1200字范文 > 乐和 harmony of music英语短句 例句大全

乐和 harmony of music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-25 21:02:44


乐和 harmony of music英语短句 例句大全

乐和,harmony of music

1)harmony of music乐和

1.The artistic idea of theharmony of music has been established in this long hi story, which involves profound cultural connotations.中国的“和”文化历史悠久 ,源远流长 ,在漫长的历史长河中 ,最终形成了独特的“乐和”艺术精神的内在结构和文化意蕴。


1.The state of being amused, entertained, or pleased.娱乐被逗乐,得到娱乐和快乐的状态

2.Temperament Recorded in Introduction to Music and Harmony of Poetry and Music in Joseon Dynasty朝鲜时代《乐通》和《诗乐和声》所载的乐律

3.Chaoshan music is divided into the two broad categories of indoor and outdoor:潮汕音乐分广场乐和室内乐两大类:

4.while the indoor variety features tone-poem music, ancient tunes played on pipes, "fine music"and shrine music.室内乐包括弦诗乐、笛套古曲、细乐和庙堂音乐。

5.The band plays all kinds of music ? pop music, rock music, and the latest hits.乐队表演各种风格的音乐?流行音乐,摇滚音乐和火爆流行音乐。

6.I"m different from you. I like Chinese music better, especially light music, folk music and classical music.我和你不同,我较喜欢中国音乐,尤其是轻音乐、乐和古典音乐。

7.Performances presented in the complex include orchestral,剧院演出的节目包括乐和室内乐音乐会、

8.Music Television (MTV) and its coun-try music and soul music imitators;“音乐电视” (MTV)是乡村音乐和黑人音乐模仿者;

9.This music combined modern jazz and classical concert music.这种音乐将现代爵士乐和古典音乐融合在一起。

10.No, I mean new rock, jazz and the like.不是。我是指新摇滚乐和爵士乐之类的音乐。

11.Oh, and the bands and the music.还有那乐队和音乐。

12.country-and-western band乡村和西部音乐乐队

13.Musical Culture of Southeast Asia: Instruments and their Functions in Instrumental Ensemble;东南亚音乐文化:器乐重奏中的乐器和乐器功能

14.harmonic minor scale和声小音阶(音乐)

15.The brass and woodwinds sections of a band or an orchestra.管乐器乐队或交响乐队中的铜管乐器和木管乐器部分

16."Today we" re going to introduce the four groups of musical instruments: the stringed, wind, percussion, and electronic or electrophonic instruments."今天咱们介绍乐器的四大类别:弦乐器,管乐器,打击乐器和电子乐器。

17.With me today, are Rose and Le Le.今天和我一起来的是露丝和乐乐。

18.Also I go fully of pleasure eat and is to be had for every fun.并且我连同乐趣乐趣吃和充分地将吃每乐趣。



1.Harmonious andmajestic——Artistic beauty of campus rite poems in the book of songs;和乐而不失威仪——《诗经》校园礼仪诗的艺术美


4)Sacred and profane music.圣乐和俗乐

5)Fun and frolic.乐趣和欢乐

6)spirit of happiness and harmony和乐精神


