1200字范文 > 求朋友写介绍信-A Note Asking a Friend to Write an I_700字_英语作文

求朋友写介绍信-A Note Asking a Friend to Write an I_700字_英语作文

时间:2021-09-17 11:15:33


求朋友写介绍信-A Note Asking a Friend to Write an I_700字_英语作文

求朋友写介绍信【内容提示】假定你名叫简(Jane)。你明天要到北京旅行,怕人地两生没人关照,想求你朋友杨红给她姑妈写封介绍信,以便得到帮助。但是,杨红碰巧不在宿舍,所以你给她留了张便条,请她见字后给你写信。【作文示范】A Note Asking a Friend to Write an Introducing LetterFriday morningDear Yang Hong,I'm going on a trip to Beijing by train tomorrow. But I'm afraid that Beijing is too strange to me. Will you please write for me a letter of introduction to your aunt, from whom I expect to get some help there. Sorry for the trouble.Yours ever,Jane【写法指要】求助留言(message note for help)是为了求别人帮忙而写的。所以,一定要把在哪方面需要得到帮助写明,如请求某人代劳取物、查询、代购以及向人借钱、物等。由于篇幅有限,不必将前因后果写得过于清楚。结尾可用一些简单的客套话,如“Thank you”,“Sorry for the trouble”等。
