1200字范文 > 交感巫术 Sympathetic magic英语短句 例句大全

交感巫术 Sympathetic magic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 10:44:28


交感巫术 Sympathetic magic英语短句 例句大全

交感巫术,Sympathetic magic

1)Sympathetic magic交感巫术

1.In ancient times,the ceremony of praying for rain was a vivid display of a "Sympathetic Magic ".上古的求雨仪式是"交感巫术"的生动展现。


1.The Curation Effect of Psychotherapy in Mental Disorders duo toWitchcraft.;心理干预治疗巫术所致精神障碍疗效观察

2.TheWitchcraft of "Praying for Rain with Dragon" in Ancient China;中国古代“以龙求雨”巫术

3.Study of Meidao of LoveWitchcraft in Han Dynasty;论汉代的致爱巫术——媚道


1.The practice of sorcery or witchcraft.巫术魔法或巫术的实行

2.Of or relating to wizards or wizardry.巫师的,巫术的巫师、巫术的或与其有关的

3.Relating to or characteristic of witchcraft.巫术的,施魔法的与巫术有关的或有巫术特征的

4.The wizard put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这巫师使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。

5.The witch put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这女巫使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。

6.The Shaman"s Work on Architecture,as Seen on the Shang Dynasty Oracle Bones甲骨卜辞所见之巫者的建筑巫术活动

7.Did you use magic and witchcraft?你使用了魔术和巫术吗?

8.A Mistake in Research of Sorcery:On Frazer s Theory of Sorcery Era and Sorcery Research in China;巫术研究的一个误区——弗雷泽“巫术时代论”与中国的巫术研究

9.She was very cunning in her witcheries.她的巫术十分高明。

10.relating to or associated with necromancy.涉及或与巫术有关的。

11.being or having the character of witchcraft.是或具有巫术特征的。

12.a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation.被巫术诱导的心理状态。

13.To cause, bring, or effect by witchcraft.用巫术使、带来或起作用

14.Rebecca was defamed of sorcery丽贝卡被指挥玩弄巫术。

15.To Drive out Epidemic Disease by Nuo--A Study of Witchcraft Culture of the Ceremony of Tiger Festival;巫傩逐疫——彝族虎节仪式的巫术文化研究

16.Harry Porter the Art Produced by Both Witchcraft and Technology;巫术与技术共同打造的艺术——《哈利·波特》

17.A transformation, as by magic or sorcery.形变如通过魔术或巫术引起的变形

18.Subtitle You only have traditional Chinese medicine and witchcraft, but no art.(字幕)你们只有中医和巫术,没有艺术。



1.The Curation Effect of Psychotherapy in Mental Disorders duo toWitchcraft.;心理干预治疗巫术所致精神障碍疗效观察

2.TheWitchcraft of "Praying for Rain with Dragon" in Ancient China;中国古代“以龙求雨”巫术

3.Study of Meidao of LoveWitchcraft in Han Dynasty;论汉代的致爱巫术——媚道


1.Understanding the Relationship among Magic, Religion and Science from the Golden Bough;从《金枝精要》看巫术、宗教与科学之关系

2.From the Forest of Symbols to the Exchange of Symbols——A Research on the Symbols"Magic"and"Myth"从象征之林到象征交换——论符号“巫术”与符号“迷思”

3.The paper discusses the religious cultures of theBunun peoples in their old times and analyzes their belief,rituals,divine,magic and taboo etc.文章探讨了布农族的原始宗教文化,分析了其原始信仰、岁时祭仪、生命礼俗、占卜、巫术和禁忌等宗教要素的特征,同时指出布农族原始宗教与社会生活的紧密结合使他们的生活具有神圣化的倾向。


1.The Influence of Sorcery on Chinese Traditional Legal Culture;巫术对中国传统法律文化的影响

2.On the basis of Frazer s viewpoint onsorcery and its relationship with religion and science, the article expounds and analyses Frazer s thought of “sorcery-religion-science” three-phase development of human s intelligence and the debate around his thought by later scholars.在介绍弗雷泽有关巫术及其与宗教、科学的关系观点的基础上,对弗雷泽的人类智力巫术→宗教→科学发展三阶段论的思想及后来学者围绕这一思想的争论进行了阐述和分析;旨在发掘弗雷泽人类智力发展图示中所蕴涵的文化智慧,探讨人类文化从“神人合一”类型走向“天人合一”、从“神人分离”向“天人分离”演化的两个不同方向,从而为中西文化差异的根源提供一个新的诠释。

3.Chinese ancient strongsorcery idea had a deep effect on its politics, military affairs,law,culture,tradition,even thinking style and value outlook.中国古代浓重的巫术意识对中国古代的政治、军事、法律、文化、民俗乃至中国人的思维方式和价值观念都产生过非常深刻的影响。


1.It can be said thatwitchery compensated for the gaps in primitive culture.巫术仪式与祭祀仪式往往是糅合渗透在一起的。

2.The difference between religion andwitchery is one between magnanimity and meanness, between rationality and irrationality.宗教和巫术有高级和低级之别、理性和感性之异 ;宗教和巫术对现实的超越方式不同 ;宗教比巫术具有更高的文化性 ,更大的影响

3.With its special implication of heaven, sun, homeland and reproductive culture, umbrella serves as a utensil with manywitchery powers in both ancient and modern folk custom activities.其深层意蕴是天、太阳、家园的象征 ,也是生殖文化的隐秘显现 ;它在古代和现代都是民俗活动中比较特殊的独具文化意味的用具 ,具有避邪厌胜祈福禳灾等巫术功能。

6)Witchcraft and Witch Doctor巫术与巫医


副交感神经系统副交感神经系统parasympthetic nervous system又称“自主神经的脑骶部”,其低级中枢是动眼神经副交感核、脑干泌涎核、延髓迷走神经脊核及骶髓2~4节灰质中间外侧部等。它们发出的轴突组成副交感神经,为周围部。副交感神经系统是在大脑皮质和皮质下自主神经中枢的控制下,与交感神经系统共同调节内脏器官的活动。
