1200字范文 > 易堂 Yi-tang英语短句 例句大全

易堂 Yi-tang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-30 02:12:55


易堂 Yi-tang英语短句 例句大全




1.The Revival Theory of Ancient Prose of Nine Writers in Yi-tang:Additionally on the Selection of Prose Path in Early Qing Dynasty从易堂九子的古文复古理论看清初文章之取径

2.Garrulity of Scholars:Academic Aptitude and Spiritual Makings学者絮语:学术素养与精神气质——以《易堂寻踪》为例

3.The Experience Formulation of the Scholars engaged in Staffs in the Period of Ming and Qing Dynasties--Taking various scholars of Yitang Group as example (1);明清之际士人游幕及有关的经验表述——以易堂诸子为例(下)

4.The Experience Formulation of the Scholars engaged in Staffs in the Period of Ming and Qing Dynasties --Taking various scholars of Yitang Group as example (1);明清之际士人游幕及有关的经验表述——以易堂诸子为例(一)

5.The International Trade Building is a shopping paradise.国际贸易大厦是人间的购物天堂。

6.Bring the Real Deals into the Classroom:An Introduction of the Deals Method将市场交易带入课堂——Deals教学法初探

7.Introduction and Review of Yijinjing of Shugutang Quan Zunwang s Manuscript;述古堂钱遵王抄本《易筋经》的介绍与评述

8.To be a man with high aspirations and boldness of vision is something easier to say than put into practice.做个堂堂正正的人,口头上谁都会说,但要是真正做到却是很不容易的。

9.Technology that teachers employ in the classroom must be of exactly that variety: widespread and easy-to-operate.教师在课堂中使用的技术必须要具备通用性和易用性。

10.An administrative subdivision in Louisiana that corresponds to a county in other U.S. states.堂区美国路易斯安那州的一个相当于美国其它州的县的划区

11.Louise had the pre-wedding jitters so badly she nearly didn’t make it to the church.路易丝在举行婚礼前非常紧张,差一点没能坚持到教堂。

12.The Art of Teaching Geography in the Faculty of International Trade in Higher Professional Education;课堂操作艺术在高职国际贸易地理课教学中的运用

13.Junoesque Town Trade Co.,Ltd. is a comprehensive import-export enterprise doing national and international trading and economic cooperation.镜颜堂贸易有限公司是一家从事国内外贸易经济合作的综合性进出口企业。

14.The assembly hall was well lit by the electric lights.电灯把礼堂照得亮堂堂。

15.After the war, a five-year reconstruction campaign by its citizens resulted in today"s meticulous r estoration of the Old Town, with its churches, palaces and market-place.二战之后,华沙人民用长达五年的时间重建家园,他们修建了教堂、殿和贸易场所。

16.My students seem equally quick and bright in class but when I look at their written work it"s easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.我的学生在课堂上好像都一样聪明敏捷,但看一看他们的作业,就很容易看出好坏。

17.Thanks to the address given on the application form, he finally managed to find the secluded street in Yangshupu. The moment he stepped into the lane, he was taken aback by what he saw.根据报名单上的地址,好容易找到了在杨树浦的那条僻静的马路,进了弄堂,蓦地不由吃了一惊。

18.When they arrived at the church in St Louis, everyone realized that they were dressed alike because the colours of their clothes matched.当他们走进圣路易教堂时,人人都注意到他们穿的是情侣装,因为他们俩的衣服颜色特别相称。


Jiao Yitang焦易堂

3)Nine Confucian Persons易堂九子

1.The Rationalistic School:The Thinking Core of "Nine Confucian Persons ;易堂九子"的思想内核是宋明理学

4)Yian-tang Anthology《易安堂集》

1.However, the academia hasn t developed a neatened and thorough study on hisYian-tang Anthology.而学界对他的《易安堂集》的整理、研究一直没有成体系的充分开展。

5)trading hall交易大堂

6)Yi Tang Xun Zong《易堂寻踪》

1.TakeYi Tang Xun Zong by Zhao Yuan,some theme and style features of proses by contemporary scholars can be analysed.以赵园的散文集《易堂寻踪》为例,可剖析当前学者散文在主题和风格上的某些特点。


