1200字范文 > 面试英语实用口语句子35:适当表达理想和抱负(mp3)


时间:2021-05-08 20:17:16



Express your ideals and ambitions probably


1. Firstly, I think I must know and adjust myself to the working situation, then leam from colleagues and gain work experience, finally become an excellent staff through surpassing others and myself.

1. 我想我首先需要了解和适应公司的工作环境,然后向同事学习,积累经验,最后通过超越他人和自我,成为贵公司的优秀分子。

2. What do you want to be doing in five years?

2. 你5年之内想做什么呢?

3. Oh, I see. Well, I want to take more courses in accounting and computer systems and develop my job skills.,, ,

3. 喚,我知道了,对了,我想再多学一会计和电脑课程,提髙我的工作技能。

4.I hope to be senior administrative assistant with a large foreign firm, such as yours.


5. Where do you see yourself three years from now?

5. 从现在起到3年后你有什么打算?

6. As the top administrative assistant in your firm!

6. 成为贵公司首席行政助理!

7. I want to be in a higher managerial position in the field of international marketing. Im very interested in North America market, especially in Los Angel-es. ,

7. 我想在国际行销部门担任经理级的职位。对于北美的市场我很有兴趣,特别是洛杉矶。

8. What are your plans for the fiiture?

8. 你对未来有何打算?

9. I wish to move up to higher positions in the future.

9. 我希望能步步高升。

10. I am willing to make friends with people from all countries in order to broaden the source of news, so I have decided to become a reporter.

10. 我乐于结交世界各地的朋友,以拓宽新闻来源,因此,我决心当一名记者。

11. Im very interested in jewelry, and I enjoying new designs, so I think I could do good work for you.

11. 我对珠宝非常有兴趣,而且我喜欢研发新型的设计,所以我想我能为你们做好工作。

12. What is your aim in going into the field of jour-nalism?

12. 你进入新闻界有什么目标?

13. To be frank with you, I would like nothing better than to be an overseas reporter someday.

13. 坦白地说,我只想有一天能当一名驻外记者。

14. How can you gain your success if our company employs you?

14. 如果我们公司决定录用您,您将如何走向成功?

15. I will make a long-term planthen update my knowledge and skill according to the companys request. I believe I will make great progress if I try my best.

15. 我会制定一个长远的发展计划,然后根据公司的变化和要求不断提高自己的知识和技能。我相信只要全力以赴,事业定会有所成就。

16. What kind of things do you want from your fu-ture?

16. 你将来想要做什么?

17. Fve wanted to be involved in engineering ever since I was little. If I pass this interview and am accepted into this company, I want to contribute whatever I can to improving technology and building better ships. I want to be professional in my field.,

17. 我从小就想从事工程技术工作,如果我通过这次面试,被贵公司录用,我要尽我所能来改善技术造更好的船。我想做我这行的专家。

18. What do you hope to become?

18. 你希望今后达到什么目标?

19. I want to prove my true value in the chemical industry, and hopefully in a year or two I would be promoted to the position of a production manager.

19. 我想在化工领域证明我的真实价值,并且希望一两年后我会被提升到生产经理的职位。

20. What do you look for in our company?

20. 你想在我们公司寻求什么?

21. Youre leading manufacturer of nonwoven materials. As an experienced manufacturing executive in this industry, I want to seek greater accomplishments.

21. 贵公司是一家无纺材料的主要生产商。作为此行业的一名有经验的生产主管,我想寻求更大的成就。

22. I expect for a good opportunity to put all my knowledge into practice. I am a doer and I can contribute a lot to the company!

22. 我希望得到很好的实战机会。我是个实干者,我能为公司贡献很多!

23. I want to work in an organization full of energy and enthusiasm. In such place, I can do my best to cooperate with others.

23. 我想在充满活力和积极性的团体工作。在这种环境中,我能很好地与他人合作。

24. I love my major. It will be wonderful to apply it in my work as well as develop my major in work. I believe that your company will be a perfect place!

24. 我喜欢我的专业。如在工作中能运用并提髙它,那就太好了。我相信贵公司将提供这样一个平台。
