1200字范文 > The rags-to-riches story of Asia’s Superman “亚洲超人”:李嘉诚

The rags-to-riches story of Asia’s Superman “亚洲超人”:李嘉诚

时间:2022-09-06 05:03:57


The rags-to-riches story of Asia’s Superman “亚洲超人”:李嘉诚

Asia has produced many successful entrepreneurs. Most of them reached the zenith of business by fighting poverty and facing numerous challenges. Without adequate education and a sound financial background, they managed to become the best business leaders worldwide.Nicknamed as Asia’s Superman, the 30th richest billionaire in the world, he is a highly influential businessman in Asia with an incredible life story. He was born to impoverished parents in 1928 in Guangdong province in China. During World War II, at the age of twelve, he fled to Hong Kong with his family.When one tries to improve oneself, giving it one’s best, matters considered impossible become possible. Those who dream of becoming a successful person have lots of things to learn from this man. He has always insisted that people should have a vision in their thoughts and actions, and that these are the greatest strengths to help them reap success.大家有听过时下热门的一首名为Rags2Riches的歌曲吗?在美国嘻哈说唱歌手Rod Wave发布了这首单曲之后,立刻在抖音和各种社交平台上面引起了一股分享自己奋斗故事的热潮。于是,今天给大家分享“亚洲超人”:李嘉诚的人生经历故事。亚洲有许多超级富豪,而李嘉诚是其中最特别的一个。他于1928年在中国大陆出生,父母贫困。第二次世界大战期间,也就是十二岁那年,他与家人逃到香港。两年后,他的父亲死于结核病。为了养家,他只能不上学而去工作。童年艰难,没有任何帮助的李嘉诚,是如何开设自己的公司的?他是怎么从小公司慢慢做起,业务拓展,最后建成一个强大的长江实业商业帝国的?他又分享了什么重要的人生经验?

Struggles in childhood
