1200字范文 > 英语专业生 English majors英语短句 例句大全

英语专业生 English majors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-29 15:55:28


英语专业生 English majors英语短句 例句大全

英语专业生,English majors

1)English majors英语专业生

1.Translation is one of the basic language skills that are required to be mastered byEnglish majors in their undergraduate study.翻译是英语专业生必须掌握的基本技能,但由于涉及作者、译者、读者等多个交际因素,翻译技能对有较好的双语功底和跨文化背景的英语专业本科生仍不易掌握。

2)junior college English majors专科英语专业生

3)non-English majors非英语专业学生

1.An empirical study of spoken English courses ofnon-English majors;非英语专业学生口语课的教学调查与研究

2.Extra-curriculum Reading of English Materials: An Effective Way to Improve Non-English Majors English Level in Colleges in Minority Nationality Districts;强化课外英文阅读 提高民族地区高校非英语专业学生英语水平

3.The Exploration of English Listening and Speaking Testing Mode of Non-English Majors——with the Popularization of PETS;非英语专业学生英语听说考察模式探索——基于PETS考试的推广


1.On the Factors Affecting the Improvement of Non - English Majors Oral English;非英语专业学生英语口语抑制因素析

2.Fostering the Acquisition of Spoken English for the College Students of Non-English Major;非英语专业学生英语口语技能的培养

3.Study on Attitudes Among Non-English Major EFL Students;非英语专业学生的英语学习态度研究

4.English study problem of students of non-English specialty;非英语专业学生英语学习问题之研究

5.The Study on Reading Strategies of EFL Students;非英语专业学生英语阅读策略的研究

6.A Survey of English Writing of Non-English Majors;非英语专业学生英语写作现状及对策

ment on English oral testing of non-English major students;非英语专业大学生英语口语测试刍议

8.English Teaching of Non-English Major Graduate Students;非英语专业研究生英语口语教学探索

9.A Survey of English Learning Motivation of College Non-English Majors;非英语专业大学生英语学习动机调查

10.A Study on English Language Learning Strategies of Chinese Non-English Majors;非英语专业大学生英语学习策略研究

11.Non-English Majors English Learning Beliefs: A Survey Study;非英语专业大学生英语学习观念调查

12.A study on English language learning strategies of Chinese non-English major students;非英语专业大学生英语学习策略调查

13.Influence of Non-English Majors Interest and Motivation in Learning English on English Teaching;非英语专业大学生英语学习兴趣研究

14.A Probing and Analysis of College Students Psychology on English Study of Non-English Majors;非英语专业大学生英语学习心理探析

15.A Survey of Non-English Majors Reading Strategy Use;非英语专业大学生英语阅读策略研究

16.An Investigation of English Vocabulary for Non-English Major College Students;非英语专业大学生英语词汇水平研究

17.An Analysis on Attributional Tendency of Non-English Majors’ English Learning in vocational Colleges;非英语专业高职生英语学习归因分析

18.Study on the English Learning Strategies of Non-English Major Freshmen;非英语专业新生英语学习策略的研究


junior college English majors专科英语专业生

3)non-English majors非英语专业学生

1.An empirical study of spoken English courses ofnon-English majors;非英语专业学生口语课的教学调查与研究

2.Extra-curriculum Reading of English Materials: An Effective Way to Improve Non-English Majors English Level in Colleges in Minority Nationality Districts;强化课外英文阅读 提高民族地区高校非英语专业学生英语水平

3.The Exploration of English Listening and Speaking Testing Mode of Non-English Majors——with the Popularization of PETS;非英语专业学生英语听说考察模式探索——基于PETS考试的推广

4)English majors英语专业学生

1.A study of differences in the use of LLS between English and non-English majors;英语专业和非英语专业学生学习策略差异研究

2.This paper indicates that it is important and possible for theEnglish majors to learn through inquiry and suggests thatd ifferents trategies ofl earningt hroughi nquiry be used in different phases of learning.本文认为在英语专业学生中开展研究性学习是重要的和可行的,并提出根据不同的学习阶段实行不同的研究性学习策略。

3.Based on the need of the reform and development of English teaching facing the 21st century in middle schools, this article analyses the necessity of cultivatingEnglish majors′ modern educational technology quality, and discuses some ways of cultivatingEnglish majors′ quality.本文从我国基础英语教育进入 2 1世纪所面临的挑战和现时中学多媒体英语教学存在的问题出发 ,探讨了提高高师英语专业学生现代教育技术素质的必要性和培养措施。

5)English major英语专业学生

1.An Investigation on English Majors Intercultural Communication Strategies;英语专业学生跨文化交际学习策略调查研究

2.A careful study ofEnglish majors compositions shows that these students are not good at making use of such devices, which leads to incoherence in their paragraphs and essays.英语专业学生的作文中明显存在衔接手段使用不当的问题。

3.Through the modified Toulmin argument model,the paper explores theEnglish majors\" logical thinking quality in argumentative writings from a rhetorical perspective.文章利用修正过的图尔明论辩模式,考察英语专业学生议论文写作中论辩结构和要素的使用情况,目的是从修辞学的角度研究英专学生的思维品质:(1)论辩结构的完备性;(2)主张或然度所体现的逻辑思维客观性;(3)对手意识所体现的论辩力度;(4)论辩成分延展性所体现的思维广度和深度。

6)professional English of biology生物学英语专业


