1200字范文 > 王门学派 Wangs school of thought英语短句 例句大全

王门学派 Wangs school of thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-30 16:20:02


王门学派 Wangs school of thought英语短句 例句大全

王门学派,Wang"s school of thought

1)Wang"s school of thought王门学派

2)Wang Shouren and Wang"s School of Thought王守仁与王门学派

3)three schools on Wang Yangming"s philosophy王门三派



2.This is the devil incarnate gathers the gate faction which under 43,000 monsters audiences establishes.此乃混世魔王聚集手下四万三千妖众成立的门派。

3.The king sent three heralds to the duke.国王派了三位传令官去公爵那里。

4.She gave him men and three ships.于是,女王给他派了三艘船和一些人手。

5.Wang Xisan"s art representative of the Ji school.工艺美术家王习三是冀派的代表人物。

6.Every gate But the western one is heavily guarded, the man added. The western gate is your only chance.已在东南北三个门派人把守,你只能出西门,快逃!"

7.Schools,characteristics and styles --On the anti sect poetic theory of Wang Fuzhi;流派·个性·风格——评王夫之反“门庭”观的诗学理论得失

8."and the doors of the town are to be named by the names of the tribes of Israel; three doors on the north, one for Reuben, one for Judah, one for Levi;"城的各门要按以色列支派的名字。北面有三门,一为流便门,一为犹大门,一为利未门。

9."Then King Solomon got together men for the forced work through all Israel, thirty thousand men in number;"所罗门王从以色列人中挑取服苦的人共有三万,

10.Now Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house.王上7:1所罗门为自己建造宫室、三年方才造成。

11.Xinhua News Agency, Macau, April 3rd, by reporters Zhigen Wang and Yuming Che新华社澳门四月三日电(记者王志根、车玉明)

12.The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the king"s table.王派定将自己所用的膳和所饮的酒,每日赐他们一分,养他们三年。

13.It was named after the three-headed watchdog in classical Greek mythology that guards the gates to Hades .其命名是根据希腊神话中守卫冥王大门的长有三头的看门狗做的。

14.Some experts wonder why Petrie"s is looking a gift horse in the mouth.有些专家不明白,既是送上门来的礼物,派萃[公司]何必挑三拣四。

15.Now the man Jeroboam was a valiant warrior, and when Solomon saw that the young man was industrious, he appointed him over all the forced labor of the house of Joseph.王上11:28耶罗波安是大有才能的人.罗门见这少年人殷勤、派他监管约瑟家的一切工程。

16.Gordon: I see your point, The Truman Show was funny. But The Cable Guy was really stupid, don"t you agree?戈登:我明白你的意思,《楚门的世界》有意思,不过《王牌特派员》很愚蠢,你不同意吗?

17.Wang Chin-chen can help you.我派王金贞帮你的忙。

18."The house which Solomon made for the Lord was sixty cubits long, twenty cubits wide and thirty cubits high."所罗门王为耶和华所建的殿,长六十肘,宽二十肘,高三十肘。


Wang Shouren and Wang"s School of Thought王守仁与王门学派

3)three schools on Wang Yangming"s philosophy王门三派

4)The Leftist Wang school of philosophic studies左派王学

5)school of Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming陆王学派

6)leftists of the Wang School王学左派


王门1.指王宫之皋门﹑库门。 2.犹王庭,帝阙。 3.王爷的邸第。 4.泛指王氏之门户派系。 5.即玉门。
