work well with others in the face of adversity. Team sports arefull of challenges and obstacles that a team must overcome together.

Finally most sports teach a person the value of winning and loosinggracefully. In sports etiquette it would be incredibly uncouth to start cryingor throw a tantrum if one were to lose a game. Likewise if one wins a game andgloats excessively in the face of their adversary, it is equally looked downupon. The same goes in "real life." One must learn the subtleties of defeat andvictory and learn to minimize their outward emotions.

In conclusion, I posit that games have much to teach us about life. To sumup they teach us how to work well with others. On a lighter note they also teachus how to have fun, which is an important life lesson in and of itself.

