1200字范文 > 肤痒颗粒 Fuyang Keli英语短句 例句大全

肤痒颗粒 Fuyang Keli英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-22 20:25:49


肤痒颗粒 Fuyang Keli英语短句 例句大全

肤痒颗粒,Fuyang Keli

1)Fuyang Keli肤痒颗粒

1.Observation of curative effect of treatment to chronic urticaria byFuyang Keli combined with Desloratadine tablets肤痒颗粒联合地氯雷他定治疗慢性荨麻疹的疗效观察


1.Observation of curative effect of treatment to chronic urticaria by Fuyang Keli combined with Desloratadine tablets肤痒颗粒联合地氯雷他定治疗慢性荨麻疹的疗效观察

2.Study on Therapeutic Effect of QuFengZhiYang Granule and Investigate the Mechanism of Efficacy祛湿止痒颗粒药效学实验研究及机制探讨

3.Research the Effect of Anti-Allergic and Pruritus Cream on Treatment of Itching Skin Disease抗敏止痒乳膏治疗瘙痒性皮肤病的疗效观察

4.Severe itching, often of undamaged skin.瘙痒严重的瘙痒,经常指未受损伤的皮肤出现的瘙痒

5.The Experimental and Clinical Study on Modified Yupingfeng Granule in the Treatment of Allergic Skin Diseases;加味玉屏风颗粒应用于变态反应性皮肤病的实验及临床研究

6.cyanophycin granule藻青素颗粒,蓝藻素颗粒

7.Made of or resembling grain; granular.颗粒状的包含颗粒的或类似颗粒的;颗粒状的

8.The evaluation of clinical nursing efficacy of Ziyinrunfu softening prescriptions in patients with pruritus senilis滋阴润肤方治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效评价

9.Allergies can also cause red, itchy skin.过敏同样也能使皮肤发红及瘙痒。

10."this formula helps soothe dry, itchy skin"本配方可以滋润干燥发痒的皮肤

11.a skin condition characterized by circumscribed wartlike lesions that can be itchy and covered with a greasy crust.令人感到搔痒的皮肤状态。

12.The male and female skin, the genitals antibacterial, the sterilization, stop itch, eliminate the unusual smell.男女皮肤、阴部的抗菌、杀菌、止痒、除异味。

13.Itching under the cast is a common problem.病人常常感到管型下面的皮肤瘙痒。

14.scratchy clothes, wool, etc使皮肤发痒的衣物、 毛织品等.

15.An irritating skin sensation causing a desire to scratch.痒让人想去搔的一种烦人的皮肤感觉

16.Causes analysis and countermeasure of senile skin pruritus老年性皮肤瘙痒症的诱因分析与对策

17.The Gerontism Itch of Skin Treated with Method of Providing Blood and Smoothing Liver and Eliminating Wind养血柔肝祛风法治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒

18.Clinical Study of "Yao Xue Zhi Yang Pian" and "Xiao Yan Zhi Yang Shuang" in the Treatment of Senile Pruritus;养血止痒片及消炎止痒霜治疗血虚风燥型老年性皮肤瘙痒病临床研究


Jingfuzhiyang granules荆肤止痒颗粒

3)Zhiyang Granule止痒颗粒

1.Determination of berberine hydrochloride inZhiyang Granule by HPLC;HPLC法测定止痒颗粒中盐酸小檗碱的含量

4)Xiaofengzhiyang Granules消风止痒颗粒

1.Treatment of 80 cases of chronic urticaria withXiaofengzhiyang Granules;消风止痒颗粒治疗慢性荨麻疹80例疗效观察

5)Jianpizhiyang granule健脾止痒颗粒

1.Objective To discuss the validity and safety ofJianpizhiyang granule on atopic dermatitis(AD).目的探讨中药健脾止痒颗粒治疗特应性皮炎(AD)的有效性和安全性。

6)QuFengZhiYang Granule祛湿止痒颗粒

1.Study on Therapeutic Effect ofQuFengZhiYang Granule and Investigate the Mechanism of Efficacy祛湿止痒颗粒药效学实验研究及机制探讨


荆肤止痒颗粒药物名称:荆肤止痒颗粒汉语拼音:Jingfu Zhiyang Keli主要成分:荆芥、地肤子、防风、野菊花等七味中药。性状:浅棕色颗粒;气香,味甜、微苦。药理作用:动物试验提示,本品有一定的降低毛细血管的通透性,对抗I型皮肤变态反应的作用。功能与主治:祛风、除湿,清热解毒、止痒。用于儿童风热型或湿热型丘疹性荨麻疹。用法与用量:开水冲服,6至14岁每次1袋,每日3次;3至5岁每次1袋,每日2次;1至2岁每次半袋,每日3次;一岁以下每次半袋,每日2次。疗程3至6天。不良反应:个别患儿用药后出现恶心、呕吐,停药后症状可消失。禁忌症:注意事项:规格:每袋装3g。贮藏:密封。有效期:暂定1年。处方药:是
