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叶斑病 leaf spot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-22 12:25:40


叶斑病 leaf spot英语短句 例句大全

叶斑病,leaf spot

1)leaf spot叶斑病

1.Pathogen identification ofleaf spot disease on blueberry;越橘叶斑病病原菌的鉴定

2.Identification and biological characteristics ofleaf spot s pathogen on Agrostis stolonifera;匍匐翦股颖叶斑病病原菌鉴定及生物学特性研究

3.Effect ofleaf spot on the stem sap flow of Betula platyphylla;叶斑病对白桦树干液流的影响


1.bacterial leaf spot of cauliflower花椰菜细菌性叶斑病

2.For bacterial leaf spots, the classical symptoms are circular, angular, watersoaked areas on the leaves.细菌性叶斑病的典型症状是叶子上出现圆斑、角斑或水浸状叶面。

3.Studies on the Pathology & Control Measures of Cyclaman Leaf Spot Disease;仙客来叶斑病病原学及防治技术研究

4.Bacterial leaf spot on maize-an increasingly serious disease in China玉米细菌性叶斑病—上升中的玉米病害

5.Identification of the Pathogen of Amomum villosum Lour. Leaf Spot and Its Control Fungicides Selection砂仁叶斑病病原菌鉴定及杀菌剂筛选

6.Preliminary Diagnose of the Causal agent of a Tobacco Leaf Spot Disease in Dali大理一种烟草叶斑病的病因初步诊断

7.Identification of Cucumber Target Leaf Spot(Brown Spot)Pathogen and Its Control山东省黄瓜棒孢叶斑病(褐斑病)病原菌鉴定和防治

8.Diagnoses, Identification and Control of Cylindrocladium Leaf Spot Disease on Blueberry;越橘Cylindrocladium型叶斑病的诊断鉴定及防治

9.General Revolution Spatial Models (GRSM) for Maize Leaf Spot Caused by Curvularia lunata玉米弯孢菌叶斑病空间旋转模型(GRSM)

10.Effects of fenbuconazole on leaf spot disease of banana under field conditions腈苯唑防治香蕉叶斑病田间药效试验

11.Studies on the stability of Curvularia lunata toxin玉米弯孢叶斑病菌毒素稳定性的研究

12.Identification and biological characteristics of the pathogenic fungus causing the leaf spot on Pritchardia pacifica斐济金棕叶斑病菌鉴定及生物学特性

13.The Mechanizm of Ligustrum Vicaryi Calico and Its Integrated Control Measures;金叶女贞叶斑病发生机制及综合防治措施

14.Resistance of Malus Species Against CLSV苹果属植物对苹果褪绿叶斑病毒病的抗性

15.Molecular Variability of Apple Stem Grooving Virus and Apple Cholorotic Leaf Spot Virus;苹果茎沟病毒和褪绿叶斑病毒分子变异研究

16.Etiology of Poinsettia Leaf Spot and Its Antagonistic Bacteria in China;一品红叶斑病病原学及其拮抗细菌的研究

17.Pathogen Identification of Blackcurrant Leaf Spot and Fungicide Screening;黑穗醋栗叶斑病病原鉴定及防治药剂筛选

18.Study of Pathogenic Identification and Chemical Control of Marigold Leaf Spot;万寿菊叶斑病病原鉴定及药剂防治研究


leaf spots叶斑病

1.Myclobutanil had been tested in Pubei,Guangxi province againstleaf spots on banana in 1999.5%腈菌唑乳油防治香蕉叶斑病试验于 1 999年在广西省蒲北进行。

2.By using Agronomic measures to change the source-sink, the relationship to the source-sink index and the dynamic development of peanutleaf spots is studied.通过采用农艺措施改变花生源库比处理,研究了花生叶斑病发展动态及与源库指标的关系,建立了以源库指标、生育时期为自变量的预测模型。

3)leaf brown spot叶褐斑病

1.This paper reported the symptoms, pathogen and pathogenic mechanism of theleaf brown spot and its control methods and their effects for the improved varieties Kerman and Peters of Pistacia vera introduced in 1997— in contrast with Xinjiang Pistacia vera.1997—研究了北京地区大棚和露地引进阿月浑子良种Kerman、Peters及对照新疆阿月浑子叶褐斑病的症状、病原菌、致病程度影响因子、防治措施和效果。

4)leaf spot blight叶斑枯病

prehensive prevention and control ofleaf spot blight (Coccostroma arundinariae) of Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. pubescens;毛竹叶斑枯病的综合防治

2.The loss estimation control criterion ofleaf spot blight(Coccostroma arundinariae)of Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.Pubescens;毛竹叶斑枯病的损失估测及防治指标

3.By fungicide control experiment indoor and outdoor, the results show that in outdoor control, 500 times of Carbendazim or Enadimenol by high spraying are the best in controllingleaf spot blight(Coccostroma arundinariae)of bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla cv pubescenspubescens)叶斑枯病 (Coccostroma arundinariae)野外化学防治以 1 2 。

5)leaf-spot type叶斑病类

6)resistant leaf spot抗叶斑病


叶斑病经病原物侵害后主要在叶片上发生各种局部坏死性病斑的植物病害。可由真菌、细菌、线虫引起。病原物以真菌为主,如尾孢属(Cercospora)、长蠕孢属 (Helminthosporium)、壳针孢属(Septoria)、叶点霉属 (Phyllosticta)、链格孢属(Alternaria)等;此外,黄色单胞杆菌属(Xanthomonas)和假单胞杆菌属(Pseudomonas)的细菌也可引起叶斑病。有些病原物存在不同的生理小种。常见的叶斑病有由真菌引起的玉米大斑病、玉米小斑病、橡胶麻点病、花生褐斑病、花生黑斑病、甜菜褐斑病、向日葵褐斑病、苹果褐斑病等,由细菌引起的棉花角斑病、水稻白叶枯病、大豆细菌性叶斑病等。叶斑病菌主要在植物病残组织和种子上越冬,成为下一代生长季的初侵染源。病菌多数靠气流、风雨,有时也靠昆虫传播。通常在生长季节不断侵染。叶斑病的流行要求雨量较大、降雨次数较多、温度适宜的气候条件,但也有对湿度要求不高的情况,如马铃薯早疫病。叶斑病造成局部坏死;仅少数可发展为系统侵染,如水稻白叶枯病的病菌侵入后在植株体内扩展,苗期症状不明显,至分蘖末期、孕穗初期呈现典型症状。防治主要侧重于抗病育种和清洁田园,适当结合栽培措施和化学防治。对果树叶斑病,药剂防治的效果较好。常用的药剂有波尔多液、代森锌、退菌特、百菌清、托布津、多菌灵等。对系统性侵染的叶斑病,以种子处理的效果较明显。
