1200字范文 > 隐含听众 Implied listener英语短句 例句大全

隐含听众 Implied listener英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-14 20:10:03


隐含听众 Implied listener英语短句 例句大全

隐含听众,Implied listener

1)Implied listener隐含听众

2)expectative audience隐含观众

1.The change ofexpectative audience provides important basis of the development of the avant-garde drama in the New Period.隐含观众的变化 ,为新时期先锋戏剧的发展提供了重要的依据。


1.The Feeling Bridge between the Program Anchors and Audience;如何在节目主持人与听众之间架起情感桥梁

2.So the image of the judge Hercules has been replaced by the concept of “audience”, or “interpretive community” in legal argumentation.法律论证理论视域中,德沃金独白式的赫拉克勒斯法官形象已经被“听众”和“解释的共同体”等复数主体的观念所取代。

3.This paper expounds that speech maker s good looks,tone,speech contents and styles are the key for speech maker to receive more attention of theaudience.文章论述了自身形象、音调、内容、演讲方式是演讲者把握听众的关


1.gain the audience"s attention吸引住听众[观众]

2.sympathetic audience富有同情心的观众/听众

3.attentive audience聚精会神的观众/听众

4.absorbed audience被陶醉的观众/听众,全神贯注的观众/听众

5.an appreciative audience有鉴赏力的听众[观众];表示欣赏的听众[观众]

6.She had her audience listening attentively.她使听众听得入神.

7.The audience lapped up his monologue.听众倾听他的独白。

8.The speaker held his audience spellbound.演说者使听众听得入迷。

9.The audience looked perplexed.听众看样子都没听懂.

10.an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience.利用听众的偏见煸动听众的演讲者。

11.The spectators or audience at an event.观众一项赛事的观众或听众

12.a mob of hard - rock enthusiasts;一群摇滚乐的热心听众;

13.music that entrances its listeners;使听众陶醉的音乐;

14.Listeners" Club [Commercial Radio]听众之友会〔商业电台〕

15.He was hissed off by the audience.他被听众嘘下了台。

16.The speaker fired the audience with enthusiasm.演说者激起听众的热情。

17.They whipped up an audience.他们使听众聚集起来。

18.an audience mesmerized by her voice被她的声音迷住的听众.


expectative audience隐含观众

1.The change ofexpectative audience provides important basis of the development of the avant-garde drama in the New Period.隐含观众的变化 ,为新时期先锋戏剧的发展提供了重要的依据。


1.The Feeling Bridge between the Program Anchors and Audience;如何在节目主持人与听众之间架起情感桥梁

2.So the image of the judge Hercules has been replaced by the concept of “audience”, or “interpretive community” in legal argumentation.法律论证理论视域中,德沃金独白式的赫拉克勒斯法官形象已经被“听众”和“解释的共同体”等复数主体的观念所取代。

3.This paper expounds that speech maker s good looks,tone,speech contents and styles are the key for speech maker to receive more attention of theaudience.文章论述了自身形象、音调、内容、演讲方式是演讲者把握听众的关


1.Thelisteners of broadcast cover many fields and levels,including both children and old people.广播听众涉及面广、层次多,既有不懂事的孩子,也有八九十岁的老人。

5)Winning the masses赢得听众

6)the aged audience老年听众

1.Along with the research thoughts on the use of broadcast and satisfaction ofthe aged audience ,we have found the needs of the elderly for radio and the motive of use.在赫措格、卡茨等国内外研究者的理论和实证调查基础上,本文根据对部分老年听众的访谈提供了一些鲜明的例子,表明了老年人对媒介的需求主要体现在六个方面。


