1200字范文 > 隐性市场 ambush marketing英语短句 例句大全

隐性市场 ambush marketing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-11 06:46:01


隐性市场 ambush marketing英语短句 例句大全

隐性市场,ambush marketing

1)ambush marketing隐性市场

1.As the corporate sponsorship of sports events has grown,so too has the practice ofambush marketing.随着企业对体育赛事赞助热情的增长,隐性市场行为也随之而来。

2.Based on the analysis of its meaning,forms and the defects,the paper gave an advice on the legal regulatory system againstambush marketing for Beijing Olympic Games.本文对奥运会隐性市场的涵义及其行为的主要表现形式进行了相应的阐述,并针对我国现行的法律规范的缺陷,提出了对奥运会隐性市场行为的法律规制措施。

3.Legal restrictions onambush marketing have been established in both home and broad,but there exist disadvantages.奥运会隐性市场行为是指奥运会非官方赞助商通过各种商业行为明示或暗示其与奥运会存在某种联系,从而达到营利目的的侵权行为,具有行为隐蔽、手段多样、影响广泛等特点,需要寻求一个界定该行为的合理标准。


1.On the Legal Regulation of Ambush Marketing in Olympic Games;奥运会隐性市场行为的法律规制

2.Legislative Attempts on the Restrictions of Ambush Marketing in Olympic Games;规制奥运会隐性市场行为的立法探索

3.Analysis on Basic Issues of Ambush Marketing in Olympic Games奥运隐性市场行为基本法律问题辨析

4.Sports Ambush Marketing and its Causes of Emergence and Development of Such Conducts;体育赛事隐性市场行为及其产生发展的根源

5.On the Legal Regulation of Ambush Marketing in Olympic Games;奥运赞助中的隐性市场行为及其法律规制

6.Sports Events Ambush Marketing and Its Digestion Countermeasures体育赛事隐性市场透析及其消解策略研究

7.Research on Sponsorship Ambushing and Evasion Tactics in Major Sports Events;对大型体育赛事中隐性市场行为的分析及其规制方法的探讨

8.Research on Sports Ambush Marketing of Great Race on Main Illustration by Olympic Games;以奥运会为代表的大型体育赛事隐性市场行为研究

9.Factor Liberalization and Implicit Incentive of Managerial Labor Market;要素市场化与经理人市场的隐性激励

10.Implicit Insurance,Market Discipline and the Reform of Banking in China;隐性保险、市场约束与我国银行业改革

11.The Implicit Tax Incidence in Different Market Structures;不同市场结构下隐性税收的归宿分析

12.Market Discipline Behavior of Urban Commercial Banks under the Institution of Implicit Insurance;隐性保险体制下城市商业银行的市场约束行为

13.The Social Reasons for the Transfer from Recessiveness to Dominance on the Information Market信息市场由隐性到显性转变的社会原因

14.A Study on the Hidden Ideological and Political Education of Army in the Circumstance of Market Economy;市场经济条件下军队隐性思想政治教育研究

15.Research on Implicit Incentives to Managers Based on Managerial Labor Market;论经理人市场对企业经营者的隐性激励

16.A Game Study on Engaging Tech-entrepreneurs in the Recessive Manpower Capital Market;科技型企业家隐性资本市场的选聘博弈分析

17.Concealed Non- Tariff Barriers:The Best Choice of Protecting Domestic Market For China;隐性非关税措施:我国保护国内市场的策略选择

18.Research on Trading Strategies Based on Implicit Trading Costs on the Futures Markets基于隐性交易成本的期货市场交易策略研究


the hidden money market隐性资金市场

3)ambush marketing隐性市场行为

1.Ambush marketing cause considerable damage and threats to the sponsorship and interests of the Olympic Games.奥运会隐性市场行为是指一个企业或组织把它自己直接或间接地和奥运会联系起来,以便获得一个官方赞助商应有的某些认可和利益的一个有计划的努力或运动。

2.With the gradual improvement of legislation, overt and direct violation of intellectual property has declined, which is substituted by an indirect form of violation---Olympicambush marketing.随着知识产权相关立法的逐步完善,堂而皇之直接侵犯奥林匹克知识产权的现象已相对减少,取而代之的是另一种间接的侵权行为——奥运会隐性市场行为,该行为直接威胁着奥林匹克权利人的利益,成为了奥林匹克知识产权保护面临的新的挑战。

4)Recessive market of the rural real estate隐性农村房地产市场

5)invisible land market土地隐形市场

1.Through analyzing theinvisible land market from the angle of economics, the authors find that the property entering theinvisible land market is characterized by a measure of monopoly.从经济学角度对土地隐形市场进行了分析,认为进入土地隐形市场的产权都具有一定的垄断性,对消费者剩余最大化的追求是买方进行土地隐形交易的动机,隐形交易所承担的风险成本决定人们进行交易的积极性,并提出了土地隐形市场规模的数学模型。

6)concealed in the form landed property marketplace隐形地产市场


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
