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汉语外国文学史 Chinese Foreign Literary History英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-22 01:20:48


汉语外国文学史 Chinese Foreign Literary History英语短句 例句大全

汉语外国文学史,Chinese Foreign Literary History

1)Chinese Foreign Literary History汉语外国文学史

1.This dissertation constitutes the rewriting of Nineteenth-Century English Literary Canon overChinese Foreign Literary History.本文以20世纪多部汉语外国文学史对19世纪英国文学经典的重构为个案,梳理异域经典在中国语境中被改写的命运,探讨汉语外国文学史的编写与经典重构的关系,包括重构的原因动机、重构的权力影响、重构的方式、重构的效果等。

2)A History of Chinese Literature《国语文学史》

1.The basic points of view and lines of thoughts in Hu Shih sA History of Chinese Literature and History of Vernacular Literature were formed in the period of deliberating and promoting literary revolution.《国语文学史》、《白话文学史》的基本观点与思路形成于胡适对文学革命的酝酿、倡导时期,实际上它们又是胡适为自己"文学工具革命"的主张在构建历史依据,在做合理性阐发;正因为出于这样的目的,两部文学史有着明显的"六经注我"倾向,也就使得两部文学史在客观性、科学性上存在诸多缺失。


1.The Civilian Literature in Chinese History--A Review on Chinese Literature History by HU Shi;纵贯古今的“平民文学”——解读胡适《国语文学史》

2.The Past and Present of Middle School Foreign Literature Teaching;高中语文外国文学教学的历史与现状

3.Historical Factors of Interaction between "Literature of National Language" and "National Language of Literature;“国语的文学”与“文学的国语”之互动的历史成因

4.the study of Chinese history and language and culture.中国语言,历史,与文化的学习。

5.a student of Chinese history and language and culture.研究中国历史、语言和文化的学者。

6.A Research on the Tropism of Taxonomy on the Instructional Objectives of Secondary School of Chinese and History in China;我国中学语文和历史教学目标分类取向的研究

7.Development and Characteristics of Overseas Chinese Literature:And Talking about Some of the Ideas in the Chinese Literary History and Chinesisch Literature History海外华文文学的发展与特色——兼谈有关新编中国文学史、汉语文学史的一些想法

8.On the Secondary Language Teaching Literature "History Infiltration";试论中学语文文学教学的“文史渗透”

9.Gary: We Study Chinese, English, math, biology, science, and history.我们读国文、英语、数学、生物、理化、还有历史。

10.The New Media Context and the New Literature History Writing of Wang Yao;新中国传媒语境与王瑶的新文学史书写

11.China s Contemporary Historical Literature: Towards the Context of Globalization;中国当代历史文学:面向全球化的新语境

12.Impact Analysis of Content-based Instruction of American History and Culture to English Majors at the Beginning Stage英语专业初始阶段“美国历史文化”课程教学分析

13.Independent Process and Introspection of Chinese Discipline - A Look at Instruction of Chinese Discipline from Development History in Chinese Teaching Material of Middle School since the Foundation of China;语文学科独立的历程与反思——从建国后中学语文教材发展史看语文学科建设

14.Constructing the Dualistic Relation and Discriminating Words and Phrases from the Context--On Teaching Practice of The History of Foreign Literature;建构二元关系 辨识语境语词——《外国文学史》教学实践经验点滴

15.A Comparative Study of English Editions of Short History of English Literature;中外英国文学简史版本对比研究——对我国高校英语专业《英国文学史》教育的思考

16.On the Teaching of American Literature;读史与读文,孰轻孰重?——谈英语专业美国文学课教学

17.Introduction to History of School Graduates Literature in New China;幽闭语境中的知青文学——新中国知青文学史纲·序论

18.The Incompatibility and Accommodation among the terms of Chinese and Western Literary Theories: The Secular Progress of the Discipline of Chinese Literary Criticism;中西两套文论话语的龃龉与磨合──中国文学批评史学科的世纪行进


A History of Chinese Literature《国语文学史》

1.The basic points of view and lines of thoughts in Hu Shih sA History of Chinese Literature and History of Vernacular Literature were formed in the period of deliberating and promoting literary revolution.《国语文学史》、《白话文学史》的基本观点与思路形成于胡适对文学革命的酝酿、倡导时期,实际上它们又是胡适为自己"文学工具革命"的主张在构建历史依据,在做合理性阐发;正因为出于这样的目的,两部文学史有着明显的"六经注我"倾向,也就使得两部文学史在客观性、科学性上存在诸多缺失。

3)the history of foreign literature外国文学史

1."Verify" the dates of birth and death of Pushkin On reviewing several editions ofthe history of foreign literature;普希金生卒“考”——兼评几种《外国文学史》教材

2.Constructing the Dualistic Relation and Discriminating Words and Phrases from the Context——On Teaching Practice of The History of Foreign Literature;建构二元关系 辨识语境语词——《外国文学史》教学实践经验点滴

4)the history of teaching Chinese as a foreign language对外汉语教学史

5)Seoul University of Foreign Studies汉城外国语大学

6)Teaching Chinese language and writings对外汉语文教学


