1200字范文 > 升压改造 upgrading英语短句 例句大全

升压改造 upgrading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-09 09:04:45


升压改造 upgrading英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis onupgrading of Lijiaxia-Qunke line from 35kV to 110kV;35kV线路升压为110kV线路的分析——李群Ⅰ回35kV线路升压改造为110kV线路


1.Thisupgrading by compact type design may he an effective way to solve the problems of shortage of capital resources and the urgent needs of strengthening 1 10 kV network construction.充分利用35 kV线路现有路径及设施,经过严密的理论计算,采用紧凑型技术,确保线路空气间隙、耐雷水平及雷击跳闸率等指标达到国家规程规定要求,实现35kV线路改造升压为 110 kV紧凑型线路,解决了 110 kV电网亟待加强与完善,及其建设资金严重不足的矛盾与困难,这是加速地区性 110kV电网建设的有效途径。


1.The Feasibility Analysis of Liqun I Loop Which Steps up from 35kV into Compacted 110kV Transmission Line李群Ⅰ回35kV线路改造升压为紧凑型110kV线路的可行性分析

2.Research on Substation"s Boosting Reconstruction from 35 kV to 110 kV in Shanghai Area上海地区35kV变电站升压110kV改造研究

3.JD-55 Hydraulic Winch Systems to Enhance Multi-level TransformationJD-55绞车多级提升液压系统的改造

4.ZK7-6/250 Electric Locomotive Voltage Promotion TransformsZK7-6/250型电机车电压升级改造

5.Energy-Saving and pressure-increasing reform of 380kW/6kV alternating current motor380kW/6kV交流电动机升压节能改造的优化

6.Application and Analysis of Automatic Voltage Control System for Upgrading in the Voltage Areas地区电网无功电压自动控制系统升级改造

7.Variable frequency reformation of condensate boost pump in DCS systemDCS系统上凝结水升压泵的变频控制改造

8.Application of high-voltage frequency changer in upgrading of coal mine main shaft hoist高压变频器在煤矿主井提升机改造中的应用

9.Upgrading and Transformation of GE PACS/RIS systemGE PACS/RIS的升级改造

10.Improving traditional manufactural enterprises by advanced technology;用先进适用技术改造提升传统制造业

11.Zhangji Mine Auxiliary Hoist Upgrading and Questions Exist张集矿副井提升机升级改造及存在问题

12.Research of Transformation Increasing Capacity of Coal Refuse Dumping平煤天安八矿矸石山提升能力升级改造研究

13.The pressure,effect and mechanism innovation of RMB exchange rate;人民币汇率升值压力、影响与机制改革

14.Main System Improvement and Properties Analysis of Hydraulic Elevator Control System矿山提升机液压控制系统的改进设计

15."Expanding and strengthening major industries, updating and renovating traditional industries."做大做强主导产业,改造提升传统产业

16.Third, we worked actively to renovate and upgrade traditional industries.三是积极改造和提升传统工业。

17.Tension Device Modification on Annual Chain Elevator环链式提升机尾部张紧装置技术改造

18.The Upgrade of Numerical Control Turning Machine of D.C. Servo Drives;直流伺服驱动型数控车床的升级改造



1.Thisupgrading by compact type design may he an effective way to solve the problems of shortage of capital resources and the urgent needs of strengthening 1 10 kV network construction.充分利用35 kV线路现有路径及设施,经过严密的理论计算,采用紧凑型技术,确保线路空气间隙、耐雷水平及雷击跳闸率等指标达到国家规程规定要求,实现35kV线路改造升压为 110 kV紧凑型线路,解决了 110 kV电网亟待加强与完善,及其建设资金严重不足的矛盾与困难,这是加速地区性 110kV电网建设的有效途径。


1.Planning and Fulfilment of the Campus LAN Upgrading;校园网升级改造的规划和实现

2.Study onupgrading of second cooling control system in slab continuous cast板坯连铸二冷控制系统升级改造的研究

3.Thinking on Effective Management During the Upgrading Green Space绿地升级改造过程中实施有效管理的思考

4)elevation reconstruction升高改造


1.Approach of some topics aboutupgraded inductively coupled plasma spectrometers;电感耦合等离子体光谱仪升级改造中几个问题的探讨

2.According to many year s experience in operation and maintenance,the system at GPSPS isupgraded.根据多年的运行管理经验对原系统进行了升级改造,增加了一些适用于抽水蓄能电厂或水电厂的管理模块,介绍了其实现方法,为抽水蓄能电厂和水电厂生产管理系统的建设和改造提供了有益的参考。

3.The paper analyzes the reason of the fault,and proposes theupgrade scheme,and expounds its function,thus improves the economic efficiency of the station operation.系统升级改造并实施后,提高电站安全运行水平及电能生产质量,形成一个完整的、先进的开放网络型分层分布的实时闭环过程控制系统,提高了电站运行的经济效益,逐步满足了现代电力企业发展要求及远方调度部门集控要求。


1.Practice and Consideration onAlteration of Large-ScaleAnalytical Instrument;改造升级大型精密仪器的实践与思考


鞍氨酸血管升压素试验鞍氨酸血管升压素试验病人禁食,上午8时,在 500ml葡萄糖盐水中加10单位的赖氨酸血管升压素,以每小时2个单位的速度静滴持续2小时。在滴注前(0)和滴注后30、60、90和120分钟分别抽血 (共5次),测皮质类固醇。结果正常人血浆皮质类固醇水平升高,可达20μg%或更多。
