1200字范文 > 科学传播教育 science communication education英语短句 例句大全

科学传播教育 science communication education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-14 04:02:12


科学传播教育 science communication education英语短句 例句大全

科学传播教育,science communication education

1)science communication education科学传播教育

1.”But thescience communication education in Chinese university has just begun.可是目前我国科学传播人才队伍现状不容乐观,高校中的科学传播教育仍然处于起步阶段,培养方案有待成熟。


1.The Evolution and Status of Science Communication Education in U.S.、U.K. and Australian"s University and Its Practical Significance in China美、英、澳大学科学传播教育发展现状及其对中国的启示

2.Humanistic Change of Scientific Education Based on Science Communication Theory;基于科学传播学背景的科学教育的人文转向

3.The "4321 Mode" for the Contemporary Undergraduate Education and Teaching in Journalism and Communication;当代新闻传播学本科教育教学的“四三二一模式”

4.As an important instrumentality,science education should occupy the spirit.科学教育作为传播科学文化的重要机制,必须占有科学的文化精神。

5.Analysis on the Characteristic and Status of Distance Educational Communication Research;浅析远程教育传播科学研究特点及现状

6.The Role of British Science and Technology Society in Science Communication and Science Education and its Inspiration英国科技社团在科学传播和科学教育中的作用及启示

7.Christian Medical Missionary and the Transmission of Scientific Knowledge Excluding Medical Science医学传教士与非医学科学文化的传播

8.The Development and Function of Physical Education Through Mass Media in Point of Propagation;从传播学视角看体育教育传播媒体发展与功能

9.Upholding the strategy of strengthening our country by science and education and spreading scientific knowledge;坚持科教兴国战略 传播先进科学文化

10.On the Research-Oriented Teaching of the Course of "Education and Communication"“教育传播学”课程研究性教学探究

11.A Study on Dissemination of Neo-Confucianism in Southern Song Dynasty;南宋理学传播活动研究——以教育传播为中心

12.How Did the Spread of Islam Affect the Development of Science?伊斯兰教的传播如何影响科学的进展?

13.Considerations about Lifting the Exhibiting and Teaching Effect of the Science Museum from the Angle of the Propagation Science;对科技馆提升展教效果的传播学思考

14.Research on the Communication Concept and Education Concept of Scientific & Educational TV Programs;科教电视节目的传播观念和教育观念研究

15.On the Integration of Ideological Education with the Communication Studies;论思想政治教育与传播的融合——对思想政治教育学科发展的一点思考

16.Looking at the Long-distance Teaching Process from the Perspective of Communi- cation -An Analysis of the Communicative Models of the Long-distance and Open Edu- cation从传播学视角看远程教学过程——简析远程开放教育传播模式

17.The Communicative Principles Analysis on the Process of IPE;思想政治教育过程的传播学原理分析

municating in Communication and Ideological Course;传播学的交流与思想政治教育的沟通


The Scientific Research Method of Educational Communication教育传播科学研究方法

1.This article takes the application of PBL inThe Scientific Research Method of Educational Communication as an example to expound on the teaching process of PBL.文章以PBL在《教育传播科学研究方法》中的应用为例,阐述了PBL的教学流程。

3)the science of diffusion传播学教育

1.The neglect or despise of the healthy development of education will do harm to the theoretical research ofthe science of diffusion and the practice of the science and, consequently, do harm to the whole system.在我国传播学教育的实践中,存在一些急需要解决的问题。

4)Education and Communication教育传播学

1.On the Research-Oriented Teaching of the Course of "Education and Communication"“教育传播学”课程研究性教学探究

5)sci-tch educational communication科技教育传播

6)Education of scientific communication科技传播教育


