1200字范文 > 群测群防 mass observation and mass preparedness英语短句 例句大全

群测群防 mass observation and mass preparedness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-19 23:25:58


群测群防 mass observation and mass preparedness英语短句 例句大全

群测群防,mass observation and mass preparedness

1)mass observation and mass preparedness群测群防

1.On Historical Review and Development Strategy: Mass Observation and Mass Preparedness of Earthquake Disasters地震群测群防的历史回顾与发展策略

2.The establishment of Management Information System of Anhui ground water observation &mass observation and mass preparedness is beneficial to standardized information management.建立安徽省地下水观测及群测群防网管理信息系统,有利于实现市县地震监测预报工作信息化、规范化管理。


1.On Historical Review and Development Strategy: Mass Observation and Mass Preparedness of Earthquake Disasters地震群测群防的历史回顾与发展策略

2.Mass Monitoring and Preventing Geological Disasters and Designing Re-benchmarking Mechanism地质灾害群测群防“十有县”建设再标杆管理机制设计

parison of Jiaduo automatic pest forecast light trap and blacklight trap for monitoring and trapping the meadow moth,Loxostege sticticalis佳多虫情测报灯和普通黑光灯对草地螟种群监测与防治效果比较

4.Police had to be out in strength in case the crowd caused any trouble.警察群起出动以防人群制造麻烦。

5.Ponder over the Measures of Precaution on Chinese Groups Events Based on the Protection of Social Vulnerable Groups Rights;弱势群体权利保护与群体性事件预防

6.Be on the watch for thieves in this crowd.提防人群中有小偷。

7.from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish.从测定海深到测定鱼群,

8.Control the Ginseng Root Diseases with Trichoderma Preparation and Estimate the Dynamic Change of Trichoderma Community in the Field;木霉菌剂防治人参根部病害研究及木霉田间种群动态监测

9.Study on the Sprinters Who Use the Physiological Index Monitoring to Prevent the Damage of the Muscle of the Leg;对短跑运动员运用生理指标监测预防大腿肌群损伤的研究

10.A Discussion on the Improvement of Mass Prevention and Control of Public Order by Taking Guards as the "Bridge";以保安为“桥梁”提升社会治安群防群控水平探讨

11.Explore of Mass Prevention and Control Working Model of Hypertension in Shanghai上海市群防群控高血压病工作模式探索

12.midget ultrasonic fish finder小型超声波鱼群探测器

13.midget alarm fish finder小型告警式鱼群探测器

14.group delay characteristic measuring equipment群延迟特性测量装置

15.cohort component projection同期组群人口组元推测

16.Analysis of Heterosis of Population Tester and Population × tester群体、测验种及群体×测验种互作的遗传效应分析

17.At last, construction on mass organization precaution net to fulfill a public security precaution system.再次 ,体现在构建社区公共安全预防体系上 ,构造群防群治网络。

18.Isolation and Identification of Avian Leukosis Virus-B from Layer Chickens Infected with Avian Leukosis Virus-J感染J亚群禽白血病病毒的蛋鸡群中检测出B亚群禽白血病病毒


operated by mass people群测群防

1.Geological hazard monitoring and prevention systemoperated by mass people in the Three Gorges Reservoir area;三峡水库区地质灾害群测群防监测预警系统

2.System ofoperated by mass people and warning of sudden outbrust hazards in geological hazards mountainous area;地质灾害易发山区群测群防体系与突发性灾害预警

3)experimental county of mass monitoring and mass preventing群测群防试点县

4)system by residents" self-control of disaster群测群防体系

5)"mass prevention and treatment"群防群治

1.On the"mass prevention and treatment" work;论我国当前群防群治工作

6)Mass prevention and control群防群控


