1200字范文 > 感悟式教学 perceptive teaching英语短句 例句大全

感悟式教学 perceptive teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 11:40:45


感悟式教学 perceptive teaching英语短句 例句大全

感悟式教学,perceptive teaching

1)perceptive teaching感悟式教学

1.According to some well-known learning theories,such as Gelsta insightful learningy,Bruner\"s discovery learning,humanistic learning,and constructivism learning,the present author introduces a new teaching mode——perceptive teaching,and analizes its implications,impliment and some basic features.感悟式教学有助于促进学生认知与情感的协调发展。


1.The Theoretical Basis And Instructional Essence of Perceptive Teaching试论感悟式教学的理论基础及其教学实质

2.Integration of Points for Feeling,Influence and Realization--Gestalt Theory for Enfant Teaching of Piano感触、感染、感悟的点、线、面结合——儿童钢琴教学与格式塔理论

3.Perception Teaching for Senior Chinese under the Reform of Course;当代课改背景下的中学语文感悟教学

4.A Brief Comment On The Comperhension of Students in Reading Teaching;阅读教学中培养学生“感悟”能力之我见

5.My Views Awareness、Behavior and Will in Art Teaching;在美术教学中感悟“知”、“行”、“意”

6.Establishing the "Double-Base" for Creativity--Some Thoughts on Chinese Teaching;夯实“双基”,创新之本——语文教学之感悟

7.The Strategy to Realize Understanding in Chinese Reading Teaching;语文阅读教学中实现“感悟”的策略

8.On the New Notion of "Enlightenment Comprehension" in Chinese Reading Teaching;论语文阅读教学"感悟理解"的新理念

9.The Theoretical Basis and Traits of "Awareness-Creativity";“体悟-创新”教学模式的理论依据及特征

10.Psychological health education of institutes of higher education --Construction of "problem-understanding" teaching model;高校心理健康教育“问题—领悟”式教学模式的构建

11.We Need not only "Cooperation Dialogue" but also "Read Sentiment"--A Cultural Social Perspective of the Method of Language and Literature Reading需要“合作对话”,也需要“诵读感悟”——语文阅读教学方式的文化社会学审视

12.The Thinking and Practice of Middle School Students Ability to Apperceive in Chinese Teaching;语文教学中学生感悟能力培养的思考与实践

13.Enriching Experience and Comprehending Music:Affective Experience in Singing Teaching;丰富体验 领悟音乐——歌唱教学中的情感体验

14.On Educational Function of Science Textbook in Long-period Practical Activity在长周期实践活动中感悟科学教材的育人功能

15.The four processes of sensation,experience,acceptance and absorption in medical ethics education“感悟、体验、接收、内化”四个阶梯的医学伦理教育

16."Learning-guiding-Self-realizing" Teaching Model of Junior English of New Curriculum;新课程初中英语“导学—自悟”教学模式探究

17.Pondering on the 2 Plus 1 Model of Ideological and Moral Ability ;体道·悟道·得道——《思想道德修养》“2+1”教学模式探讨

18.From making mistakes to understand to complete understanding and to have sudden rea lizatim;试论数学教学中的尝误、领悟、顿悟


teaching innate capacity教学感悟

3)Perception teaching感悟教学

4)apperception teaching approach感悟教学法

5)learning through awareness感悟式学习

6)language comprehension teaching语文感悟教学


