1200字范文 > 大学英语作文 Are 15-year-old Children Ready to Make Their Own Decisions?_3000字_英语作文

大学英语作文 Are 15-year-old Children Ready to Make Their Own Decisions?_3000字_英语作文

时间:2024-04-12 00:01:19


大学英语作文 Are 15-year-old Children Ready to Make Their Own Decisions?_3000字_英语作文

Are 15-year-old Children Ready to Make Their Own Decisions?"Children over 15 should be allowed to make decisions about their lives without the interference of their parents or teachers. "Some people would say nowadays. Moreover, some even argue that "society should adjust their laws accordingly". Yet in my view, instead of accepting that children mature at a younger age these days, they shouldn't be considered "mature" until 18 years old, or older, in some cases.In the first place, maturity doesn't just mean physically growing up, but mentally as well. A lot of facts show that a 15 year old child can not think thoroughly or maturely in case he isn't sheltered under the care of his parents or teachers. The number of young smokers is increasing in our society because they lack care of their families. In addition, young woman's pregnancy out of wedlock now has made its entrance to our society, and the number is increasing, too. Some of these pregnant women are even under 18 years old. Make that parents and teachers "interfered" and offered them with pieces of good advice. It stands good chance that these incidents will decrease.Secondly, since children at this age have devoted most of their years to education (staying at school and attending classcs), these children don't really have much time to be in the society. And the lack of experience misleads them to believing others easily. In other words, a 15 year old child does not yet possess the ability to protect himself. A piece of disastrous news came up recently, a 16 year-old boy took a man who asked him way to the place the man mentioned and got robbed and then,killed. How can children make decisions about their lives when they can not protect themselves? They need advice from their parents and teachers.Finally, I would like to say that actually nobody on the earth can make a decision without any other people's influence,parents and teachers.Finally, I would like to say that actually nobody on the earth can make a decision without any other people's influence,not even Mr. President. More or less, one bears other people's perspectives in mind. Not to mention children who need more advice and so called "interference".It is true that some children, 15 years old, can think by themselves, make decisions on their own and do things right.They mature at this young age because they live in a special environment, namely they are forced to face the pressure of society at a rather early age, or their family activities involve quite a lot social communications. However, for nearly all the 15 year-old children in our society, they are not ready to make their own decisions about lives. If we give them the right to do whatever they want to do too early, there will be more regrets for us.

简 评本文作者反对让青少年独立作决定。文章中心明确,论证全面。主体部分用两段话结合各种社会现实问题,说明青少年缺乏社会经验,需要家庭和学校的教育。例证丰富,内容详实,颇具说服力。欠缺之处在于两段论据的侧重点应更分明些。并且,不独立作决定是否等于事事依赖父母呢?如果文章结尾能区别这两个概念,则观点会更站得住脚。文章句子简洁连贯,语言概括性强,如“a 16—year—old boy took a man who asked him way tO the place the man mentioned and got robbed and then,killed'’的举例就是非常精炼的表达。这样的文风值得提倡。
