1200字范文 > 小学英语作文:打屁股 Hit the Buttock

小学英语作文:打屁股 Hit the Buttock

时间:2019-03-31 07:43:41


小学英语作文:打屁股 Hit the Buttock


【篇一】打屁股 Hit the Buttock

In Chinese tradition, parents have the right to teach their children a lesson by hitting the buttock, because the elders raise the children, so it is acceptable to use violence. While in the modern world, the new parents refuse to solve problem by hitting the kids" buttocks. They want to educate them by showing the facts. My parents find a good way to educate me. They won"t use violence.在中国的传统中,父母有权用打屁股的方式教育他们的孩子,因为大人抚养小孩,所以使用暴力教育是可以接受的。而在现代社会,新一代父母拒绝通过打孩子的屁股来解决问题,他们想通过展示事实来教育他们。我的父母就有很好的方法教育我,他们不会使用暴力。

【篇二】关于时间 About Time

When I go to school, teachers always tell me that we should make used of time and study hard. I don"t put it in my heart. But when I realize my classmates are making big progress, I know I have wasted a lot of time to improve myself. So from now on, I must study hard and learn as much knowledge as possible.我一开始去学校的时候,老师就不断的告诉我要好好利用时间,努力学习。我没有把这些话放在心里,但是当我意识到我的同学正在取得了很大的进步时,我才知道我浪费了很多时间去提高自己。所以从现在开始,我必须努力学习,尽可能多的学习知识。

【篇三】成长 Grow Up

As a small child, I always want to grow up soon, so that I can be a strong person and make my own decision. But now I realize that being an adult means taking more responsibility and facing more pressure. So for me, there is no need to grow up soon. I should enjoy every stage of my life.作为一个小孩子,我总是想要快点长大,这样我才能成为一个坚强的人,可以自己做决定。但是现在我意识到作为一个成年人意味着要承担更多的责任以及面对更多的压力,所以对我来说,过快长大是没有必要的,我应该享受生活中的每一个阶段。

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