1200字范文 > 海沧PPX项目 Haicang PX Project英语短句 例句大全

海沧PPX项目 Haicang PX Project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-21 19:26:42


海沧PPX项目 Haicang PX Project英语短句 例句大全

海沧PPX项目,Haicang PX Project

1)Haicang PX Project海沧PPX项目

2)CangZi gas pipeline project沧淄管线项目

3)itemtotal correlation项目沧芊窒喙

4)itemtotal reliability项目沧芊中哦



1.Haicang Taiwanese Investment Zone,Xiamen厦门海沧台商投资区

2.Ai, `He who has seen a great ocean is not easily content with a pond!"唉,‘曾经沧海难为水’

3.The most impressive sea views are called respectively "Sunrise over the Sea" and "White Breakers Leaping up to the Sky."“沧海日出”和“白浪滔天”,是观沧海最佳的景致。

4.Enjoying Life after the Successful Retreat--New Interpretation of "Ploughing the waves,I cross my sea" by LI bai;功成身退戏沧洲——李白“直挂云帆济沧海”新解

5.Tseng Tsang-hai dropped the papers in terror and ran towards the backroom;曾沧海一慌,手里的东西都落在地下。

6.Heading to the sea in full sail, braving the wind and the waves.乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海!

7.Tseng Tsang-hai jumped and cried frantically:曾沧海猛一跳,就发疯似的喊起来:

pared with the boundless universe, we are only a drop in the ocean.和无限的宇宙相比, 我们只是沧海一粟。

9.But, far from toning down his insolent manner, Tseng Tsanghai pursued:然而曾沧海的“不识相”尚有更甚于此:

10.While some things may pass away, you know that our love and affection will not.沧海桑田,惟有你我的爱和情永恒不变。

11."This is the word of the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, and a road through the deep waters;"耶和华在沧海中开道,在大水中开路。

12."What was wrong with you, O sea, that you went in flight? O Jordan, that you were turned back?"沧海阿,你为何奔逃。约旦哪,你为何倒流。

13."The sea saw it, and went in flight; Jordan was turned back."沧海看见就奔逃。约旦河也倒流。

14."The deep waters say, It is not in me: and the sea says, It is not with me."深渊说,不在我内。沧海说,不在我中。

15."I will mount a long wind some day and Break the heavy waves, And set my cloudy sail straight and Bridge the deep, deep sea."长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海

16.Tseng Tsang-hal slapped his thigh and laughed happily.曾沧海拍着大腿呵呵地笑了:

17.When the seas are in turmoil, heroes are on their mettle.沧海横流, 方显出英雄本色。

18.Both the Chinese and the ASEAN people are industrious and courageous people full of wisdom.中国和东盟国家都发生了沧海巨变。


CangZi gas pipeline project沧淄管线项目

3)itemtotal correlation项目沧芊窒喙

4)itemtotal reliability项目沧芊中哦


6)overseas project海外项目

1.On early-stage management and key control ofoverseas project;浅谈海外项目的前期管理及其关键控制

2.Demobilization and mobilization of drilling rig ofoverseas project is complex system engineering, involving many departments and persons and information as well as hard organization and coordination.海外项目钻机遣散和动员是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及的部门、人员和资料多,组织协调难度大。

3.Through the analysis ofoverseas projects,the measures that should be adopted for the projects were put out,strengthening the management of the projects.通过众多海外项目在劳务分包模式下的实施过程的分析,提出对海外项目所应采用的措施,以达到强化项目管理的目标。


