1200字范文 > 营卫失调 disharmony between Ying and Wei英语短句 例句大全

营卫失调 disharmony between Ying and Wei英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-24 18:01:43


营卫失调 disharmony between Ying and Wei英语短句 例句大全

营卫失调,disharmony between Ying and Wei

1)disharmony between Ying and Wei营卫失调

1.Based on the theory of Ying and Wei,and combining with clinical research,the author reports that thedisharmony between Ying and Wei is TCM′s chief pathogenesis of hypertension,which includes the functional disorder of the activities of Ying and Wei as well as disturbance in Ying and Wei transformation.以营卫学说为立足点 ,结合临床研究 ,阐明营卫失调是高血压病中医病机总纲 ,包括营卫气机逆乱和气化失常 ,以调和营卫做为高血压病中医治疗总


1.The Investigation of Chronic Urticaria Clinical Syndromes Law and Study on "Disharmony between Nutrient Qi and Defensive Qi" Pathogenesis Theory慢性荨麻疹临床证候规律调查及“营卫失调”病机理论研究

2.Afterwards, the unbalance of Ying qi and Wei qi leads to the dysfunction of viscera, Qi, blood and fluid.六经病的实质是六经的“开、、”功能失常,导致营卫失调,并造成的脏腑气血津液功能紊乱。

3.nutritional deficiency disorders营养缺乏引起的失调

4.The Theory and Experiment Study about the Influence by Harmorizing NutrientQi and DefenxiveQi to the Deficiency of DefensiveQi of Rats调和营卫对卫气虚大鼠影响的理论和实验研究

5.Fever in AIDS Should be Treated by Harmonizing Ying-qi and Wei-qi艾滋病发热的治疗应以调和营卫为主

6.Investigation on Occupational Health in One Private Enterprise with Irregular Environment Contamination of Benzene某民营企业苯污染的职业卫生学调查

7.Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Treatment of Epilepsy Using the Methods of Regulating Pivot and Mediating Ying (Nutrient) and Wei (Defensive);调枢机和营卫法治疗癫痫的理论与实验研究

8.Investigation on occupational health status among workers in small scale industries with questionnaire;个体民营企业职工职业卫生问卷调查分析

9.The Research of the Theory on Treatment of Xu Lao Disease Through Reconciling the Business of YingWei by ZhangZhongJing张仲景从调和营卫论治虚劳之理论探讨

10.Investigation on nutritional knowledge,attitude and practice of students in health school卫生学校学生营养知识、态度、行为状况调查

11.Nutritional Knowledge Attitude and Practice and Dietary Nutrients Status Among Students in a Health School某卫生学校学生营养知识态度行为调查

12.The FacioScapuloHumeral Muscular Dystrophy Society addresses issues and needs related to this disease of the skeletal muscle, which is a type of muscular dystrophy.面部肩部肱部肌肉营养失调学会:强调与骨骼肌疾病(种肌肉营养失调)关的议题与需求。

13.Clinical Observation and Theory Discussion of "Zhu Wei Chu Ying" Improving "Zhou Bu Jing" Treatment Insomina;“助卫出营”法改善 “昼不精”治疗失眠证的临床观察与理论探讨

14.An Experimental and Clinical Study of Insomnia by Choosing Time and Taking Advantage to Harmonize Nutritive Oi and Defensive Oi;择时顺势,燮理营卫治疗失眠的实验研究与临床观察

15.Clinical Study on the Relation between Insomnia of Nutritive Qi and Defensive Qi Disharmony Syndrome and Temperature Changes in Sleep-wake Cycle;营卫不和型失眠与睡眠—醒觉周期体温变化关系的临床研究

16.An Analysis on Questionnaire of Accounting Information Distortion In Family Firms;民营企业会计信息失真的问卷调查分析

17.Non-profit Organization s Coordination Failure and Governance Mechanism;非营利组织的协调失灵及其特殊管制机制研究

18.The Application of"Network Map of Nutritive Disturbance Disease of Plant"in the Teaching《植物营养失调症网络图谱》在教学中的应用


Disharmony between nutritive Qi and defensive Qi营卫失和

3)disharming between ying and wei营卫不调

4)regulating ying and wei调和营卫

5)nutritional disorder营养失调

6)Yang-qi blocks、 Nutrient qi and defensive qi discordance、Mind malajustment阳郁不达、营卫不和、神机失调


调和营卫调和营卫 调和营卫 治疗学术语。指发表解肌并调整营卫失和的治法。症见头痛发热、汗出恶风、鼻鸣干呕、脉浮弱等。代表方剂为桂枝汤。
