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《黑奴吁天录》 Uncle Toms Cabin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-20 14:35:58


《黑奴吁天录》 Uncle Toms Cabin英语短句 例句大全

《黑奴吁天录》,Uncle Tom"s Cabin

1)Uncle Tom"s Cabin《黑奴吁天录》


1.A Study of Lin Shu s Chinese Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin from a Deconstructionist Perspective;从解构主义视角看林译《黑奴吁天录》

2.On the Translation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin:A Perspective of Skopos Theory;目的论三法则与《黑奴吁天录》的翻译

3.A Poetics Study on Lin Shu s Translating Methods in His Chinese Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin;林纾《黑奴吁天录》翻译方法的诗学阐释

4.Cultural Adaptation in Lin Su s Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin;从《黑奴吁天录》看林纾翻译的文化改写

5.An Interpretation of the Validity of Lin Shu"s Translation of Uncle Tom"s Cabin林纾《黑奴吁天录》翻译之合法性探讨

6.On the Traces of Rewriting in Lin Shu s Hei Nu Yu Tian Lu: A Cultural Perspective;林纾译本《黑奴吁天录》改写痕迹的文化透视

7.On Lin Shu and Wei Yi s Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin: A Perspective of Skopos Theory;从目的论看林纾与魏易合译的《黑奴吁天录》

8.A Descriptive Translation Study on Translation Behavior in the Late Qing Period of China: A Case Study of Lin Shu and His Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin;晚清翻译的描述性研究:林纾和他的《黑奴吁天录》

9.Ideology Manipulation in Lin Shu’s Translation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin;从《黑奴吁天录》看意识形态对翻译的操纵

10.Research on Ideological Influence upon the Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin;从《黑奴吁天录》看社会意识形态对翻译的影响

11.Inter-subjectivity:the logic in the translation process of Black Slaves Appeal to Heaven;交互主体性:林译《黑奴吁天录》的整合逻辑

12.Analysis of Lin Shu"s Translation Version hei Nu Yu Tian Lu from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory从顺应论的视角分析林纾的译本《黑奴吁天录》

13.Study on Translating Thoughts and Techniques of Lin Shu"s Translation from Uncle Tom"s Cabin从《黑奴吁天录》看林纾的翻译思想和方法

14.On Translator s Subjectivity in Lin Shu s Chinese Version of Uncle Tom s Cabin: A Deconstructional Perspective;从解构主义视角看林译《黑奴吁天录》中的译者主体性

15.On Lin Shu s Creative Treason in Translating Uncle Tom s Cabin-A Perspective of Skopos Theory;从目的论视角阐释林纾翻译《黑奴吁天录》过程中的创造性叛逆

16.Translation Strategies and "A Holistic Model of Translation Process": A Case Study of Lin Shu s Version of Uncle Tom s Cabin;翻译策略与“翻译过程总括模式”——译著《黑奴吁天录》的个案分析

17.On Lin Shu s Chinese Translation of Uncle Tom s Cabin from Readers Horizon of Expectations;从“读者期待视野”角度解读林纾《黑奴吁天录》的翻译

18.A Comment on Lin Shu′s Version of Uncle Tom′s Cabin from Perspectives of Equivalence on Theme and Effect;从主题对等与效果对等角度重评林译《黑奴吁天录》


Black Slaves Appeal to Heaven《黑奴吁天录》

1.By analyzing the communication between the author, the translators, and the readers ofBlack Slaves Appeal to Heaven, this paper reveals the inter-subjectivity in the translation process and presents that it is the intrinsic feature of translation activ.本文通过分析林纾翻译小说《黑奴吁天录》中各翻译主体的对话情况,揭示了译本整合过程中的交互主体性作用,从而说明交互主体性是翻译活动的本质特征。

3)Hei Nu Yu Tian Lu黑奴吁天录

1.Hei Nu Yu Tian Lu, a Chinese version of Uncle Tom\"s Cabin translated by Lin Shu, can be taken as a good illustration.以林译《黑奴吁天录》为例,根据“忠实”原则,该书算不上好的译本,因为其中充满了删减、增添与重写。

4)black slave黑奴

5)Go Tell It on the Mountain《向苍天呼吁》

1.Seeking Identity under God: A Religious Study ofGo Tell It on the Mountain;宗教世界里的身份诉求:《向苍天呼吁》的宗教解读

2.Baldwin had depicted three distinct father images in his three works which were created in different phases of his life——Go Tell It on the Mountain,The Amen Corner and If Beale Street Could Talk.鲍德温在不同时期创作的三部作品——《向苍天呼吁》、《阿门角》和《假如比尔街能够说话》——中塑造了三种不同类型的黑人父亲形象,而且这些父亲形象都可以从《圣经》以及鲍德温本人的生活中找到原型。

3.Through close reading of James Baldwin s three novels,Go Tell It on the Mountain (1953), If Beale Street Could Talk (1974), and Just above My Head (1978), this study detects a secular tendency in these works written over two decades which betrays Baldwin s intention to deny and bridge the secular-sacred dichotomy in Christian spirituality.本文通过细读他的三部小说,《向苍天呼吁》、《假如比尔街能够说话》、《就在我的头顶之上》认为鲍德温小说中存在一种世俗化倾向,作者意欲否认世俗与神圣的两元对立,力图寻求两者之间的联结,在世俗世界中实现基督教精神。

6)Go Tell I on The Mountain向苍天呼吁


