1200字范文 > 红壤性水稻土 red paddy soil英语短句 例句大全

红壤性水稻土 red paddy soil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-31 18:57:49


红壤性水稻土 red paddy soil英语短句 例句大全

红壤性水稻土,red paddy soil

1)red paddy soil红壤性水稻土

1.Effects of long-term different fertilization on labile organic carbon inred paddy soil;长期施肥对红壤性水稻土活性碳的影响

2.A 24-year field experiment was conducted to study the effects of long-term fertilization on the soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents in various horizons ofred paddy soil in Jinxian County of Jiangxi Province(116°20′24″N,28°15′30″E).在实施24 a的长期田间定位试验区,研究了不同施肥处理对红壤性水稻土剖面有机碳及全氮含量的影响。

3.One of the aims of the experiment was to study soil organic carbon (SOC) distribution and storage in different size groups of micro-aggregate in surface layer (0-17cm) ofred paddy soil impacted by different fertilizers.在田间定位试验区 ,研究了不同施肥处理对表层红壤性水稻土微团聚体组成以及土壤有机碳在各级微团聚体中分布和赋存的影响。


1.Study on Rules of Mn Uptake by Early and Late Rice at Different Growth Stages in Paddy Soil Derived from Red Earth红壤性水稻土早、晚稻吸锰规律的研究

2.Analysis of Soil Water Characters Between Upland Red Soil and Paddy Soil旱地红壤与红壤性水稻土水分特性分析

3.Study on Sources of Organic Nitrogen in Chinese Milk Vetch on Red Paddy Soil红壤性水稻土紫云英有机氮素形成特征的研究

4.Variation Characteristics of Potassium in Root Zone and Non-root Zone of Red Paddy Soils with Different Planting Pattern不同种植条件下红壤性水稻土根区与非根区土壤钾素变化特征

5.Dynamic Changes of Available Mn Content of Paddy Soil Derived from Red Earth during Rice Growth in Hunan Province水稻生育期间红壤性水稻土有效锰含量动态变化研究

6.Long-Term Effects of Fertilization on Microbial Biomass and Activities of Red Paddy Soils长期施肥对红壤性水稻土微生物生物量与活性的影响

7.Effect of Long-term Application of Fertilizer and Rice Staw on Soil Nitrogen Fertility and Soil Productivity in Reddish Paddy Soil长期施用化肥和稻草对红壤性水稻土氮素肥力和稻田生产力的影响

8.Effect of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on migration of nitrogen in rice soil of red earth;有机-无机肥料配施对红壤性水稻土氮素转化的影响

9.Effects on Distributions of Carbon and Nitrogen in a Reddish Paddy Soil under Long-term Different Fertilization Treatments长期不同施肥处理对红壤性水稻土团聚体中碳、氮分布的影响

10.Effects of Rice-Based Cropping System,Application Rate of Organic Manure and Ground Water Level on Inorganic Phosphorus Forms in Paddy Soil Derived from Red Earth不同稻作制、有机肥用量及地下水深度对红壤性水稻土无机磷形态的影响

11.Effect of Long-term Application of Fertilizer and Organic Manure on Soil Phosphorus Fertility and Soil Productivity in Reddish Paddy Soil长期施用化肥和有机肥对红壤性水稻土磷素肥力和稻田生产力的影响研究


13.Effects of different potassium fertilizers on phytoavailability of Pb in red latersol and paddy soil不同钾肥对赤红壤和水稻土中铅有效性的影响

14.Relationships between Soil Labile Organic Matter and Soil Quality of Reddish Paddy Soil under Long-term Fertilization长期施肥下红壤水稻土活性有机质与土壤质量的关系

15.Effects of Long-Term Application of Fertilizer and Rice Straw on Soil Fertility and Sustainability of a Reddish Paddy Soil Productivity长期施用化肥和稻草对红壤水稻土肥力和生产力持续性的影响

16.Primary Study on the Leaching Behaviors of Fipronil in Paddy Soil and Red Soil氟虫腈在水稻土和红壤中的淋溶研究

17.Effects of long-term K fertilization on rice yield and soil K status in reddish paddy soil长期施钾对红壤水稻土水稻产量及土壤钾素状况的影响

18.Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Distribution and Storage of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Water-Stable Aggregates of Red Paddy Soil长期施肥对红壤水稻土水稳性团聚体有机碳、氮分布与储量的影响


paddy soil derived from red earth红壤性水稻土

1.Effects of long-term fertilization on soil organic nitrogen components inpaddy soil derived from red earth;长期施肥对红壤性水稻土有机氮组分的影响

2.:Based on the long-term fertilizer experiment(19 years)inpaddy soil derived from red earth, the methods proposed by Jiang & Gu(1989)are adopted to study the effects of long-term fertilization on the accumulation and loss of the soil phosphorus and on the forms of soil inorganic phosphorus in paddy soil.通过红壤性水稻土19 a肥料长期定位试验,结果表明,不施磷处理的土壤磷素处于耗竭状态,耕层土壤全磷含量持续下降,但耕层以下土层的全磷尚未耗损;连年施磷的土壤耕层全磷含量提高,提高的幅度呈现明显量级关系。

3.The rules of Mn uptake by early and late rices at different growth stages in thepaddy soil derived from red earth were studied based on the long-term stationary experiment of Hunan Agriculture University.以湖南农业大学1982年布置的长期定位实验为依托,研究了红壤性水稻土早、晚稻吸锰规律。

3)reddish paddy soil红壤性水稻土

1.A long-term field experiment with the double rice and winter fallow cropping system was conducted based on the Key Field Monitoring Experimental Station for Reddish Paddy Soil Eco-environment in Wangcheng,Ministry of Agriculture,China,to study the effect of long-term application of fertilizer and rice straw on the soil N fertility and productivity inreddish paddy soil.本文以农业部望城红壤水稻土生态环境重点野外科学观测试验站的稻—稻—冬闲连作长期肥料定位试验为平台,选用CK(无肥)、NP(施氮磷肥)、NPK(施氮磷钾肥)、NP+RS(施氮磷肥+稻草)和NPK+RS(施氮磷钾肥+稻草)5个处理,系统地研究了长期施用化肥和稻草对红壤性水稻土氮素肥力及其生产力的影响。

4)Paddy red soil红壤性水稻土

1.A systematic study concerning the effects of a long term stationary fertilization on content and property of soil humus in Fluvo aquic soil sampled from Malan Farm, Xinji City, Hebei, and Arid red soil andPaddy red soil sampled from the Institute of Red Soil, Jinxian County, Jiangxi was conducted.以潮土、旱地红壤和红壤性水稻土为研究对象 ,探讨了长期施肥对土壤腐殖质含量与性质的影响。

5)Lateritic rice soil砖红壤性水稻土

6)Paddy soils in subtropical China红壤水稻土

1.Laboratory incubation was conducted to investigate the relationship between DOM and carbon and nitrogen mineralization of paddy soils in subtropical China.本研究采用室内恒温培养法观测了DOM和红壤水稻土C、N矿化的关系。


水稻土磷素转化水稻土磷素转化transformation of phosphorus in paddy soils水稻土麟素转化(transformation。f phos-phorus in paddy 5011约水稻土在淹水和排水条件下含碑化合物的形态及有效性的变化。大多数水稻土在淹水的情况下,其有效磷量(即土城溶液中磷的浓度)显著增加.因此.通常水田对碑的孺要性常较同类早地土壤为小.造成磷家浓度增加的原因主要有:①淹水导致三价铁还原为二价铁,从而使原与三价铁相结合的碑释放出来.甚至铁的形态变化还可使闭蓄态碑裸尽而增加其有效性.②淹水使土坡pH值升离,土城的正电荷t减少,从而使原被土壤吸附的带负电的碑酸离子释放出来.③淹水使某些简单的有机阴离子通过竞争吸附,代换出了部分磷酸离子。④在酸性土城中.淹水导致pH值升高,增加了Fe一P和AI一P的溶解度。在石灰性土壤中淹水后pH值下降.也将增加Ca一P的溶解度。⑤土坡淹水后,可使磷的扩徽系数增加,从而提高碑的有效性。但是,土坡掩水后有效磷素增加至某最高值后,常有一个下降过程.有时可以降到淹水前的水平.其原因尚不十分清楚,可能有以下原因:①释放出的磷被新沉淀的物质所吸附.②礴可能以亚铁磷酸盐形态〔蓝铁矿,成:(OH);(H:PO.):·川:O〕重新沉淀。③由于徽生物的分解,使土城固相部分的有机阴离子减少,从而增加了土城固相部分对碑的吸附.生产中水稻土常有干盆交替过程.在由湿变干过程中,土镶礴转化的墓本规律为:①土集排水后使其因淹水产生的一系列变化(电位下降、pH值增减等)均向逆反方向回复,因而,土城溶液磷和土集有效磷均下降。②土城排水后,土壤氧化还原电位升高,使已被还原的铁锰化合物重新氧化,从而生成新的铁锰化合物的沉淀.这种新生成的铁锰化合物为无定形化合物,具有较大的比表面,从而可以大t地吸附磷.降低磷的有效性,使水稻后作(早作)对磷肥的需求量增大。③水稻土中碑酸铁在淹水后,因铁的还原使结晶破坏,转化为亚铁礴酸盐,有效性碑增加.而在土坡排水后,亚铁又载化为高铁并和磷生成非晶质的磷酸铁,使土坡溶液礴浓度下降。但是由于新生成的非晶质的磷酸铁具有较大的比表面,因而在非晶质碑酸铁生成之初的一个短哲的时间内(排水后的短时间内)仍有较高有效性。然而随粉时间的延续,无定型磷酸铁将不断老化,结晶·逐渐恢复,有效性将大大减低。 (香如冲)
