1200字范文 > 仪器谱 instrument spectrum英语短句 例句大全

仪器谱 instrument spectrum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-05 00:18:27


仪器谱 instrument spectrum英语短句 例句大全

仪器谱,instrument spectrum

1)instrument spectrum仪器谱

1.The superposition experiment of single peak and two peaks oninstrument spectrum of 137Cs和60Co by means of characteristic peaks synthesis,which provides a basis of synthesis of natural γ-ray spectrum.介绍两路或多路NaI(Tl)探测器γ能谱数据的合成方法及初步成果,以"特征峰叠加"的方法对137Cs和60Co的仪器谱进行单峰和双峰的叠加试验,为天然γ能谱合成提供依据。


1.Equipment Spectrum Simulation in Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry by Monte Carlo Method航空γ能谱测量仪器谱蒙特卡罗模拟

2.An instrument that produces a chromatogram.色谱仪产生色谱的仪器

3.filter-grating infrared spectrometer滤光器-光栅红外光谱仪

4.Design of Real-time Spectrum Analyzer Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的实时频谱分析仪设计

5.Development of Industrial Chromatograph Virtual Instrument Based on LabWindows/CVI基于LabWindows/CVI的工业色谱仪虚拟仪器开发

6.One of these instruments is called a multispectral scanner.其中有一种仪器称为多光谱扫描器。

7.The instrument directs the secondary ions to a mass spectrometer that identifies their compositions.仪器会将次级离子导向质谱仪,以?定其组成。

8.Design of Virtual Spectrum Analyzer Based on USB2.0基于虚拟仪器技术的频谱分析仪的设计

9.Experimental Research on Remote Sensing Spectrometer’s Instrument Response Function被动遥测光谱仪仪器响应函数的实验测定研究

10.Study of Communication System on Industrial Chromatograph Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器技术的工业色谱仪通信系统

11.The influence of detector spectral response on the peak position determination in the spectrometer wavelength calibration process探测器光谱响应对光谱仪器波长标定中谱峰位置的影响

12.Laboratory Test of an Instrument for Measuring the Rain DSD and Analysis of DISDROMETER DSD Measurement Data雨滴谱仪器的设计与雨滴谱资料的分析

13.The Development of Experimental Software System for GC/MS;色谱质谱联用仪器实验软件系统的研制开发

14.A Scheme of Frequency Spectrum Analyzer Based on Dummy Technique基于虚拟技术的频谱分析仪器方案

15.How does the detector change affect spectrometer pricing?更换探测器是否会影响光谱仪的价格?

16.astronomical ECD spectrometer电子耦合器件天文光谱仪

17.The programmer forms the heart of the process chromatograph.程序控制器是色谱仪的关键部件。

18.The series model of hydrometric instrumentsGB/T13336-1991水文仪器系列型谱


Spectral instrument光谱仪器

1.Automatic Control of Humidity for the Spectral Instrument Room;湿度计用于光谱仪器室的湿度自动控制


1.Wavelength Accuracy and Wavelength Calibration ofSpectrometer;光谱仪器的波长准确度及波长校准

2.The Software Framework Design to control and measureSpectrometer Based on VC++基于VC++的光谱仪器测控软件框架

3.The influence of detector spectral response on the peak position determination in the spectrometer wavelength calibration process探测器光谱响应对光谱仪器波长标定中谱峰位置的影响

4)accelerator spectrometer加速器谱仪

5)instrumental spectroscopy仪器光谱学

6)spectroscope amplifier谱仪放大器


