1200字范文 > 郑卫之音 The Music of Zheng-Wei英语短句 例句大全

郑卫之音 The Music of Zheng-Wei英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-23 06:06:54


郑卫之音 The Music of Zheng-Wei英语短句 例句大全

郑卫之音,The Music of Zheng-Wei

1)The Music of Zheng-Wei郑卫之音

1.This thesis firstly traces out original meanings ofThe Music of Zheng-Wei, then classifies those Song people who regard the style of Ci asThe Music of Zheng-Wei: one group is the theorists; the other is the authors of Ci.本文首先对“郑卫之音”的原始含义进行梳理和界定,并把视词体为“郑卫之音”的宋人做了分类:一类是理学家;一类是词人群。


1.The Unearthed Groups of Bronze Ritual Instruments and the Music of Zheng and Wei States;出土青铜礼乐器组合与“郑卫之音”

2.The East Cultural Features of Music of Qi, Song, Zheng and Wei-Discuss Concurrently Aesthetic Standards of Jizha, Zixia, and Shiyi;齐宋郑卫之音的东夷文化特征——兼论季札、子夏、师乙的审美观

3.The attitude of Confucius to the Songs Of Zhen g and Wei from the musical aesthetics从孔子的音乐美学思想看孔子对待郑卫之音的态度——兼论“思无邪”作何解

4.Confucian Ethical Thoughts on Music as Reflected in "Unrestrained Music of Zheng"──Part three of the Study on Music Culture;从“郑声淫”看孔子的音乐美学思想──音乐的文化学研究之三

5.Health resource investigation of township hospitals in Zhengzhou郑州市乡镇卫生院卫生资源调查分析

6.On Zhengfeng s and Weifeng s Loving-poems;郑卫风情多浪漫 恋歌旖旎动古今

7.Reflections on Zheng He s Diplomatic Achievements:In Commemoration of the 600 th Anniversary of Zheng He s Voyage Abroad;郑和外交成就之思考——纪念郑和下西洋600周年

8.Study on Health Status of Residents and Responsiveness of Health System in Zhengzhou;郑州市居民健康和卫生系统反应性研究

9.Analysis of the mesoscale rainstorm of "August 2," in Zhengzhou using satellite and radar data“0802”郑州中尺度暴雨的卫星及雷达资料分析

10.Change sound options like SoundSentry and ShowSounds.更改声音选项,象“声音卫士”和“声音显示”。

11.Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, has always enjoyed its laudatory title Green City.河南省省会郑州素有“绿城”美誉之称.

parison between the Exegesis of Maozhuan and Zhengjian;《毛传》、《郑笺》对《诗经》训诂之比较

13.Creating Research System and Helping Descendants to Inherit;“郑”“张”中国文献学著述之比较

14.On the Identified Falsehood of Classical Chinese Writing the Book of Filiality Confucian Commentary of Japan by Zheng Zhen;论郑珍对日本《古文孝经孔氏传》之辨伪

15.The Explanation of "Having a Well-thought-out Stratagem" and "Having No Image in Mind" by ZhenBanqiao;郑板桥“胸中之竹”与“胸无成竹”诠释

16.Academic Discussion on Technique and Principle of Zheng Ke s Sculpture;郑可雕塑“技”与“道”之学术研讨

17.Classical Taste Comparison between the Modern Poems of Zheng Chouyu and Zhou Mengdie;郑愁予、周梦蝶现代诗古典韵味之比较

18.Meditation on life-Comprehensive --Decription of Zhen min’s Poetry Anthology;生命的沉思——《郑敏诗集》解读之一


Commentary on"Zheng and Wei Kingdoms Music"郑卫之音"述评

3)words are popularized in Ci入郑卫

4)The Forest of Zhengzhou郑州之林

1.Analysis of the Design Ideas of "The Forest of Zhengzhou" Park in the CBD of Zhengdong New Zone;郑东新区CBD“郑州之林”公园设计思路剖析

5)ZhiQiao Zhen郑之侨

1.ZhiQiao Zhen was an outstanding local government official during the middle Qing Dynasty.郑之侨是清代中叶一位出色的地方官。

6)Controversy between Zhengxuan and Wangsu郑王之争


